  • Treatment of prostate cancer with folk remedies

    Anyone who learns that he has cancer can panic. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine any other reaction - just some people hide this fear and horror in themselves, accepting with dignity the blow of fate, while others begin to groan and cry, complain to their own and others and exclaim: "For what!"

    When passesthe first attack of panic and fear, there is a urge to do something immediately. Now! Immediately! Maybe it's not too late. .. Faster for the operation, for the doctor, for the charlatan, for the church! At least somewhere, but IMMEDIATELY!

    Stop it. Most often, prostate cancer develops slowly, so there is no need to rush.

    Give yourself time to gather information and think about possible options for treatment. Go to the city library or use reliable sources of information from the Internet. When collecting information about your condition, write down the questions you have to ask your doctor when you make decisions about your treatment with him.

    Sometimes it is useful to take with you to another appointment with a doctor of one of the family members. They will be able to remind you of the important questions that you wanted to ask the doctor. They will also be able to remind you later the course of the conversation, especially the most important moments.

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    There are often several options for prostate cancer treatment .For some patients, the combination of several treatment methods is optimal, for example, surgery, and then radiation treatment. What kind of treatment you choose with your doctor depends on several factors: how fast the cancer grows, how much it has already spread, on your age and general health and the benefits and possible side effects of a particular treatment.

    Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the world. Mortality from prostate cancer is second only to death from lung cancer. Each year, approximately 220,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is estimated that by the age of 50 every third man has cancer cells in the prostate gland. By the age of 75, they already have three out of four men. In most cases these cells do not develop further and in essence the tumor does not form. Such a cancer does not give any manifestations and symptoms and is called latent. In other cases, it manifests itself in symptoms, but they are not dangerous to health. Such a cancer is called painless. The risk of prostate cancer increases with age. The average age at which prostate cancer is diagnosed is 72 years.

    The problem of prostate cancer is that in the early stages, as long as it is easily treatable, it often does not appear. But there is good news - at least about improving the quality of diagnostic methods and understanding its necessity - in about 75% of cases, prostate cancer is detected at the first examination, before it spread.

    As the tumor grows, symptoms begin to appear. They are very similar to the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia( BPH).Symptoms and symptoms of a cancerous tumor can be as follows.

    Sudden urge to urinate.

    Difficulties with the onset of urination.

    Pain during urination.

    Weak flow and leakage of urine.

    Termination and renewal of urine stream.

    Sensation that your bladder is not emptied.

    Frequent nocturnal urination.

    Blood in the urine.

    Painful ejaculation.

    Pain in the lower back and hips.

    Loss of appetite and weight.

    Although these symptoms do not always tell you about cancer, you need to tell them about it to your doctor. More details about the symptoms of this disease look here.

    Finger rectal examination and prostate specific antigen( PSA) test are usually the first steps in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. If the results of one or both tests go beyond the limits of the norm, the doctor may suspect the development of cancer and direct you to a biopsy.

    A biopsy is a microscopic examination of a small portion of live cells taken directly from a site suspected of developing a tumor. The study of a small area of ​​prostate tissue is the most effective way to determine the presence or absence of a prostate cancer.

    A biopsy is done under the control of an ultrasound probe that is inserted into the rectum. Using the image obtained from the probe, the doctor finds the right place and directs a thin hollow syringe to different parts of the prostate gland. This syringe, called a biopsy gun, takes a sample by means of a spring, which instantly pops up and returns to its previous position, capturing thin pieces of prostate tissue.

    During the biopsy, the "gun" quickly throws a thin needle into the suspected area of ​​the prostate and takes small portions of the prostate tissue for analysis.

    Sometimes a needle for biopsy is inserted into the perineum, the area between the anus and the scrotum. But most often it passes through the surface of the ultrasound probe and is injected through the rectum.

    During the biopsy the doctor can take 10-12 samples of different areas of the tissue of your prostate. Most of the samples are taken from the external area of ​​the gland( peripheral zone), because this is where the cancer usually begins to develop. Sometimes samples are taken from the inside of the gland( the intermediate zone).

