  • Treatment of conjunctivitis by folk remedies and methods

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    Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the connective membrane of the eye, which is called a conjunctiva. The cause of conjunctivitis most often becomes a local infection, but it can be triggered by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, malnutrition, too hard work( computer, blueprints, writing), as well as staying in poorly ventilated rooms.

    Symptoms: conjunctivitis is characterized by photophobia, burning sensation and heaviness in the eyes, the eyelid envelope and eyeball turns red and becomes rough.

    What's going on? In the morning, it is impossible to open your eyes, as eyelashes are glued together with mucous secretions.

    What should I do? First of all, visit the oculist and make sure that you have conjunctivitis, not another disease, and follow the doctor's instructions.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine for conjunctivitis recommends:

    • rinse your eyes with infusion of chamomile pharmacy( 2-3 tablespoons of herbs and inflorescences on a glass of boiling water insist for an hour) or saline( tablespoon of salt to a glass of water);

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    • make compresses on the eyes of spilled tea or infusion of althea root( 3-4 tablespoons of althea root on a glass of water, insist from night until morning).

    Prevention of conjunctivitis is to never rub your eyes with your fingers, and do it if necessary with a clean handkerchief.


    Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, which lies between the nose and the inner corner of the eyelids. The cause of its occurrence is a violation of the patency of the nasolacrimal duct, through which the outflow of tear fluid to the nasal cavity occurs. As a result of disturbed outflow from the lacrimal sac, pathogenic bacteria accumulate in it, and as a result, inflammation develops. Dacryocystitis can develop in newborns due to underdevelopment of lacrimal pathways, in older children, dacryocystitis may develop after a cold. The main signs of dacryocystitis are strong and persistent lacrimation, one eye damage, redness and swelling of the affected eye, as well as being separated from the eye( purulent discharge).

    Chemical conjunctivitis

    The cause of its occurrence is the effect of chemicals( corrosive smoke, chemicals, dust and other irritants) on the conjunctiva of the eye. Contamination of the environment and the atmosphere can cause burning and itching in the eyes. Symptoms are burning and itching. Also, such an irritation of the eyes can be caused by a smoky room, chlorinated water in the pool, sandstorms, etc.

    Allergic conjunctivitis

    Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the body is sensitive to one or another allergen - pollen of plants, dust, wool, feathers and down. Allergens can also be household chemicals, chemical air pollutants, cosmetic and perfume products, as well as medicines. Pollinous conjunctivitis arises from the influence of pollen on the mucosa during the flowering of grasses, cereals and trees and is rarely found in isolated form. It is often accompanied by a runny nose, skin manifestations, bronchial asthma. Drug conjunctivitis may occur with the use of eye drops and ointments and is much less common when administered orally. Characteristic signs of allergic conjunctivitis is itching, lacrimation, defeat of both eyes with edema of the eyelids. Typical is the appearance of conjunctivitis in measles.

    Infectious conjunctivitis

    Often, viral conjunctivitis is associated with SARS, acute respiratory infections and colds. Symptoms of viral defeat of the mucous membrane are abundant lacrimation, reddening of the eye first one and often with the defeat of the other eye. It should be separately mentioned about conjunctivitis, which occurs in measles, which is characterized by photophobia, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, and sharp eye hyperemia. In addition to the conjunctiva, the eyelids are affected, as a result of which blepharitis may develop.

    Bacterial conjunctivitis is characterized by the presence of purulent discharge, especially after sleep, redness and swelling of the eye, as well as the usual lesion of one eye, although inflammation may appear on the other eye.

    Iridocyclitis, uveitis

    Iridocyclitis is an inflammation of the iris of the eye, iridocyclitis is the involvement of not only the iris, but also the ciliary body. Uveitis is an inflammation of the choroid of the eyeball. These diseases can lead to complications from sight( reduced visual acuity).

    In case of a chemical burn, immediately rinse the eye with plenty of water, put a bandage( several layers) on top of the affected eye and fix it with a patch, and then immediately call for emergency help.

    Eye wash can be done with chamomile infusion: take 2-3 tbsp.spoons of chamomile and brew them a glass of boiling water. Insist in a sealed container, and then strain. Cool it down. Wash eyes.

    For any lesion of the eyes, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The doctor will give the necessary recommendations for treatment. Do not delay the visit and do not self-medicate!

    Eye or eyelid cuts

    Close the damaged eye with a clean soft pad( such as a folded handkerchief) and do not tighten it with a bandage. Cover the other eye. Seek medical attention.

    Beats in the eye area

    Apply first aid in the same way as with cuts( see above), but instead of a dry pad, place a cold compress on the damaged eye.

    Foreign bodies in the eye

    Never attempt to remove from the eye of the child any of the following:

    a particle that has been implanted in the eyeball;

    metal shavings;

    is a particle located in the area of ​​the iris.

    The doctor will carefully listen to complaints, the history of the disease, will conduct a clinical examination, and prescribe the necessary treatment. If necessary, laboratory examinations, consultations of an ophthalmologist and according to the indications of other specialists may be prescribed.