Treatment of pancreatic folk remedies
Treatment at home, according to traditional medicine, sometimes gives the best results, non-medical pills and drugs from pharmacy stalls. Sometimes these methods can not even explain medicine, but their effectiveness is evident and should not be postponed their application to the last resort. We propose to consider in more detail some of them.
Pain in the pancreas appears in the upper abdomen, around the navel. The nature of pain depends on the degree of inflammation. To remove the pain, or at least to relieve it, you can put ice to the stomach, to the left of the navel.
Oat decoction. Take a glass of unpeeled oat grains, pour boiling water, it should be in the amount of one liter, put on a small fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, then pour into a thermos and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and drink half a glass twice a day. Duration of treatment is one month.
Potatoes. Grate on a fine grater and wring out. Drink the juice in half a cup two hours before eating. After the juice of the potatoes, it is necessary, after 5 minutes, to drink a glass of kefir. Treatment scheme - two weeks to drink juice, then a ten-day break and repeat again. For complete healing, you may need four courses.
In folk medicine, a decoction of burdock is used. To do this, take 3 tablespoons.crushed root, pour 750 ml.water. Insist 4 hours, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and leave to leave for another 15 minutes. Then strain. Take 4 a day, after a meal.
Also the compress from yogurt has established itself as a proven tool. Do it in the evening, preferably at night. Saturate the soft cloth with yogurt and put it slightly to the left of the stomach, cover it with polyethylene and warm it. Do the procedure for six weeks.
Calendula. To do this, take the flowers of marigold medicinal, field iron ore and sage leaves. Each ingredient is taken 3 tbsp. Also add young shoots of common hazel - 2 tablespoons.and St. John's wort pitted( grass) - 1 tbsp. All this mix. Then from the resulting mixture take 2 tablespoons, pour boiling water in an amount of 800 ml. Insist five hours and use 2 tablespoons.every 4 hours.
Burdock root, elecampane high, chicory and dandelion. Take the same amount of each of the listed ingredients, mix. You will need one teaspoon, after which you fill it with one glass of water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. The resulting broth should be infused for one hour. Strain and drink 25 grams before each meal.
Traditional medicine can help even with pancreatic cancer. Potato flowers. You will need 3 tablespoons. You need to fill them with half a glass of boiling water. And insist the resulting mixture in the thermos, for three hours. Drink 0.1 liter for half an hour before meals. Duration of the procedure is fourteen days. This is an effective measure for the treatment of cancer, which, in some cases, promotes complete healing.
Wormwood mixture .For this, the root is taken in the amount of 0.04 kg., Potato flowers - 0.035 kg., Calendulae - 0,015 kg., Root of aira - 0.01 kg. The ingredients are mixed. After, the collected 2 is filled with hot water( two glasses are needed).The received means insist not less than five hours and drink on a half-glass, for half an hour before meal. Together with this infusion, there is a need to take propolis extract water for 1 tbsp.
Chicory root .Grind, take two teaspoons and fill with boiling water, in the amount of one glass, put on fire. Bring to a boil, cook for about seven minutes. Cool and drink the filtered product all day for one sip.
Eastern medicine for pancreatic diseases, also offers its methods of dealing with them. In accordance with the provisions of Sahaja Yoga, developed by Shri Nirmala Devi, four elements can be used for treatment: air, fire, water, earth. Type a warm, pleasant sensation in the basin, so that it covers your feet, throw a spoonful of salt into the water, put your feet in the basin. Sit down and place a burning candle in front of your face, so that the flame is at the level of the eyebrows, along the middle line, 15-20 cm from the face. It is necessary to sit, straightening the spine, putting your hands on your feet and looking at the candle flame,leaves the body in the water. Do this procedure for 15 minutes. After that, wash your feet with clean water, and pour the water from the basin into the toilet. Tazik for other purposes, except for the treatment of diseases, do not use. He is "energetically dirty"!
Any of the proposed treatments in folk ways, requires a diet and routine of the patient's day.