    A prostate biopsy is usually done under local anesthesia, which helps to reduce or completely eliminate the pain and discomfort that is usually associated with this procedure. Most men almost do not feel pain during a biopsy, and then they also do not need painkillers.

    An enema is made before a biopsy. This procedure clears the rectum and reduces the risk of infection with intestinal bacteria that may be on the tip of the needle. To further reduce the risk of infection, antibiotics are prescribed before and after a biopsy.

    After the procedure, the tissue samples of your prostate are sent for histological analysis to a specialist histologist who will examine the tissue samples presented to him in search of atypical( tumor) cells. No matter how the technical equipment of medical research has developed, in this crucial case nothing can replace human eyes.

    Specimens can also be found in tissue samples, which greatly increase the possibility of cancer in the future. These cells are called intraepithelial neoplasia of the prostate( INP) and are at the earliest stage of development of cancer cells. If you have an INP, the doctor may recommend that you undergo a second biopsy. In men with detected neoplastic cells, in 30-50% of cases with repeated biopsies, cancer cells are detected. If you have a high-level INP, the doctor must take you to a special account and send you to a second biopsy six months later.

    If a biopsy confirms the presence of cancer, the next step is to determine the quality of the cancer: whether it is slow or fast growing. The histologist studies the tissue samples of your prostate under a microscope, comparing the structure of cancer cells with cells of a healthy prostate. The stronger the cancer cells differ from healthy ones, the more aggressive the form of cancer we are dealing with, the more likely it is to spread rapidly.

    In tissue samples of different parts of the prostate cancer cells can be different in shape and size. Some cells can grow quickly, others can not. Determining the quality of a cancerous tumor, the histologist is guided by the most strongly differing from healthy cells.

    To determine the quality of cancer, there are different types of scales. The most common scale ranks the changes in tumor cells from 1 to 5, where 1 is the least aggressive form of cancer, and 5 is the most aggressive. The scale is named after the American pathologist Donald Gleason, who developed it.

    1st degree. Cancer cells are small, approximately of the same shape, evenly distributed and similar to healthy cells.

    2nd degree. Cancer cells differ more in shape and size, wider scattered.

    3rd degree. Cancer cells are even more different in shape and size, some are collected in large, irregularly shaped congestions, dispersed in different places of tissue.

    4th degree. Many cancer cells are soldered into chaotically scattered clusters and displace neighboring tissues.

    5th degree. Most cancer cells are collected in large, scattered clusters and spread to neighboring tissues and organs.

    The histologist identifies the two most common types of cells in the samples studied and relates each one to one of the stages of cancer development. For example, the largest number of cells fit into the third degree, and the second largest group of cells - under the fourth. These two numbers add up and give a total Gleason score, in our example - 7. The lower the number, the better. A total of two to four means that the cancer develops slowly. Five and six can speak of both a slowly growing tumor, and a rapidly growing one, depending on various factors, including how long you already have cancer. Indicator 7 indicates a more aggressive form. And the biggest indicator - from 8 to 10 - indicates that the cancer is developing rapidly.

    In 1998, the results of a study of mortality from prostate cancer among men from 55 to 74 years old, who had unexplained cancer and who received conservative treatment, that is, without surgery and radiation therapy, were published. Studies have shown that the probability of fatal cancer in men with a Gleason score from two to four is minimal - 4-5% of the probability of death from prostate cancer within 15 years of its detection. The results of the study in the middle group with a score of five to six points are as follows: men with 5 points are at risk of dying from prostate cancer in 6-11%, having 6 points in 18-30%.Probability of death of those whose account 7 - from 42 to 70%.The risk of the heaviest group - 8-10 points - is from 60 to 87%.

    Another side of the diagnosis of prostate cancer - prostate cancer - is the definition of the spread of cancer beyond the prostate proper - to lymphatic and distant lymph nodes and other organs. This indicator, along with the Gleason index, which characterizes the rate of tumor growth, determines the probability of successful cure for cancer. On the joint determination of the growth rate of cells and the prevalence of cancer cells in neighboring regions, active systems for determining the stage of the tumor are based.

    Some doctors use this older system to assess the stages of development of a cancerous tumor. A and B stand for cancer, localized in the prostate gland, C and D - cancer that has spread to other parts of the body.

