  • Root and tuber vegetables

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    General: Also known as black sweet root. In culture - a biennial plant. In the first year, forms the root crop of .More common with whole-leafed lanceolate leaves. Root stem, 3-4 cm thick and 35-40 cm long, black outside, white flesh, milky juice acts on the sections, which gives a peculiar pleasant taste.

    Requirements: Kozeleth is a frost-resistant plant. Cultivate it on well-drained soils with a deep arable layer. It is best for this culture is suitable moderately humus clay soil. On well-fertilized mineral soils, organic fertilizer( including fresh manure) should not be added to this culture, as this can lead to the formation of forked( branching) roots. Predecessors for this culture are cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and onions. Before sowing, 6-8 kg / m2 of humus, 25-30 g / m2 of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate and 10-12 g / m2 of potassium salt are applied to the soil. On soils with a small arable layer make ridges in height of 35-40 cm.

    Composition: root crops are rich in carotene, are high in insulin, aspa-ragina, levulin, contain vitamins C, B1;AT 2.Mineral substances( potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus) are rich in tannins and other substances.

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    Cultivation: the seeds are sown early in the grooves located at a distance of 25-30 cm. The depth of seeding is 1.5-2 cm. The most common varieties are Ordinary, Russian giant and Vulcan.

    Care: shoots appear after 8-10 days. They must first be thinned at a distance of 3-5, and after the formation of 2-3 leaves - by 8-10 or 10-15 cm. After thinning, give a fertilizer at the rate of: ammonium nitrate - 10-12 g / m2, superphosphate - 10-15, potassium salt - 5-7 g / m2.Roots of good quality are obtained with a constant and uniform moistening of the soil, so when the plant reaches a height of 5-6 cm, it is mulched.

    Harvesting: remove the scapegrass 100-120 days after emergence carefully, avoiding damage to root crops( damaged roots lose taste and quickly deteriorate).After harvesting, the leaves are cut off, and the root crops are slightly dried before storage. Store in basements, laying in the longitudinal direction root to the root in the moist sand

    Kozelets well winter in the ground, so on the testes you can leave the tubers without digging them.

    Usage: in its raw form, the black root is not tasty and resembles a cabbage stump. Boiled goat is an exquisite delicacy, like asparagus, for which is called winter asparagus. Use it to make soups, salads, vinaigrettes, second courses, sauces, as well as pickling cucumbers, which makes them stronger and crispy. Add skewers and instead of chicory in coffee, and young leaves are used for salads, and from autumn to spring. Very good roots after they are taken by frost.


    General information: Biennial plant. Root is spindle-shaped, cylindrical, in some varieties it is shortened, almost spherical.

    Requirements: carrots are a cold-resistant plant. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 3-4 ° C, sprouts appear 10-15 days after their sowing, in cold and arid weather - for 25-30 days, withstand frosts up to -4 ° C.

    Low requirements of carrots to heat create conditions for podzimnego and very early seeding in the spring. Demanding to moisture, especially during the germination of seeds and at the beginning of

    growth. The most suitable soils for growing carrots are sandy loamy, light loamy;the highest yields can be obtained on cultivated peat-bog and floodplain soils, the carrots grow worse on heavy clay soils. The best predecessors are cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes and onions.

    Carrots should be placed 2-3 years after the application of organic fertilizers. It is very effective to apply mineral fertilizers( 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 45-60 of simple superphosphate and 15-20 of potassium chloride), peat or humus, and ashes( 40-50 g / m2) are applied on poor soils.

    Composition: contains 8-12 % of dry matter, 6-8 % Saccharides, up to 9-12% carotene( daily human need for carotene 1.5 mg), and potassium, trace elements - boron and iodine. Carrots are valuable for their high nutritional, taste, dietary and other qualities, it is easily absorbed by the body, it has a regulating effect on the whole process of metabolism.

