  • Aiva useful properties

    Dosage form: seeds. Decoction of dried fruit 20 g per 200 ml of water, 1 tbsp.l.before eating.

    Medicinal raw materials are seeds and mucus from them. Finished raw materials - stuck together several seeds together with a matte-whitish film, odorless, with the taste of bitter almonds.

    Useful for digestive disorders( diarrhea, gastric and intestinal bleeding, lack of appetite).Pulp from quince juice is used for cracks in the anus;fruits and juice of quince take inside with spastic colitis, mucus from the fruit - with flatulence.

    Avicenna wrote about the healing properties of quince:

    "Biscuit quince is applied to the eyes in inflammatory diseases.

    Quince strongly drives urine and monthly. Boiled in honey, it acts stronger.

    Squeezed quince juice is useful for "standing breath"( refers to shortness of breath), asthma and hemoptysis.

    Quince helps with dysentery.

    If you drip juice or quince oil into the urethra, it relieves pain and burning when you urinate.

    Compotes, decoctions and infusions of quince enhance appetite.

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    Quince juice contains pectin, tannins, malic, citric and tartaric acids, various sugars( from 5.3 to 12.1%), the predominant of which is fructose. Quince is rich in iron, copper and vitamin C( 10-20 mg per 100 g of fresh fruit).

    Quince seeds contain about 20% mucus that swells easily in water, starch, fatty oil, protein, tanning, coloring and mineral substances, amygdalin and enzyme emulsion.

    Due to the high content of quince mucous and tanning substances in seeds, mucous decoctions are prepared from them, which are taken internally as a mild laxative and externally in the form of lotions as enveloping, and also with eye disease. Sometimes the seeds of quince are brewed like tea and taken with cough.

    Fresh fruits of quince in connection with the significant content of iron in them should be taken with anemia. From fresh fruits you can prepare tinctures or extracts and apply them with the same purpose for 15-20 drops 3 times a day.

    High content of quince fruits in quince pectin and tanning substances cause their use since ancient times with intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea;poultices quince juice have a beneficial effect on the prolapse of the rectum, cracks in the anus.

    In folk medicine, decoctions of seeds are widely used in gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, hemoptysis, uterine bleeding, etc.

    Quince fruits are widely used in confectionery and canning. In the textile industry, the slime of quince seeds is used to direct the gloss on the fabric.

    Japanese Quince - Chaenomel

    This quince is a tree bearing large fragrant fruits, growing exclusively in the southern regions of the country. In the collective gardens usually grows Japanese quince - henomeles. This is a low shrub with small, inedible fruits, which is more used for decorative design of the site, rather than as a fruit crop. However, the fruits of Japanese quince are rich in vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C in them, there are citric acid and other organic acids, so you should not neglect them.
    Features of growing

    This shrub is unpretentious and tenacious. It prefers neutral or slightly acidic soils, loose, with sufficient organic content. He does not like fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, so it is better to use ash. Quince is very responsive to the fertilizer AVA, which is made in the form of granules not more than 1 tsp. Under the bush. Fill fertilizer at any time along the perimeter of the crown into the soil to a depth of 5-7 cm once every three years. In spring, it would be nice to bring in half the bucket of perishable manure or compost under each bush. If there is no compost or manure, then after flowering, pour the bush with infusion of weeds.

    Do not remove the fallen leaves, it will serve as a blanket for the roots in the winter and food for the next season. Moreover, there are no diseases or pests in quince, so they do not accumulate on the leaves or under them.

    Quince prefers a sunlit place, but easily reconciles with penumbra. When planting, and it, like any other shrub, it is preferable to plant at the end of summer, the root neck is buried into the soil for 3-4 cm. Planting pits are prepared so that the root system is placed in them. On clay, do not put. Quince roots need good air access.

    Propagated by chanomeles easiest root offspring. But it can be propagated by layers or cuttings, by dividing a bush and even by seeds that are sown immediately after harvesting. True, it grows slowly from seeds.

    Quince flowers beautiful sherlach-red flowers in early spring, even before the appearance of leaves. Her leaves are also smart, bright green, shiny. Branches drooping. Do not plant it densely as a green fence, although you can also use it, but then you will not see the whole beauty of the bush. They need some space.

    If you want to use fruits, you need to thin out the flowers in time, cutting off excess so that there is a distance of 4-5 cm between them. If this moment is missed, then the formed ovaries will be very difficult to pinch, so firmly attached to the branch. Fruits from thinned flowers are formed as large as a chicken egg. They must be removed before the first frost, otherwise at a temperature of only 1 degree they will freeze, the flesh turns brown and inedible.

