  • Treatment of obesity with folk remedies

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    Obesity, that is, beyond the physiological norms of fat deposition, is one of the most common diseases.

    The causes of obesity can be overeating( especially excessive consumption of carbohydrates), a sedentary lifestyle, lack of movement, exercise. It leads to obesity, a disturbance in the regulation of the metabolism and a disruption of the function of the endocrine glands.

    Symptoms: The main indicator of obesity is the weight of the patient. There are special tables that indicate the normal weight and its excess.

    What's going on? People suffering from obesity, reduced performance, there is lethargy and fatigue, shortness of breath and dizziness, sweating and bloating. Fat is most often distributed unevenly. Excess fat is most often deposited on the chest, abdomen, back and waist, buttocks and thighs, as well as at the back of the neck.

    When obesity affects all organs and systems of the body, but in the first place - cardiovascular. Obesity significantly increases the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. Decreased respiratory function is manifested by frequent laryngitis, bronchitis and tracheitis and promotes the development of pulmonary heart failure. Appetite is increased, and the motor function of the intestine is slowed down, which leads to constipation and the development of hemorrhoids.

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    Obesity is much more common tooth decay. Inflammatory diseases of the liver and kidneys develop, in general the urinary system. Because of the deposition of salts, joints suffer, changes( deformations) of the spine and skeleton may occur.

    What should I do? Treatment of obesity - compliance with the diet. The advantage is given to proteins, and fats and carbohydrates are maximally limited. Food for obesity should consist of black bread, vegetables( except potatoes), fish and low-fat meat, poultry, skim or low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, fruits and berries( the exception is grapes).Simultaneously with the diet, you must include exercise. A good effect is provided by resort and sanatorium treatment in Kislovodsk and Yessentuki.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends the following for combating obesity:

    • every morning before meals, drink half a glass of hot( but not scalding) water;

    • drink green tea instead of black tea;

    • Drink tomato juice;

    • do not eat fresh bread, but only crackers from it, white bread is completely excluded from the diet;

    • eat boiled and stewed, but not fried foods;

    • include in the daily diet salad and carrots or cranberries;

    • arrange unloading days and exercise daily.

    Prevention of obesity includes a rational diet and regular exercise, water procedures.

    Dried, lethargic cells can not burn fat. But they are easy to help: filling the cells with liquid is quite possible in 48 hours.

    Then they start the metabolism and start burning fat that has accumulated in the fatty deposits. This process begins on the second day.

    Triglycerides from fat cells rush into the bloodstream, then the fats burn and transmit their energy to other cells, especially the muscle cells.

    The three programs for using water to achieve harmony are offered:

    24-hour accelerated course to test the program and feel better

    7-day program as active start of weight loss

    30-day program for gradually eliminating excess fat and maintaining ideal weight.


    Lose weight without starving? It's really possible! Learn about three programs that are easy to apply in everyday life.

    You will never have to starve again, you will never have to count calories. Just trust the water, and she practically herself will dissolve the extra pounds, making the figure slimmer.

    The main rule is this: a month, an average of ten percent of excess weight is lost.

    At the same time, the body stops "unilateral movement of fat" through the blood into the liver, and then into the fat cells. After a few months, the metabolism and the process of resorption of excess kilograms are normalized. Ideally, after 11-12 months, the fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks will disappear completely. The only thing with morbid obesity will require a doctor's consultation and treatment.