    Cultivation: carrots can be sown as soon as the soil dries. The shell of carrot seeds contains essential oils that prevent water from entering the fetus. Therefore, they are pre-germinated for 4-5 days at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, daily mixing. The seeds which have been put up are placed in a refrigerator, kept until sowing at a temperature of about 0 ° C, preventing their germination and drying. The seeds dried to free flow are sown in moist soil to a depth of 1-2 cm, on light fast-drying soils - up to 3 cm in a ribbon way with a distance between the belts of 35-45 cm, between rows - 18-20 cm. Seeding rate 0.5-0.8 g / m2.Carrots sown under the winter, yields 10-20 days earlier. Sub-winter crops are best performed on light, weed-free soils at a steady temperature below 5 ° C.Seeds are sealed finely, barely covering them with earth. The seeding rate is 0.4-0.7 g / u2.

    Varieties of

    There are more than 20 varieties of carrots. Below are the best and most common ones.

    Losinoostrovskaya 13 - medium late, high-yielding. The root is cylindrical, red-orange with a small round core. Good quality.

    Vitamin 6 - yielding, the growing season lasts 120-125 days. The root is cylindrical, red-orange, blunt-ended with a small core. Good quality.

    Care: in order to make the rowing before the emergence of carrots, it is necessary to mix the seeds of carrots with seeds of other crops( for example, salad), in which the shoots appear faster. When 1-2 present leaves appear, the carrots are thinned out. Secondarily, it is done in 20-30 days, leaving a distance between plants 2.5-3 cm. Weakly developing crops are fed with a solution of bird droppings( 1: 20 or 1.50) or slurry( 1: 10), humus. In order to avoid the threat of appearance on the leaves of stains, one should choose varieties that are resistant to diseases. The presence of carrot flies is found, as a rule, too late: their larvae penetrate into the fetus and leave behind them the passages filled with the products of vital activity. From this scourge you can protect yourself with a special net. This problem is also solved by very early planting.

    Carrots are among the average consumers of nutrients and do not require heavy fertilizer additives. The main portion of organic fertilizers is introduced into the soil in the autumn. With good soil saturation, compost is sufficient( at least for early carrots) to pound the ground with compost into the furrows. Later grades can later be fertilized with additives of nettle mass. Do not use fresh manure, even in autumn, as it attracts flies. Quite a high demand for potassium is satisfied by wood ash.

    Harvest: remove the carrots before the frost. It should be borne in mind that in the late autumn frost-free days there is an intensified growth of root crops and the accumulation of nutrients and vitamins.

    Use: Due to the high content of carotene( provitamin A), carrots are a good growth stimulant. Canned juice of carrots is no less useful than freshly prepared. It has a beneficial effect on the body with colds. Fresh gruel or juice from carrots people have long been treated frostbite, burns, purulent wounds, ulcers. Daily use of carrots significantly increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases. It is used in diet with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, but do not recommend to use with exacerbations of peptic ulcer and enteritis. From the seeds of carrots an extract with spasmolytic and vasodilating action( daukarin) is obtained, which, according to the doctor's prescription, is used for chronic coronary insufficiency.


    General information: One- or two-year-old honey vegetable plant. Root fusiform, fleshy, yellow-brown. Stem is straight, branched at the top. The flowers are yellow in complex umbrellas.

    Composition: contains up to 3% essential oil, 40 mg% ascorbic acid, 0.03 mg% carotene, 8.1% carbohydrates, up to 4% starch, etc. According to the content of easily digestible carbohydrates and other nutrients, the parsnake is one of the firstplaces among root crops.

    Requirements: the roots of parsnip are particularly frost-resistant: they are sown in spring and even in summer, they can winter in the open ground with a good snow cover. Pasternak grows well on warm fertile soils with good aeration, as well as on peat bogs, it does not tolerate acidic soils and near groundwater. It refers to the number of plants of a long day.

    Seeding: propagates by seeds. They are sown mainly in spring with a distance between the rows of 45 cm to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, the seeding rate is 0.6 g / m2.