    As with the TNM system, each capital letter in the ABCD system is followed by signs indicating subcategories that detail each stage. The ABCD system has fewer categories, so it is less accurate and is currently not used at all.

    The answer to this question is vital, since if a cancer is located only in the prostate gland, the chances of a complete and definitive cure are much higher. When the cancer spreads beyond the prostate, the chances of a cure fall.

    In order to clarify this issue, it is necessary to determine those moments on which the TNM system relies - the size of the tumor( the "capture" of this or that volume fraction of the prostate), the spread of individual cancer cells or their clusters to the nearer or distant lymph nodes, the development of thesecells of secondary tumor lesions in other organs( metastases).

    To answer these questions, the doctor will have to do a very difficult diagnostic work and assign you additional studies that can provide the necessary information. Let's get acquainted with those studies that are used by modern medicine for this purpose.

    Ultrasound is used to determine the size of the prostate,

    You will well diagnose, treat well( lat.) In order to plan further treatment. It does not have to be used in all cases.

    For a number of complex reasons metastasis of prostate cancer most readily "settle" in the bones. Identification of these metastases is a complex and important work, the result of which will largely determine the further treatment tactics. Radioisotope examination of bones is one of the most frequently used tests, as it reveals the spread of cancer to bone tissue better than other tests. However, this procedure is not always used. It is usually not needed when there is no serious reason to suspect that the cancer has spread.

    The procedure itself is carried out in the following ways: you enter into the blood a harmless substance with a low level of radioactivity. This substance is an indicator that has attraction( affinity) to newly formed cells of bone tissue - bone, like any other tissue, is constantly updated. Where this process is more active, the isotope concentration will be higher. Accordingly, the scanning isotope sensor will show a larger value. This information is processed and repeatedly amplified by a computer, and as a result, a clear and representative picture of the isotope distribution in the bony tissue is created. Areas of increased isotope concentration are clearly visible and are associated with either cancer, or fracture, arthritis, or infection.

    During the procedure, you lie on the table, under the scanner. The image of your skeleton with darkened areas of rapid growth of bone tissue is displayed on the monitor.

    Interpretation of scan results can be a difficult task in some cases, since the scanner indicates not only the cancers. However, doctors know that prostate cancer primarily extends to bones located near the prostate gland: thighbones and lower spine. In addition, for-cancer is characterized by clusters located in one area, and not symmetrical spots on both sides of the body, as, for example, arthritis on the left and right thigh.

    An X-ray shows whether the cancer has spread to the chest - the ribs and flat pelvic bones are the second most favored localization of metastases. Although prostate cancer spreads so far only in only five percent of cases, the results of studies suggest that lung cancer develops in 50% of men with severe prostate cancer.

    With the help of computer tomography, a doctor can simultaneously see three-dimensional images of different tissues of your body in a section on the computer monitor. This allows the doctor to examine the necessary parts of the body from any angle. Computed tomography is not mandatory for any case. A doctor can prescribe a CT scan if he has a suspicion that the cancer has spread. Unfortunately, in Russia, computed tomography has not yet turned into a ubiquitous procedure, and it is unlikely to turn out - the X-ray tomogram represents a very serious radiation load on the body and is not carried out without good reason.

    Before performing the procedure, an iodine compound is injected into your bloodstream, which helps you get a clearer picture. When the substance spreads through your body, you can feel a rush of heat, but no pain. Computer tomography is possible without using iodine, for example, if you have allergies to it, but the image will not be so clear.

    Here's how the computer tomography happens: you are lying on a table that is slowly moving through the center of a large scanner that has the shape of a thick ring. While you are lying, the scanner removes a number of images of the prostate gland in different sections. This process can take up to 30 minutes.

    The computer then connects the resulting images and forms a detailed picture of your prostate gland and the surrounding area. In addition to cancer, the scanner can detect enlarged lymph nodes. When the cancer goes beyond the prostate, it first affects the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes connect and try to destroy pathogenic cells, which leads to their inflammation and infection with cancer.

    Unfortunately, computed tomography can detect only enlarged lymph nodes, but can not recognize them as a nascent oncology. Lymph nodes can be inflamed for various reasons. Therefore, computed tomography is usually used in conjunction with other analyzes.

