  • Polyps in the rectum: symptoms, treatment, removal, causes

    Polyps of the rectum are neoplasm of benign nature, originating from epithelium of glandular type.

    The polyp itself often has a rounded globular shape, and is attached to the wall of the gut with a foot.

    The leg of the polyp can be long or vice versa short, in the latter case the formation is as if spread along the surface of the intestine. Some polyps take the form of a pear, and sometimes even cauliflower or a bunch of grapes( grow).

    Color of polyps of the rectum may be different: match the normal color of the intestinal mucosa or acquire a pathological red or cyanotic shades. The size of the polyps of the rectum can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Polyps of the rectum have a soft elastic consistency.

    This disease is most common in people over 50 years of age, but it can now be diagnosed in young people and children.

    Classification of

    Depending on the type of tissue from which the formation takes place, the polyps are divided into the following types:
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    1. 1) Fibrous - comes from a connective tissue that can replace the epithelial. Polyps of this type are less prone to malignancy, but tend to frequent inflammatory processes;
    2. 2) Adenomatous - grows from glandular tissue and is often a precancerous disease;
    3. 3) Inferior - it is also based on glandular tissue.
    Depending on the number of polyps, they can be divided into: single and multiple. In addition, the polyps can be classified according to the cause that triggered their appearance: inflammatory( resulting from prolonged chronic inflammation), hyperplastic( due to excess pathological proliferation of intestinal tissue), neoplastic( arising from expanding atypical cells).

    Causes of development of polyps in the rectum

    There are many reasons for the development of this pathological process. Among the main provoking and etiological factors are the following:

    • inflammatory bowel disease( enteritis, colitis, proctitis);
    • intestinal infections( typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.);
    • hemorrhoids;
    • frequent constipation;
    • of dyskinesia of the intestine;
    • hereditary predisposition( especially for the development of family polyposis);
    • anal fissure;
    • improper nutrition: food rich in animal fat, low consumption of plant fiber.

    Symptoms of polyps in the rectum

    For a long time this disease can be completely asymptomatic. Clinical symptoms in most cases appear as the tissue grows and the polyp increases in the rectum in volume.

    The main clinical signs that allow one to suspect the appearance of formations in the rectum are:

    • pathological discharge from the rectum during caldefaciation( blood, mucus, pus during inflammation and infection of the polyp);
    • feeling of discomfort in the anus;
    • tenderness in the course of the rectum and in the anus;
    • stool disorder: constipation, diarrhea;
    • signs of intestinal obstruction: bloating, no gas leak, flatulence;
    • prolapse of polyps on a long leg during caldefaciation and when straining;
    • sensation of a foreign body in the anus or iliac region.

    Complications of the disease

    With late diagnosis of the disease or lack of proper treatment, it is possible to develop complications in the form of malignancies, inflammation of polyps, the formation of cracks in the rectum, the development of paraproctitis or acute intestinal obstruction.

    Diagnosis of polyps in the rectum

    Early diagnosis of the disease prevents the degeneration of the polyp into a malignant tumor. Polyps of the rectum must be differentiated with hemorrhoids, malignant tumors, enlarged regional lymph nodes, infectious diseases of the intestine, etc.

    In order to make a correct diagnosis, the following tests should be performed:

    • rectal digital rectal examination;
    • sigmoidoscopy - allows you to see polyps, estimate their size, color, condition, and thoroughly examine the intestinal wall;
    • Colonoscopy - used for differential diagnosis with malignant lesions and / or detection of polyps in the overlying areas of the intestine;
    • Irrigoscopy is an X-ray method that allows to detect the presence of polyps in the above-lying sections( in particular, polyps are large enough);
    • biopsy and biopsy study - universal differential diagnosis with malignant formations. This method allows you to identify the cellular composition of the polyp and the tissue from which it grows;
    • feces analysis for the detection of occult blood - a method that helps to differentiate polyposis from ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, as well as hemorrhoids and other inflammatory diseases of the colon;

    Treatment of polyps in the rectum

    The main method of treating polyps of the rectum is their operative removal. The polyp can be removed in several ways, the choice of the method of operation depends on the size of the polyp, its structure, cellular composition, quantity( single or multiple).

    Currently, removal of the polyp with the help of endoscopic equipment with a loop electrode, which cuts the leg of the polyp, is very popular for eliminating single polyps on the pedicle.

    After that, the site of the intestinal wall undergoes electrocoagulation. This technique has a number of advantages, including: painlessness, minimal injury of the intestinal wall, the possibility of using the method without general or local anesthesia.

    A classic excision of a polyp is possible with a scalpel, however, this method shows anesthesia and anal enlargement with specialized mirrors. Disadvantages of this method are: the need for anesthesia, the high possibility of recurrence of the disease, greater trauma than the previous method.

    After removal of the polyp, it undergoes a thorough histological examination. In case of detection of abnormal cells, the volume of the operation is expanded: resection of the affected area of ​​the intestine or total resection of the large intestine may be performed. With multiple diffuse polyposis, surgery to remove the entire colon can be applied, after which the small intestine is sewn with the straight line.

    All operations are planned. To reduce the symptoms of the disease shows the use of anti-inflammatory drugs of local action( candles with Ibuprofen or Diclofenac), as well as local drugs that reduce pain and discomfort( candles with Anestezinom).

    Prevention of

    In order to avoid the possible formation of polyps in the rectum, it is recommended:

    • to timely diagnose and treat inflammatory and non-inflammatory bowel diseases;
    • sanitize chronic foci of infection in the digestive tract;
    • include in the daily diet food and foods rich in vegetable fiber;
    • to limit the use of alcoholic beverages.

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