    Quince oblong( common) Cydonia oblonga Mill.- a tree or shrub up to 5 meters high.

    Trunks and old branches with a dark gray smooth bark;young - woolly-felt-pubescent.

    Leaves alternate, short-petioled, elliptical, entire, short-pointed, from above green, below - grayish from pubescence.

    Flowers are single, regular, on pubescent stalks. Perianth five-membered, hypaniti - overgrown with flower-plant - jug-shaped, stamens 15-25, pestle with 5 stalks. Fruit false - "apple", in a young state felt-felt, mature - naked.

    Seeds are reddish-brown, obovate, with a highly mismatched skin. Blooms in May-June. Fruits ripen in September-November.

    Cultivated in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, less often in the south of the European part of Russia. Diko grows in the Caucasus, in Turkmenistan.

    This bush gives yellow velvety fruit, similar to an apple or pear. Quince bears fruit every year, the fruits mature late. In the fresh form they can not be consumed. Quince is thermophilic, grows on nutritious soil and fructifies well where apricots and peaches are cultivated. They gather the quince at the end of October. In large-scale production, we do not grow quinces. It is cultivated only in amateur private gardening. Large quince gardens are in Switzerland, France, Italy and Russia.

    A dva belongs to the most ancient fruit plants. In culture there are more than 4000 years. In Russia, quince is represented by one species - quince ordinary, which combines several varieties. The homeland of the quince is Transcaucasia. In Central Europe, for example, quince is used more often as an ornamental plant, because even in the warmest regions its fruits do not ripen to a state suitable for direct consumption in food. The tree is relatively small in size, has a spherical crown. Fruiting begins with 4-6 years and lives 30-50 years. Heat-loving and heat-tolerant. Fruits, depending on the variety, are pear-shaped or apple-shaped.

    The fruits of quince have a curative effect. They contain up to 10% sugar, about 1.8% pectin, up to 1% acids, about 0.6% tannins, essential oil, about 40 mg and more of vitamin C in 100 grams, relatively many minerals, mainly potassium,phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron.

    Requirements: quince is not too demanding on soils. For planting, choose aligned areas or not slender south-western slopes, protected from cold winds, warmed by the sun, with deep, fertile, calcareous soils. Pre-plant soil preparation requires the addition of organic fertilizers for digging: manure, compost. Quince is demanding on the content of moisture in the soil and watering. In the droughty period, especially on light soils, irrigation rates are increasing.

    Choice of rootstocks for quince: The main stocks for cultivars of quince are seedlings of wild local quince form, seedlings of cultivars of quince and quince layers.

    Planting: dates and requirements are similar to apple tree planting. It should be noted that in order to obtain good stable yields it is necessary to plant 2-3 varieties or quince forms to ensure cross-pollination.

    Useful and curative properties of

    Indications: quince seeds are used inside as a laxative for constipation, with spastic colitis and flatulence, with respiratory diseases as an expectorant. Fresh fruit is prepared with soft drinks.

    Aivu is used as a fixative, in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes, diseases of the intestine and stomach. In seeds there is a lot of mucus, oil, glycosides and tannins, which favors their use against coughing. Apply seeds as a folk remedy for some gastric and intestinal diseases. From the fruits of quince they prepare juices, compotes, they are dried, they can be used to prepare syrup, jujube and wine, they are included in the garnish for meat dishes. The fruits of quince are also used in cosmetics.

    Recipes from

    You can make jam from quince. However, it is best to simply adjust the soft part of the fruit with lobules, pour them with sugar, put them in cans, cover with parchment, tie up and keep in the refrigerator. Use raw slices of quince instead of lemon with tea. They preserve the aroma and vitamins until the very spring. But you can cook from quince and seasoning to meat or simply garnish without sugar. To do this, put the slices into a saucepan. A coarse core with seeds should be poured separately with a small amount of water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then broth the broth in a saucepan with slices, which are cooked until completely soft. Expand on the banks and roll up.

    Jam from chokeberry and Japanese quince

    1 kg of aronia, 1.3 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water.

    Pour water into the pelvis, pour in the chokeberry and cook until completely boiled. At the end of cooking, add sugar and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Add the pieces of quince and cook for about half an hour, until the quince lobes become transparent.