Despite its small size relative to other internal organs of the human body, the pancreas plays a very important role throughout the system, producing insulin and enzymes, which are essential for the normal functioning of the intestine in the process of digesting the food that has entered it. The location of this representative of the endocrine glands is under the stomach to the left. In the case of an inflammatory process or congestion, it can cause a reaction of the nerve endings, which is perceived by the person as a sharp pain and is fraught with deterioration of the general health conditions.
Science describes several diseases of the pancreas, the main ones of which are pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus. These diseases can be caused by a variety of reasons, for example, the body suffers from pancreatitis in the case of a previous bladder disease( blockage of the biliary tract), alcohol poisoning, after injuries and infections, as well as due to connective tissue diseases. In the case of the termination or change in the quality of insulin production by the gland, the body is at risk of collision with the problem of assimilation of sugar from the blood, which entails diabetes. The reason for this may be arteriosclerosis of the vessels, obesity or the development of hereditary predisposition. Read more about the symptoms of pancreatic diseases.
The pancreas is located under the stomach and slightly behind it on the back wall of the abdominal cavity at the level of the first two lumbar vertebrae, it has an elongated shape. There are several divisions in it: the thickest one is the head;further from right to left follow the narrowed neck, body and tail, occupying an almost horizontal position. Its head lies in the loop of the duodenum, and its tail reaches the spleen. The length of the gland is 15-25 cm, the thickness is 2-3 cm, the weight is about 100-150 g.
The pancreas has a lobed surface, covered on all sides by a capsule through which two excretory ducts are visible. They pass through the entire gland from head to tail and in their turn take a secret from the lobules of the pancreas( each lobule, in turn, has its own small duct).The main excretory duct of the pancreas is called the Virgus. It merges with the common bile duct opening into the duodenum on the apex of the large papilla. The second duct of the pancreas is Santorini, into the duodenum opens independently - on top of another, small papilla.
The pancreas simultaneously plays the role of the gland of digestion and the endocrine gland. Its composition is not homogeneous. Some cells produce digestive enzymes, and others - hormones of internal secretion. Digestive enzymes of the pancreas in the juice come in the duodenum, where the final digestion of everything that has not had time to digest in the stomach. The amount of secreted pancreatic juice, as well as its properties are variable - they are directly dependent on the type of food. The greatest amount of juice is allocated for bread and bakery products. Increase the allocation of pancreatic juice cranberry juice, carbonated water.
The endocrine function of the pancreas is performed by islets of Langerhans, a special kind of cluster of cells scattered throughout the gland. By mass all together they make up only about 1-3% of the weight of the gland, but their effect on the body is enormous.
When entering the bloodstream, the hormones released by various kinds of Langerhans cells participate in all kinds of metabolism, but mostly they stimulate carbohydrate metabolism.
The most powerful stimulator of insulin secretion under physiological conditions is glucose. An increase in blood glucose levels increases the secretion of insulin in pancreatic islets, and a decrease in its content, on the contrary, slows the secretion of insulin. Thus, the blood content of insulin is regulated by the mechanism of negative feedback and the main regulator is glucose. In second place in the power of regulation of the secretion of insulin are fatty acids, their entry into the blood also increases the release of insulin into the blood, although not to such a strong extent,as glucose. The third place in the ability to cause a reactive release of insulin are amino acids. The need for an organism of a healthy person in insulin per day is approximately 40 units.
In the lists of traditional and traditional medicine tools and methods, there are a huge variety of treatment options for such diseases, the main task of which is to clean the pancreas and its vessels from accumulated substances that interfere with its normal functioning.
The first ingredient, the amount of which must be significantly reduced, or replaced at all, is sugar. Next, in the list of recommended prohibitions are alcohol, tobacco, fatty foods, as well as salty and sharp. The best assistants in a diet of a curative nature will be porridges, especially such as buckwheat and oatmeal.
In any case, as far as you do not seem to be acceptable to some or other ways to fight the disease of the pancreas, you must initially correctly diagnose the ailment, and only after making appropriate decisions and resorting to adequate methods for the disease. Only a specialist with a higher medical education and practice of work, having familiarized himself with the result of the tests performed, will be able to prescribe appropriate and effective treatment, advising the right symbiosis of it with folk methods.