  • Methods of treatment and diagnosis of atrophic gastritis

    Atrophic gastritis is diagnosed in almost 20% of cases of stomach damage.

    This pathology is quite unfavorable because it can occur with pronounced thinning of the gastric mucosa and atrophy of glands, the main function of which is the secretion of gastric juice. In addition, antral atrophic gastritis, which is manifested by the lesion of secretory cells in the antral region of the stomach, proceeds with a significant decrease in immunity.

    This is due to impaired education of immunoglobulin A, as well as increased formation of antibodies that destroy the cells of the stomach. It should be noted that in most cases, the pathological process begins to develop at the bottom of the stomach, where there are many parietal cells. After their damage, the production of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid, which are necessary for the process of digestion of food, is disrupted.

    In this case, the mucous membrane is damaged even more, which leads to an increase in the areas of atrophy. It must also be said that even moderately expressed atrophic gastritis is characterized by a significant decrease in the concentration of gastromucoprotein. It is an enzyme of gastric juice, which is responsible for the assimilation of cyanocobalamin by the body.

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    When the level of this compound decreases, symptoms of B-12 deficiency anemia appear. If the patient is diagnosed with atrophic gastritis, treatment should be directed not only to the elimination of mucosal damage, but also to the elimination of anemic syndrome.

    Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing severe anemia, which is poorly amenable to standard treatment regimens. First, this pathology practically does not create any inconvenience for the patient, but as it develops, various severe complications can arise, especially for atrophic gastritis, which occur with high acidity, so treatment of atrophic antral gastritis should begin at the initial stages of its development.

    Causes of the disease

    Scientists can not unequivocally indicate the cause of atrophic process in the stomach until today, but the following provoking factors should be noted:

    • The use of aggressive dishes is too spicy, spicy, very hot or excessively cold food. Damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach contributes to poor chewing food, overeating or improper starvation. That is why proper nutrition with atrophic gastritis is an obligatory component of complex therapy;
    • poisoning with various chemicals that can damage the stomach not only when they are directly ingested by the body, but also by inhaling their vapors. In this case, treatment of focal atrophic gastritis may require the use of a specific antidote;
    • bad habits, because alcohol and nicotine show a pronounced irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. This influence is also strong coffee and carbonated drinks;
    • reflux, which is capable of provoking an atrophic process in the stomach against a background of increased acidity;
    • long-term use of certain medications that injure the gastric mucosa and require complete cancellation or replacement with other pharmacological agents.

    Clinical picture of atrophic gastritis

    Any form of this disease requires therapy, especially at the time of treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, which in gastroenterological practice is considered a precancerous condition. Among the main complaints with atrophic gastritis are the following:

    • severity in the stomach, which acquires a permanent character that does not allow patients to eat normally, so most of them have a reduced weight, and folk remedies with atrophic gastritis with such a course are not always effective;Eructation and intense heartburn. These symptoms appear quite often, especially after eating. Eating has a sour taste, resulting in a lot of discomfort. Heartburn can be so pronounced that even special medicines are not capable of completely eliminating it. It should be noted that with the appearance of such heartburn treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis must necessarily include therapeutic measures to eliminate high acidity, which causes such complaints;
    • disorders in the functioning of the intestine. Due to digestive disorders, there are also interruptions in the work of the intestine. Patients complain of grumbling or gurgling in the abdomen, as well as disorders of the stool - constipation or diarrhea develop, and such symptoms can appear even with superficial gastritis, which is accompanied by a low acidity;
    • worsening the general condition of patients. I must say that with atrophic gastritis, the absorption of many nutrients is impaired. As a result, symptoms of anemia and vitamin deficiency appear, which further complicates the course and treatment of atrophic gastritis;
    • pain. Despite the rather severe course of the disease, the pain syndrome is not characteristic. Of course, pain can still appear, but it is characterized by a short flow and blunt character, in most cases localized in the epigastrium and quickly passes. This specific feature of this disease leads to situations when patients think about whether it is possible to cure atrophic gastritis already at its late stages, when pronounced atrophy and thinning of the mucosa occurs.

      Diet and traditional medicine in the treatment of this pathology

      In order for a doctor to be able to prescribe the right treatment, patients should carefully examine and diagnose the type and form of the lesion of the stomach, since most of the complaints with which patients turn to the gastroenterologist can relate to various diseases,are nonspecific. Correct diagnosis is extremely important, because, for example, a superficial or erosive gastritis has a specific specificity and can not be treated in the same way. If you are interested in the question of whether atrophic gastritis is treated, then you should remember that this pathology can be completely eliminated only in the early stages with a slight atrophy, since the affected areas of the stomach are not restored and lose their functions forever.

      For the examination of patients often apply:

      • ; X-ray of the stomach;
      • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
      • determination of acidity in the stomach;
      • immunological examination of blood.

      Based on the findings, the doctor will determine how to treat atrophic gastritis. Of course, you need to adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor, but if you identify chronic atrophic gastritis, you can combine traditional and traditional medicine, which will get a curative effect in a shorter time, but you can do this only after the doctor will use this or that remedy.

      So, quite often used sea buckthorn oil - with atrophic gastritis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, it can eliminate the manifestations of even the most neglected form of the disease. It is enough two tea spoons of this oil to plant in a glass of warm milk and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment should be at least a month, but the results surprised even experienced gastroenterologists.

      In addition, sea buckthorn oil perfectly eliminates heartburn, however, with increasing dosage, there may be some softening of the stool. Often also use a decoction of chamomile. If gastritis occurs with high acidity, then it can be cooked not on water, but on milk. If there is a decreased acidity, then it is recommended to add a little honey to the chamomile broth.

      It should be noted that the treatment of folk remedies of atrophic gastritis should not be done on their own, everything should be under the supervision of a doctor. Important in the treatment of this disease is a properly formulated diet, which should be directed to the elimination of mechanical or thermal damage to the gastric mucosa.

      So, all the dishes need to be crushed thoroughly, cook the products better for a couple or boil them. It is clear that a diet with atrophic gastritis provides for the complete exclusion of sharp and smoked dishes, alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, spices and spices.

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