    The minimum temperature for germination of seeds is 5-6 ° C, the optimum temperature is 16-18 ° C, the seedlings can withstand frosts to -8 ° C.When the seed is sown in spring, the shoots appear in the soil after 22-29 days. Plants are fed with mineral fertilizers( 6-8 grams of ammonium nitrate, 8-10 grams of superphosphate and potassium salt per 1 m2).

    varieties Cultivars of the parsnip of the inoculum: Round earliest, best of all, Student, The earliest variety - Round early. Its root has a length of up to 12 cm and a thickness of up to 10 cm.

    Care: when thinning out shoots of parsnips in the row between the plants leave 10-12 cm It should be taken into account that on hot days the parsnip gives out burning essential oils that, getting on exposed parts of the body, cause burns.

    So that the parsnip can not crack, it should be watered regularly, especially in dry weather.

    Harvest: harvest roots in late autumn. The leaves are cut at the level of the head, root crops that can tolerate severe frosts, carefully dig out with pitchforks, trying not to break.

    Usage: Roots are eaten in the food, which are very fragrant and have a pleasant sweetish taste. They are used to prepare special stews, put in soups, eat as a garnish for meat. Widely used parsnip in the conservation of vegetables, pickles, it is added to marinades.

    It is recommended for the excitement of appetite and as an antispasmodic agent for digestive disorders, as a diuretic for kidney stone disease. The drug Pastinacin, obtained from the seeds of parsnip, is used to prevent attacks of angina pectoris, with neuroses.


    General information: Annual plant. Root may be from flat to round, elongated-cylindrical shape, red, pink, white and violet. Root core, the leaves are strongly or slightly divided, the flower is white, pink or light lilac.

    Radish is a real placeholder for spaces. Since the period of its ripening is short, it can be sown in the intervals between crops slower than growing vegetable crops.

    Ingredients: Root crops contain an average of 4.7-9 % solids, 0.8-4 % Saccharides, 0.8-1.3 % Protein, 11.4-44 % ascorbic acid. In the re-lisse there are a number of vitamins( thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid).

    Requirements: radish - cold-resistant early-ripening plant. Seeds germinate at 2-?° C, shoots can withstand frosts to -3 ° C, adults - up to -5 ° C.The optimum temperature for radish growth is 18-20 ° C.At a higher temperature and a lack of moisture root crops become more rigid with voids inside and a bitter taste. Therefore, after the emergence of shoots radish requires abundant and uniform watering. For cultivation introduce fertile, loose, loamy and sandy, as well as cultivated peat soils. The best predecessors are cucumber, tomato, potato, under which organic fertilizers were introduced. Under the radish select areas that are early liberated from snow. Since the fall, half a bucket of humus or a well decomposed compost, 40-60 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2 has been digested.

    Cultivation: Radishes are usually sown from April with an interval of 10-15 days to ensure its consumption for a longer period. Sow into the grooves made by the marker, with a distance in rows of 8-10 cm to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, seeding rate - 4-5 g / m2.You can start sowing in the greenhouse from the end of February. Using film on the open ground significantly shortens the maturation time. The last sowing period is mid-August. The distance between the rows is 10-15 cm, the interval between the seeds in the row is 3-5 cm, the depth of sowing is no more than 1 cm. The radish belongs to the weak consumers of nutrients and manages without additional fertilizers if there is a sufficient amount of compost in the soil. Fertilizers must be added to the nutrient poor soil before sowing. Excess nitrogen produces large leaves, but small tubers.

    Under optimal conditions, early varieties Sachs, Dawn, Early red can yield in 25-30 days, medium-ripened Rose-red with white tip, Alba, Rubin- after 30-35 days.

    Care: loosening of the soil and watering, especially in the stage of the so-called molt, when a real leaf appears and the root crop begins to form. Shoots at the appearance of this leaf are thinned, leaving 2-3 cm between the plants in rows. After 4-5 weeks after sowing, the radish is ready for consumption.

    When growing under glass, do not keep the radish in an environment that is too hot and ventilate the room regularly. Frequent digging and sufficiently moistened soil reduce the chances of disease occurrence. Against flies helps a special mesh.

