  • Treatment with folk remedies

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    1. Crush boric acid crystals into powder or take a powder of small boric acid. Every morning, sprinkle abundantly with this powder between the toes and the soles of the feet. In the evening, rinse with water 35-40 ° C every day. During the first week of treatment, clean stockings or socks should be worn daily. The bad smell of the legs disappears after a 2-week treatment.

    2. Take a little oak bark and grind it into powder, abundantly sprinkle stockings or socks on the inside with this powder daily until the sweating is reduced by half. Complete disappearance of sweating is undesirable, since a person can feel severe headaches.

    3. Wash your feet every day with cold water. Wash in the afternoon, but not in the evening.

    4. Alum. Pour alum powder inside stockings or socks. Take a long time.

    Washing feet with alum burnt.1/5 of a teaspoon or on the tip of a knife of burnt alum to 1 glass of hot water, stir and wash sweating places.

    5. Oat straw. A strong decoction of oat straw makes 15-20-minute foot baths, often with the addition of oak bark.

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    6. With strong sweating of the feet, baths from decoctions of oak bark 50-100 g per 1 liter of water are used. Boil for 20-30 minutes over a small fire. In the people, such daily baths are considered the surest means against sweating feet.

    7. Wash your feet.1/4 teaspoon bleach to 3 liters of boiled water. Make a foam from baby soap. Rinse your feet in this compound. Do not flush, wipe dry.

    8. The hidden sweat is most likely to be triggered again if you are wearing bare feet from the birch bark under your bare feet.

    9. Washing your feet with salt water.1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of hot water. Wash your feet at night and in the morning with cool salt water.

    10. Washing the feet with soda water in the morning and in the evening.1 teaspoon of soda for a glass of warm water. Rinse and wipe your feet, put the soaked cotton wool in the soda between your fingers at night. It will scratch and saddle, it is necessary to suffer. In the morning wash your feet with soda water, wipe and shine. Very soon there will be sweat and smell.11. Sweating of feet with odor and suppuration. Wash your feet thoroughly with warm water and soap, rinse with cold water. Take the straw from the barley, or oats, or wheat or the grass of crimson creeping, twist between the fingers, like weaving baskets. Wear clean socks, sleep through the night. In the morning discard the straw, wash your feet, put on clean socks. So repeat every day at night. The people are considered one of the best means. It is enough to do this within a week, and the disease goes on for many years. Disappearing smell, sweating of feet, suppuration.

    12. 2 times a day, shift your legs and fingers with fresh birch leaves.

    Before going to bed, you should wash your feet with cold water and make powder from fried and crushed alum, or grease your feet with zinc white.

    You can make baths from the decoction of the oak bark

    Legs carry all the weight of our body;already this alone obliges us to carefully look after them, to prevent leg diseases, to make sure that the legs are always in order. It is easy to give your feet every day a little attention and care, from time to time arrange for them baths and every week to do a pedicure in the cabin or at home. In summer, the legs need additional care. The feet are very sweaty, as a result of which it's easy to pick up some kind of fungus, which means you need to thoroughly wash your feet every day, use various drugs against sweating of your legs, and prevent corns from appearing.

    How can milk and dairy products make legs healthy and attractive?

    If you spend the whole day on your feet, by the evening they are very tired and sore. To ease their condition, foot baths help: cleaned feet for 10 - 15 minutes, lower into a basin with warm water with the addition of two glasses of milk. It will relieve tension, it will have a beneficial effect on the skin. After the bath, wipe your feet with a towel and lie down on the sofa for several minutes, placing a pillow under your feet, in order to ensure the outflow of blood.

    If your feet sweat, you can not put up with it. Increased sweating loosens the skin, making it easily accessible to various pathogens and fungi. This causes diaper rash and an unpleasant smell. Those who have strong sweating feet, recommend a hot 8-10-minute bath for the night, adding oak bark and milk to the water. Oak bark can be replaced by a pharmacy chamomile and add salt and water to the salt in the calculation of 1 -2 st.l.per 1 liter of liquid.

    And if the skin of the feet is dry and covered with a keratinized crust. Massaging movements, apply sour cream to the skin of the feet, tightly wrap the feet and ankles with a transparent film and lift the legs upwards for 15 minutes. Then wash the sour cream with hot water and spread the legs with cream.

    For peeling of the skin of the legs, wraps are used, for which use the following composition. Mix 50 g of vegetable oil, 100 g curd, 2 tbsp.l.tinctures of calendula and 2 tbsp.l.honey. Apply the mixture on your feet, wrap them with a film and lie down a bit, placing a pillow under your feet. Rinse the mixture with warm water and spread the legs with a nourishing cream. Wrapping the legs with the use of serum will also eliminate the peeling and make the skin soft.