    Like computer tomography, a magnetic resonance imaging( MRI) gives us a three-dimensional picture of our body. It is mainly used in diagnosing the spread of prostate cancer to the lymph nodes and bone tissue. It helps to determine the stage of development of both localized and spreading cancer.

    Instead of X-rays and colorant, MRI uses magnetic and radio waves to produce an image. Radiofrequency pulsation passes through your body, generating currents that are picked up by the radio frequency receiver, and then transformed into an image, the same as a tomogram. I must say that this is a more progressive method than X-ray computed tomography, - with it there is virtually no radiation load.

    During the procedure, which takes 30-45 minutes, you lie inside a small device in the form of a pipe. The procedure is painless, but the apparatus produces unpleasant drumming sounds. Some people are worried because of the need to stay in an enclosed space. If this is problematic for you, you can take a sedative before the procedure.

    The best way to determine if the cancer has spread to the nearest lymph nodes is to do lymphadenectomy. It consists in the fact that some nodes located near the prostate are cut out and then examined under a microscope. If other tests, for example, radioisotope study of bone tissue or computed tomography, have shown that the cancer has spread beyond the prostate, then lymphadenectomy is not required. Most often this analysis is used to confirm the results of the survey, which indicate that the cancer is located in the prostate.

    There are two ways to extract lymph nodes.

    Laparoscopic method. Under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes two small incisions in the abdominal wall. Using a long surgical instrument that has a small fiber optic camera( laparoscope), the doctor removes the lymph nodes from your pelvic area through the incisions. Then he sends them for analysis to a histologist. This method is now used more often than traditional surgical, as it is more sparing for the patient.

    Cancer that has spread beyond the prostate gland is treated much more difficultly. However, certain types of treatment can sufficiently effectively slow its spread and even reduce the size of tumors. This means that you can live longer and enjoy life, although you have a common cancer.

    Many types of prostate cancer grow and develop depending on androgen hormones( from the Greek words andros( male) + gentian( to produce).) These male sex hormones are responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone, the main male sex hormone, is responsible for normalthe development of genital organs and other masculine characteristics, such as the growth of facial hair and developed musculature, in addition, it stimulates the growth of the male sex glands - and the prostate in particular. "Immature" cancer cells react very activelyon the testosterone "team" to growth. Much more actively than the same team responds to healthy cells.

    When prostate cancer exists, the circulation of male sex hormones around the body and around the cancerous tumor provokes the growth of cancer cells. The most common way of treating progressive prostate cancer isa severe restriction or complete blockage of the intake of these hormones to the cancerous area. Hormonal therapy - sometimes called androgen deprivation therapy - uses medicines and the removal of testicles for sieveone of two tasks, and sometimes two at once:

    To stop the development of the majority, but not all, of male sex hormones.

    Do not allow the remaining hormones to enter the cancer cells.

    Hormone therapy reduces cancerous cancer so effectively that it is sometimes used to treat the early stage of cancer in conjunction with surgery and radiation therapy. Hormones cause large tumors to contract, and they can be more easily destroyed by radiation. And after the radiation treatment, the drugs help to destroy the individual cells left on the tumor site.

    Studies, the results of which were published in 2002, found that 74% of men undergoing treatment with radiation therapy and hormones had lost the disease in five years. Of those who received only treatment with radiotherapy, only 40% recovered. The overall survival rate was 78% among those receiving both treatments, and 62% among those who received radiation therapy alone. A common cancer is hormone therapy, which includes two approaches: monotherapy( removal of testicles - castration, estrogen therapy - suppression of production of male sex hormones by the introduction of female hormones( estrogens), suppression of production of male sex hormones by the introduction of special drugs - antiandrogens) or combined treatment, including combinationcastration( surgical or medicamentous) with antiandrogens. The goal of the treatment is the creation of the maximum androgen blockade( MAB).

