
How is hypotension of the intestine manifested and treated? Effective methods and means to combat the disease

  • How is hypotension of the intestine manifested and treated? Effective methods and means to combat the disease

    Hypotension of the intestine is a condition in which its motor activity is reduced and, as a consequence, functions( emptying and excretion of stool) are violated. Normally, the time between the withdrawal of stools should not exceed 48 hours.

    In hypotension, the gaps between bowel movements increase, causing chronic constipation. Hypotension can occur in some part of the thick and small intestine, and can be diffuse.

    Reasons for the appearance of bowel hypotension

    According to statistics, hypotension occurs more often in old age, but can be in younger, if there are reasons. Hypotension of the intestine can manifest itself as an independent disease, but in some cases it is a symptom of another disease, most often it is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The causes that can cause this disease are:

    • Unhealthy lifestyle and the presence of bad habits.
    • Irrational and unbalanced nutrition. Here it should be noted that the use of fatty, carbohydrate, refined food leads to hypotension.
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    • Congenital malformations of different parts of the intestine, for example, lengthening of some part of the intestine( dolichosigma).Adhesive process in the abdominal cavity.
    • Stenosis of various parts of the large intestine, which can occur with tumors of the large intestine.
    • Prolonged fasting, which is usually taken for weight loss.
    • A sedentary or motionless lifestyle.
    • No even small physical exertion.
    • Long-term stress and nervous overexertion.
    • Unusual place and conditions for the act of bowel movement.
    • Diseases of the endocrine system( hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Addison's disease, diabetes mellitus 1 and type 2, hyperparathyroidism, acromegaly).
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( gastritis, colitis, hepatocholecystitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, gastric hypotension).
    • Diseases of the rectum and rectal tissue( cracks, hemorrhoids, proctitis, paraproctitis and others).
    • Diseases of the genitourinary system( kidney hypotonia, menstrual cycle disorders in women, prostate adenoma, prostatitis).
    • Toxic effects of certain medicines and chemicals.
    • Muscular weakness of the pelvic floor press and muscles.
    • Disturbance of blood circulation in the mesentery of the large intestine.
    • The defeat of the parts of the nervous system of the brain and spinal cord, responsible for the regulation of the intestine.
    • Continuous dysbiosis of the intestine.

    Symptoms and signs of the development of the disease

    With the bowel hypotension, the symptoms are constant, as long as the problem of bowel evacuation is not solved, patients are concerned about the associated signs of the disease.

    As already mentioned, the main symptom in this condition is a rare stool, which can be 1 or 2 times a week, not more.

    Symptoms also include the fact that patients can empty the intestines daily, but the act of bowel movement is difficult or the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder remains. Thus the feces take the form of dense balls resembling sheep feces. Even if the subsequent fecal masses are softer, then the streaks of white mucus are visible on them.

    When constipation becomes persistent, constipation may occur, called so because of liquid stool, which is diluted with the mucus of the rectum, resulting from prolonged stool in it. These symptoms are associated with:

    • bloating;
    • pain in the navel;
    • headaches;
    • irritability and weakness;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • poor appetite;
    • increased sweating;
    • irregular heartbeat rhythm;
    • incontinence;
    • bleeding from the rectum.
    Of course, hypotension of the colon can not remain without treatment, because with the advanced course of the disease, complications such as intestinal atony, secondary colitis, enteritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, diverticulosis of the colon and even cancer can occur.

    Treatment of hypotension of the large intestine

    In case of bowel hypotension, treatment should be directed, first of all, to eliminating the causes that caused this condition. Therefore, an important role in the treatment of the disease belongs to diagnostic methods. Revealing the reasons is the key to successful treatment.

    In addition, it is necessary to take the following measures that will help to empty the intestines:

    • appointment in the diet of foods that stimulate bowel evacuation and the excretion of stool. To do this, the ration should include: bread from wholemeal, raw and boiled vegetables and fruits, greens, buckwheat, millet, juices from fruits and vegetables, and sour-milk products. Also should be included in the diet of fats( vegetable and butter), soaked dried fruits, dried products from meat, pure wheat bran.
    • Exclude from the diet products that cause flatulence. These include products such as beans, peas, apples, grapes, radish, garlic, onions, bread from the highest grade of flour, fatty fish and meat. Also, it is necessary to limit the reception of chocolate, baked pastries, sweets, sweets, strong coffee and tea, mango, rice, potatoes.
    • In the morning on an empty stomach should drink a glass of cold unboiled water or juice from a mixture of fruits and vegetables. In these drinks, you can add 0.5 teaspoon Carlsbad salt.
    • Normalize daily exercise in the morning. It can be cycling( or simulating a bicycle simulator), swimming, walking, morning gymnastics, exercise complex.
    • Drug therapy, which includes local remedies for stimulating the act of defecation( bisacodyl, guttalax), as well as holinolytics( platyphylline, atropine) and adrenomimetics( ephedrine).You can take sedatives and antispasmodics for the night.
    • Complex physiotherapy, which include electrophoresis with antispasmodics, diathermy, paraffin( ozocerite) on the abdomen, cool shower.

    Normalize the intestinal microflora( intake of bifido- and lactobacilli).

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