    If you are involved in sports, then you are familiar with the feeling of pain when stretching the joints. In this case, compresses made from hot milk will help you. Folded four times gauze wet in hot milk and, putting on a sick joint, cover the top with a transparent film and cotton. Change the bandage several times. You will become much easier. The same recipe will help with foot injuries.

    From cracks on the heels, you can get rid of using simple recipes. Whisk 30 g butter, mix it with 1/2 cup curdled milk and grease the resulting mixture of heel at night. Be sure to wrap the groans with cellophane and put on socks.

    Special compresses will also help. Mix the hot decoction of leaves of mother-and-stepmother( 2 tablespoons of leaves per cup of boiling water) and warm milk. Dip into the prepared liquid folded several times gauze and attach to the cracks. Gauze change several times but cool down, and then wrap your feet in film and leave for the night.

    Mashed potatoes with milk help to soften the skin on the heels. Cook the potatoes in the peel, peel it and mix it into a puree with a fork. Dilute the potato paste with hot milk until it is mushy and put on the heels for 20 minutes. Rinse the potatoes with hot water and spread the legs with a fat cream.

    In summer, watch your feet carefully to prevent the appearance of the fungus. Do not miss a fungal disease stop. Distinctive signs of fungal diseases: scaly skin, red wet foci between the fingers, vesicles on the soles, causing severe itching, nail plates are turbid, thickened, easily crumbled. If the appearance of the fungus has not been prevented, you can get rid of it from the brewed coffee and milk in a proportion of 2: 1.Immerse the feet in warm coffee with milk neatly. This tool helps not only the fungus on the legs: it relieves pain in the feet and ankles, eliminates the thick flaking outgrowths on the heels. Repeating this procedure for several evenings in a row, you can completely get rid of the fungus.

    Pay attention to the condition of the nails on the legs. If the nails become brittle, they exfoliate and break, perhaps your body lacks calcium. A sufficient amount of it is found in milk and fermented milk products( cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt).Include them in your diet.

    Another unpleasant aspect is related to the ingrowth of the nail. Most often grow fingernails on the big toes, which causes excruciating pain. In such cases it is recommended to put on a sick finger a fingertip filled with butter. Top the sock and do not remove it during the whole night. This should be done before the pain stops completely, sometimes within 2 to 3 weeks. When the pain stops, gently lift the edge of the ingrown nail and place a gauze. In the future, the nails need to be cut so as not to cut corners.

    If, after depilation, the skin on your legs is irritated, lubricate it with milk, it will help reduce redness and relieve itching.

    In the summer, the legs can burn in the sun. The tested product will help you: lubricate the skin red with sunburn sour cream or curdled milk and do not rinse for 2 - 3 hours. The pain will subside, the skin will turn pale.

    Baths for the feet help not only to keep the legs in order, but also to prevent and treat many diseases. Water should completely cover the feet and reach the middle of the calves. Cool foot baths relieve fatigue, homeopaths often recommend them for headaches and insomnia. The feet should stay in the water for as long as possible, or until they stop feeling cold. Alternating a warm and cold bath is a time-proven method of strengthening blood vessels and preventing varicose veins. First, the feet and calves should be held for 2 minutes in a warm bath, and then lower them for 1 minute in cold water. The procedure must be repeated several times.

    If you add 2 drops of essential oil of lemon or peppermint into the bath water, it also helps to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the legs and also eliminates the unpleasant odor.

    Corns - a serious cosmetic leg defect These ugly formations not only spoil the appearance of the legs, but also cause a lot of discomfort when walking and cause painful sensations. This is due to the fact that the stratum corneum in the place of pressure of uncomfortable shoes thickens. And if it is impossible to grow up( in connection with pressing), the cells penetrate into the depth and form a so-called "vein", which presses the nerve endings and causes pain. To remove the corn, at night to it a crust of lemon with pulp is applied and carefully bandaged. Pre-leg should be steamed. The procedure is repeated 2-3 days in a row. As a result, the callus softens and can be carefully removed.

    Another means to remove calluses Helps to get rid of calluses on the hands and feet, it is also used as an emollient cream for rough skin on elbows and knees. For its preparation you will need the following components:

    50 g. Cocoa butter;

    50 g of corn flour;

    25 g. Cosmetic clay( can be bought in specialized or conventional pharmacies);

    10 drops of lemon or mandarin essential oil.