    Eggs produce about 95% of all androgens in the form of testosterone. In testicles, it is produced by Leydig cells in response to stimulation with a special hormone called luteinizing hormone( LH), which is created by the secretory part of the special calving of the brain - the pituitary gland. The pituitary body, in turn, does not "make a decision" about the development of the luteinizing hormone, but "on command" of the higher center of hormonal regulation of the human body - the hypothalamus. This "command" is transmitted in the form of the releasing hormone of the luteinizing hormone of the hypothalamus( LHRH).

    One of the hormonal methods of treatment is that a chemical blockade is established, preventing the passage to the testes of signals about the need for the production of testosterone. Some medications, called LHRH agonists, can disrupt this way of signaling. These drugs are synthetic hormones similar to the natural hormone LHRH.But they disable the activation mechanism of LH, instead of starting it, and the testicles do not receive a signal to produce testosterone.

    The most famous LHRH agonists are goserelin, tryptorelin, leuprorelin. They are periodically introduced into the body.

    However, not all of the testosterone produced in the body is produced by the testicles. Five to ten percent of testosterone is produced by the adrenal gland, glands located above each kidney. Drugs called antiandrogens do not allow this testosterone to reach cancer cells. These drugs fight testosterone for the possibility of "contact" with cancer cells and eventually displace testosterone. Three drugs produced in tablets are used most often. This is flucin, anandron, casodex. Depending on which particular drug you are assigned to, you take it one to three times a day.

    Antiandrogen therapy is often used in combination with LHRH drugs, then very little or no testosterone enters the cancer cells. Doctors call this combination the maximum androgenic blockade. Modern research confirms that the "blockade" of testosterone in this case is as reliable as in the surgical removal of testicles.

    If the cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland, hormone therapy can help you.

    What are the benefits of hormone replacement therapy?

    Hormonal medications can temporarily slow the growth of cancer cells and reduce the size of already existing tumors, alleviating your symptoms and prolonging your life.

    The effectiveness of their impact for one to three years - about 80%.

    You can stop taking medications, and sometimes the normal production of hormones is completely restored.

    What are the disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy?

    Hormone therapy reduces or completely inhibits sexual desire in most men.

    She often leads to impotence.

    It can cause hot flashes, similar to those experienced by women during menopause.

    Your breasts can grow slightly and become painful. This phenomenon is called gynecomastia and depends on the function of your liver.

    It can lead to weight gain, often 4-9 kg.

    It reduces the mass of your muscles and bones, making the bones brittle and increasing the risk of fractures( osteoporosis).

    Some drugs may cause nausea, diarrhea and fatigue.

    This therapy increases the load on the liver - especially it is expressed if liver health was previously disturbed by hepatitis, alcohol, etc.

    Most cancer cells adapt to drugs within one to three years.

    Some hormonal drugs can be very expensive.

    Constantly using hormonal treatment, about 50% of men whose cancer has spread to the pelvic organs, such as the bladder and rectum, live another five years. About 40% live for another 10 years. If the cancer has spread to bone tissue, the life span is often shortened. In this case, about 50% of men live two years and approximately 30% - five years.

    Earlier, surgical removal of testicles to stop the production of testosterone was the standard treatment for advanced prostate cancer. This operation is still being used, but hormone blocking drugs have far reduced the incidence of testicular removal, providing an effect that can be called chemical castration.

    In the language of medicine, the removal of the testicles is called a bilateral orchiectomy. Orkhi is from the Greek word orchis, meaning "testicle", and ectomy means "removal".The term "bilateral" indicates that both testicles are removed. Orchiectomy produces approximately the same effect in decreasing the production of testosterone in the body, as well as hormone therapy.

    The operation is often performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. The doctor makes a small incision in the center of the scrotum, the sac in which the testicles are located. Each testicle is separated from the spermatic cord and removed. Almost the entire cord is left in the scrotum so that it looks natural. For the same purpose, some men during the operation in the scrotum will be implanted with artificial testicles.

    Orthectomy can help you if:

    You can not be treated with hormonal medications because of health problems not related to prostate cancer( liver, kidney, cardiovascular disease).

    "You do not have the ability to take prescribed medications on a daily basis, or you can regularly see a doctor for injections.

    What are the advantages?

    Orchiectomy is done on an outpatient basis.

    The risk of complications is very small.

    Cheaper treatment than hormonal drugs.

