  • Signs of appendicitis in women. Clinical picture of the disease

    In the vast majority of cases, the appearance of abdominal pain indicates the development of pathology in the organs that are located in the abdominal cavity, or directly associated with it, so you can not leave this symptom without attention under any circumstances.

    Before consulting a patient with a qualified surgeon, it is forbidden to take painkillers, antibiotics or activated charcoal. Especially this rule applies to the fair sex - signs of appendicitis in women are similar to the symptoms that occur with numerous gynecological diseases and with complications of pregnancy.

    What is appendicitis and its causes

    Appendicitis is an inflammatory process, the main source of which is located in the rudimentary segment of the large intestine - the appendix. The peculiarity of this disease is sufficiently rapid recovery of the patient with timely consultation of the doctor and surgical removal of the inflamed process and the inevitability of purulent peritonitis( inflammation of the peritoneum) and death if untimely medical care is provided.

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    It is impossible to list all signs of appendicitis in women - in many respects it depends on the age of the patient, the location of the appendage in the abdominal cavity.

    Characteristics of pain in appendicitis( and in the abdominal cavity as a whole) largely depends on the emotional state of the woman and the localization of the inflamed appendix.

    The reasons for the development of appendicitis can be:

    1. activation of the microflora of the large intestine;
    2. inflammation of lymphoid tissue in the appendix;
    3. overlap of the intestine with stony stones;
    4. process bias or disturbance of its normal blood supply in atypical locations - often provokes appendicitis in pregnant women.

    For the patient it does not matter, this particular reason provoked inflammation of the appendix - the only effective method of treating the disease is immediate surgical treatment. This rule should be observed even if the doctor discovers signs of appendicitis in pregnant women.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the appendix

    It is important to remember that for this disease it is not necessary to identify all the symptoms - immediate consultation of the doctor and a detailed examination of the patient are needed even if the patient has any sign of inflammation of the appendix.

    Symptoms of appendicitis can be:

    1. Abdominal pain - with the appearance of any, even mild pain that persists for several hours, it is important not to find out where appendicitis is located, but to seek help from a surgeon. In the overwhelming majority of cases, unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the navel area, but the pain may not have a localization check or appear in the left ileal region. In addition, in women in the small pelvis enters the signs of appendicitis in women, which often requires consultation of a gynecologist.
    2. Tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
    3. Absence or impaired appetite indicates inflammation of the peritoneum.
    4. Vomiting and nausea are also greater.
    5. Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the rectum, stool disorders, pain when trying to have sexual intercourse or gynecological examination - frequent signs of appendicitis in women.
    6. Unmotivated increase in body temperature.

    Necessary research and recommended tactics for treatment of

    In the vast majority of cases, the clinical picture of the disease does not require a survey - analyzes and instrumental diagnostics are in demand if signs of appendicitis in women, especially during pregnancy, are revealed. In this case, appoint ultrasound of the abdominal organs, a clinical blood test, a consultation with the gynecologist. At an abnormal location of the process, the performance of diagnostic laparoscopy is indicated - if a inflamed appendix is ​​detected during this procedure, it is immediately removed.

    This same method of surgical intervention is most often used in uncomplicated appendicitis - in this case the postoperative period proceeds smoothly, the terms of rehabilitation and hospitalization of the patient are shortened. With the development of peritonitis, classical intervention is performed and all the recommendations that are necessary for this disease are observed.

    The diet after appendicitis entirely depends on what type of surgery was used to treat the disease. The food ration is gradually expanded - starting from a simple broth with twisted chicken meat and a small amount of sour-milk products and for 4-5 days the food returns to the usual food.

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