    Melt the cocoa butter in a small saucepan. Remove from heat, add corn flour, clay, essential oil and mix everything. Apply the prepared product to the calluses, after 5 minutes gently rub the corn with pumice stone. Remove excess cream with a warm damp cloth or flannel. After the procedure, apply a massage cream of orange flowers.

    Hard knee skin can be softened with lemon juice or orange and vegetable oil( mix them in a ratio of 1:10).Apply the mixture to the problem areas for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and smear the skin with a nutritious cream.

    Take 10 pieces of sugar and citric acid( at the tip of the knife), stir in 3 tablespoons of water and cook over medium heat until golden brown. The mixture must have a consistency of plasticine. Apply it warm to the scalp and then quickly remove.

    The skin of the feet softens and smoothes a warm knife, making a bath with infusion of marigolds.2 tablespoons of raw materials are brewed 1 liter of boiling water, cooled to an acceptable temperature. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Especially useful is a bath for hard, cracked skin.

    At sweating of feet it is recommended the following infusion: mix flowers of calendula, a grass of a wormwood ordinary, leaves of a mountain ash in equal parts, 1 table spoon of a mix make a glass of boiled water, insist 30 minutes. Prepare the tub at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the infusion per liter of water.

    Foot steam baths are well dispersed in the lower extremities and are recommended for excessive sweating, cold feet, swelling of the feet, ingrown nails, inflammation after unsuccessful removal of calluses. Steam foot baths help with colds and headaches that result from tides of blood to the head.

    The procedure is as follows. Spread a wide wool blanket on the chair in length, put a bucket next to the floor, half filled with boiling water. Put two narrow footboards on the bucket. They should be located steadily, so that your legs can not slip into boiling water. Sit on a chair, put your feet on the planks and wrap them with a blanket so that the steam rises up, enveloping your feet.

    The effect of steam will be stronger if in 5-10 minutes after the start of the procedure to lower a bucket of red-hot brick. Most often this method is used when the effect of steam should be subjected not only to the lower part of the legs, as, for example, in the treatment of severe sweating, but also the thigh. If a slight impact is required, the procedure should last for 15-20 minutes, for a better effect take a steam bath should be 25-30 minutes.

    After the steam bath you need to pour the body with cool water. If the legs have been exposed to the knees, it's enough to pour them to this place, if you sweat not only your legs, but your thighs and stomach, you can make a half-full, dousing or take a cool shower.

    Steam baths can be used for individual sick places( fingers, hands, sore throat, etc.).If, for example, the hand is swollen from an insect bite, then, to avoid further inflammation and an abscess, hold the inflamed place above the vessel with steam. Be careful not to get burned.

    Oat straw pour boiling water and cook on low heat for half an hour. Ready to cool the broth to room temperature( 25-26 ° C), strain and use for a bath.

    The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. This bath gives relief with ingrown nails, calluses, gouty and other articular pains, purulent wounds, increased sweating, etc. It should be taken 2-3 times a day until recovery.

    If the skin of the legs is inflamed, a bath with herbal infusion will help you. Take a handful of dry chamomile flowers, lime blossom, nettle leaves and flaxseed, pour the vegetable raw materials into a steep boiling water, stir well and insist under the lid for half an hour. Then strain the infusion, dilute 2 liters of warm water and pour into the basin. Put the foot into the container and hold for 20-30 minutes.

    To prepare this bath for 3 liters of warm( 37-39 ° С) water, you need 3 tablespoons of table salt( you can have sea salt), 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of needle extract. All the ingredients should be stirred in water, then lowered into her legs for 15 minutes. This procedure relieves pain, tones up and improves blood circulation.

    In a bowl with warm water( 37-39 ° C), put a handful of wood ash, a handful of salt and mix everything thoroughly. Put the calf in it and hold it for 12-15 minutes. This procedure is useful for the elderly, weakened people and women in the menopause. Contrasting and warm foot baths with wood ash and table salt soothe the nervous system, normalize blood circulation, relieve of "hot flashes" and headaches, and also from seizures and throat diseases.

    This procedure can be recommended to healthy people as a hardening, refreshing and strengthening organism. Cold baths for the feet stimulate blood circulation, increase the flow of blood from the head, relieve fatigue, normalize the cardiovascular system and improve sleep. They are especially useful if you have constantly cold feet.

    You can start quenching only if your body temperature is within normal limits. At an elevated temperature, you will feel a chill, and a cold bath will not do you any good. To start, you need to immerse the calves in cold water and keep them there for no more than 60 seconds. People whose feet are particularly sensitive to cold should start taking baths with water at room temperature, lowering it gradually, no more than 1 ° per day.