  • Treatment of a fungus with folk remedies

    You probably already heard about fungal diseases and various attempts to treat it. So, if it happened that you were the victim of an unpleasant illness, do not despair!

    There are many ways to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. More details about the symptoms of this disease look here.

    In the modern world, almost forgotten about the ancient sources that helped our ancestors overcome difficulties. What are we talking about? Yes, everything is elementary! Nature is our main friend and helper, only people have long forgotten about this. And so, let's return to our problem. Fungus, this is, of course, a little pleasant phenomenon, but you can and must fight it! If you have tried various medications, you are tired of expensive and ineffective ointments, try to solve the problem in another way.

    The main methods of treatment of fungus by the folk remedies of are very popular. And this is not an accident! Thousands of people got rid of an unpleasant disease only thanks to folk medicine. Do not hesitate, if correctly and gradually follow the following recommendations the effect will be stunning! You will see for yourself that the methods of treating the fungus with folk remedies are not a myth, but a reality! Besides, what should you try? You do not lose anything, and even on the contrary - with the right approach you can FOREVER get rid of the fungus. Is it tempting? So let's try to solve your problem together!

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    And so, now we will tell you about the main methods of treating the fungus folk remedies, which really helped many people. Just do not worry, all recipes are tested and absolutely safe. Yes, you can see for yourself. Among other things, the collected recipes are absolutely accessible to the common people - they do not have expensive ingredients or previously unknown herbs.

    If it happened that you suffer from fungal foot disease and you can not get rid of this misfortune for a long time, then the disease will develop into a chronic form( this means that it's worth a little sweat, how the fungus will immediately appear on the skin between the toes).Here, of course, a little pleasant, but you can still help.

    Here is one effective recipe: take 1l of home( !) Milk and put it for a while in the refrigerator. When it settles, remove 1 tbsp.a spoonful of thick cream. Then add to them 1 fresh homemade( !) Egg and 100 g of birch tar. Mix everything thoroughly. The resulting ointment should always be stored in the refrigerator. The way of application is pretty simple! You should put the prepared ointment on the affected places and bandage it. Here the main condition is strict adherence to the rules. Do not abandon procedures even if the fungus has already receded. Be lazy and the fungus will return immediately!

    In order to achieve the desired result and completely drive away the disease from you will require the application of these tips for at least 2 months. That's when it will be useful! In addition, you should stick to personal hygiene and every day boil socks, shorten the nails and, if possible, change shoes. Do not doubt, it will help!
    Another, no less effective way of treating the fungus folk remedies is the following recipe: you will need fir branches, butter, foil and a container for the cream. Crush( as small as possible cut) spruce branches and put them in a jar( 250-300 grams) with layers of butter. Next, cover the jar with foil and firmly fix it( you can tie it with a kapron thread.) Then put the container in a hot oven and simmer for about 5-6 hours at low heat, you will see the formation of a green liquid - this is what you need! Strain the finished oil and putDo not hesitate, the effect will come almost immediately, but there's no need to rush and cancel the procedure, otherwise everything can happen again. "

    An unpleasant disease is also a nail fungus. If you ran into this for the first time, then, probably, immediately ran to the doctor. But people who for years can not get rid of an unnecessary illness know more effective ways, based on methods of treating the fungus with folk remedies. And so, we suggest you do not hurry, but try to get rid of the nail fungus yourself and forever.
    And so, the most common remedy against nail fungus in the people has always been the use of a tea fungus. This unique plant has wonderful properties and you should not try it in action. To do this, you need to take a plate of the tea fungus and gently pritotat to the damaged nail plate. Fix the mushroom with a cellophane film and a bandage. The procedure should be done in the evening. Attention! Do not be afraid that at first this method can cause unpleasant pain. Be patient, because your health is much more important! In the morning remove the bandage and rinse your foot in warm boiled water. You will see that the surface of the nail is dead. It is necessary to carefully remove it and treat the inflamed surface with iodine solution. The procedure can be repeated in a day or two. In a few weeks you can get rid of the fungus forever. Only strictly follow our instructions and do not let things go by themselves.
    The following recipe is also pretty good and you can try using it to get rid of a boring disease. And so, you need to prepare propolis oil. To do this, 100 gr of Vaseline drown in a water bath in enamel ware( just do not bring to a boil).Slightly cool a bit and pour 15-18 grams of ground propolis. After this, put it again on a steam bath and stir well until a uniform mass is formed. Strain and boldly apply ointment on the affected area of ​​the fungus. This is a completely painless method and it guarantees you quickly and safely rid you of an unnecessary problem. The procedure should be done strictly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.

    The panacea for this disease is also the onion. Onion juice helps to get rid of unnecessary problems. You should know that the fungus is a tricky thing, and it affects not only the skin of the hands, legs, nail plate, but sometimes your ears may suffer. If your ears are scratched and doctors diagnose a fungus, you need the following advice. This type of fungus can be cured in 3-4 days. The medication recipe is simple! You need to grate a fairly large onion on a small grater, squeeze the juice and for the night just to dig in the ear and in the nose for 5 drops of pure juice( undiluted).Those "waste" from the bulb you just need to eat. In a few days you will forget about annoying symptoms. Also, when the skin is damaged, the onion soaked in water rubbed on the grater, mixed with Vaseline and the mixture applied directly to the affected areas. You will need 10-15 minutes. In two weeks you will completely forget about your troubles.

    By the way, a fungus is not just a skin disease. These are signs of a malfunction in the body. If you have such problems, then perhaps cleaning your intestines and the vitamin complex will help you. Think about it, because the problems must be solved while they are small. You can easily get rid of any kind of fungus with the help of the above methods, if you have a health problem, then it is likely that the disease will return. We advise you to pay close attention to your health! We hope that you will do everything right and get rid of fungal diseases forever!