    The effect comes immediately. After a few hours in your body, there is only a small amount of testosterone produced by the adrenal glands.

    Side effects are not as severe as with medication.

    What are the disadvantages?

    As with hormone treatment, orchiectomy reduces or completely inhibits sexual desire in most men.

    Most men remain impotent

    Some have increased and become painful mammary glands.

    About half of men experience hot flashes.

    You may feel less manly and be depressed, as happens with women who have been removed by the chest or uterus.

    This can lead to osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become more brittle and increase the risk of fractures.

    Although the development of a cancerous tumor may be suspended for a year or three, it will almost certainly resume when cancer cells adapt to the absence of hormones.

    After lateral orchiectomy, used in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer, about 50% of patients live another three years. About 25% live for another five years and longer. Men who do not get cancer outside the pelvic area usually live longer - 50-60% live five years, and 40% live for 10 more years and longer.

    Chemotherapy is a top-priority treatment for many cancers. In the treatment of prostate cancer, chemotherapy is often used in cases where the cancer continues to grow, despite other treatments, including hormone therapy.

    As the name suggests, chemicals are used in chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells-drugs that fight cancer. These drugs can be administered intravenously or taken in the form of tablets. Unfortunately, the use of chemotherapy can lead to unpleasant side effects, since drugs that fight cancer are toxic and harmful not only to cancer cells, but also to healthy ones. Among the side effects may be hair loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, impaired intestinal function and reduced immunity to infectious diseases. The degree of manifestation of side effects in different people is different. In some, they can be moderate, while in others they are more pronounced.

    Sometimes with the help of chemotherapy it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of severe cancer, such as the pains caused to them. However, today there is no evidence that chemotherapy can prolong the life of men with advanced cancer.

    Your doctor may advise you to use chemotherapy if hormone treatment no longer works and your general condition is stable enough to try this method.

    What are the advantages?

    Chemotherapy can relieve pain and relieve other symptoms caused by prostate cancer. Sometimes chemical drugs slow the growth of the tumor.

    In the treatment of prostate cancer, chemotherapy does not give such a good effect as in the treatment of other cancers. In addition, some side effects of this treatment can only lead to inconveniences, while others - to more serious problems, such as, for example, impaired immunity, a decrease in the ability of the body to fight infection.

    If traditional methods of treatment can not control your cancer, the doctor may invite you to participate in a clinical experiment. Some studies use the same traditional chemotherapy, but in new variants and combinations.

    In other trials, experimental treatment with new drugs may be used. Some treatment methods have already been tested on several patients and their side effects are known, but there may be entirely new variants bearing unknown side effects.

    Your immune system can fight cancer cells, but it often can not distinguish them from healthy cells. Scientists are looking for ways of genetic modification of cancer cells in the laboratory, in order to make them easier to identify as hostile invaders. The modified cells are then injected back into your body with injection to help your immune system recognize and destroy all prostate cancer cells.

    With another approach, which is still at the development stage, it is supposed to introduce into your organism a specially modified gene that will attack only cells of prostate cancer. This gene will be coded for inclusion in the work only when it comes into contact with the cells of a cancerous prostate tumor, thereby limiting the harm to healthy cells.

    Another area of ​​research is the attempt to make prostate cancer cells more susceptible, vulnerable to exposure to chemicals.

    A new generation of these drugs is marketed with preparations based on monoclonal antibodies( Mab-monoclonal antibodies), Rituxan and Herceptin. Their main difference is the selectivity of the action. Whereas before, practically all drugs for drug treatment of cancer were directed to the destruction of tumor cells and at the same time had significant toxicity for normal cells, new drugs are aimed only at tumor cells, creating conditions under which they can not develop.

    This approach proved to be very effective in the treatment of breast cancer with a drug called "Trastuzumab"( Herceptin).Trastuzumab blocks the result of a genetic anomaly of breast cancer. Rituxan( Rituximab) and Herceptin( Trastu-zumab) are the first drugs of this kind to appear on the market, and the dynamics of their sales in the first few years are very encouraging, especially on the results of sales in the US.According to analysts of research activities in the field of pharmaceuticals, at the present time at different stages of development and clinical trials around the world there are about a thousand drugs designed to treat cancer through selective effects on the tumor.

    In addition, pharmacological studies every day bring news in this area, and some of them are quite unexpected. Researchers from the Institute of Burnham( USA) came to the conclusion that the drug from obesity Xenical( Orlistat) company Roche will help doctors to fight with prostate cancer. The drug inhibits the enzyme involved in the absorption of lipids in the intestine;it is also able to inhibit another enzyme - fatty acid synthase, which converts carbohydrates into lipids. Scientists have found that this enzyme stimulates the growth of prostate cancer cells. Tests in mice showed: Orlistat controls this growth. Further experiments have shown that the drug does not affect healthy cells and does not cause side effects.


    Pour fresh crushed hemlock blossoms( collect in early June) with vodka( 1: 1), seal the dishes tightly, insist in a dark cool place for 18 days;take on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. In the first day - 1 in. For 0.5 glasses of water;on the 2nd day - 2 k., etc., up to 40 k., then also reduce the dose daily. The course is repeated 2-3 times.

    Fees for

    Immortelle( flowers), nettle( leaf), plantain( leaf), motherwort( grass) - 75 g;birch( kidney), cowberry( leaf), oak( bark), shepherd's bag( grass), yarrow( grass), turn( grass), sage( grass) ~ 50 g;centaury( grass), buckthorn( bark), wormwood( grass), horsetail( grass) - 25 g;rose hips( fruits) - 100 g. Mix, divide into 10 parts, pour 0.25 of one part of 2 l of water, boil 20 minutes, strain, cool, store in a cool place;Take 1 glass 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals( course - 3 months, break - 2 weeks, then continue).

    ♦ Purity( grass), cocklebur( leaf) - 5 grams, calendula - 3-4 flowers.

    Pour 1 cup boiling water, boil 3-5 minutes, infuse for 2 hours;Take 0.25 cup 4 times a day on an empty stomach and 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment - 1 month.

    ♦ Eucalyptus( leaf), yarrow( grass), bedrock( grass), nettle( leaf), licorice( rhizome), astragalus( grass), spikes nick( fruits), calendula( flowers), St. John's wort( grass), celandinegrass), turn( grass), tatarnik( leaves), bearberry( leaf), sporish( grass), golden rod( grass), crayfish( grass) - 5 grams. Pour 3 liters of vodka, boil for 3-4 minutes;Take 0.5 cup before each meal. The course of treatment - 1 month.


    ♦ Pour 25 g of pine( birch) buds 1 liter of boiling water, insist 1 day, strain;mix chaga-150 g( befungin-200 g), aloe( ground leaf 500 g), plantain( freshly saped juice - 20 g), wormwood( tincture) - 10 g, alcohol 250 g, honey 300 g, sugar- 250 g;mixture pour infusion of the kidneys, insist 3-5 days;take 2 tbsp.spoon 2 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    Recipes of the famous healer MV Galyuk

    ♦ Pour 50 g of crushed marjorite root 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark bottle 10 days. Take 30-40 to. 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals( daily for 3 months).

    ♦ Cut the root of the badan to the size of buckwheat, 50 g of raw material, pour 350 ml of hot boiled water( 60 ° C), insist 8 hours, wrapped( root leave in infusion);take 2-3 teaspoons 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals( 3 days in a row). _

    ♦ Pour 100 g of dried celandine bleeding with 0.5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark bottle for 5 days;take 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for 40 minutes before meals( 3 days in a row).

    ♦ Pour 100 grams of ground Eleutherococcus root 0,5 liters of vodka, insist in a dark bottle 10 days;Take 1 tsp 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals( 3 days in a row).

    Each tincture in the indicated order is taken for 3 days, based on the root of the root - all 3 months.

    Tinctures on vodka should be diluted with water( 1: 3).

    With liver metastases, all medicines should be prepared on water.

    Treatment with kerosene( recipes of the healer V. Tishchenko)

    ♦ Take 1-2 tsp at night, washing down with water.

    ♦ Pour the crushed walnut fruit of walnut ripeness with kerosene( 1: 1), insist 10 days in a dark place, periodically shaking;Take 1 tsp 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.