    Harvesting: remove the radish as it ripens in 2-3 meals at intervals of 4-5 days. If left too long to remain in the ground, the flesh becomes fluffy and friable.

    Usage: in the food is raw. Root crops have a dietary value as a source of easily digestible vitamins and mineral salts.


    General information: Biennial plant. In the first year, it forms root crops of different color, shape and size depending on the variety.

    Ingredients: Root crops depending on the cultivar and growing conditions contain 10.5-13 % solids, 1.5-6.4 % Sugar, 1.6-2.5 % protein, rich in potassium,calcium, sulfur and magnesium. Specific taste and aroma due to the presence of essential oil( up to 50 mg%).The content of vitamin C in root crops does not exceed 30 mg%, vitamin B1 - 0.04 mg%.

    Requirements: the radish likes fertile srednosutlinistye or sandy loam soils with a deep arable layer. Its precursors can be all vegetables, except crucifers. Acidic soils require compulsory liming. The radish is grown for 2-3 years after the introduction of fresh organic fertilizer into the soil. In the growing year, 20-30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 30 grams of superphosphate and potassium salt per 1 m2 are added. Large portions of compost must be introduced into the sandy soil, but in no case fresh manure. The earth loosens to a great depth, so that nothing can interfere with the development of the roots.

    Cultivation: under glass the crop is produced early - in February or early March. In the early sowing it is recommended to use a film. Rarely radish varieties are sown early( late April-early May), using compacted and repeated crops. For winter storage and seed purposes, sowing is carried out at the end of June. On a 1 m-wide ridge, it is placed in 4 rows with an interval between rows of 28-30 cm. Sow 3-4 seed sockets every 14-15 cm to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The norm of sowing a summer radish is 1,5-2g, winter - 0.5-0.6 g / m2.The surface of the ridge after milling is mulched. Subsequent crops can be produced before the beginning of August, with each time using grades corresponding to time. So, a black winter radish, for example, needs to be sown after the middle of July.

    Early varieties can be sown more densely than summer and autumn. To get an early harvest, the radish is several times thinned in trays with seedlings and then transplanted to a garden bed. With a transfer, in no case be late.


    Of the winter varieties, the most widespread are Winter round white, Winter round black and Graivoronskaya 27, from summer varieties - Odessa 5- The duration of the growing season of winter varieties is 100-120, summer is 60-70 days.

    Care: with the emergence of sprouting soil during the whole vegetation season is loosened. Thinning is performed in the phase of cotyledonous leaves, leaving in the nest one of the largest plants. Radish is very sensitive to lack of moisture. Top dressing of plants is carried out 2 times( 15-20 g of nitrogen fertilizers per 10 liters of water).The need for radish in fertilizers is only slightly higher than for radish, despite its apparent superiority in size. As a rule, for complete supply of plants with nutrients it is quite sufficient to regularly introduce into the soil portions of the finished compost. Radish is strongly affected by cruciferous fleas. Against the fleas and cabbage fly crops are sprayed with 0.1-0.2% solution( 10-20 g per 10 liters of water) of chlorophos at the beginning of the pest of the pests.

    Harvesting: remove the radish at different times, depending on the purpose and grade. The earliest varieties on the open ground ripen by the end of May, under the glass - back in April. In August, you can harvest the June sowing. It is advisable to clean the late varieties before the first frosts( end September - early October).Do not pull with harvest until the leaves turn yellow, because then the pulp becomes fibrous and friable. Radish can be stored for a while in the basement.

    Usage: Radish is grown as a snack vegetable to stimulate appetite and improve digestion. In addition, it is used in medicine as a tonic, it shows a choleretic and diuretic effect. The food is used in raw form. Radish juice, mixed with honey or sugar in the same proportion, reduces cough and promotes expectoration( 1 tablespoon several times a day).People consider juice useful in pulmonary tuberculosis. Accelerating the excretion of cholesterol from the body, it has a preventive and curative effect and with atherosclerosis.

    Radish is contraindicated in case of peptic ulcer, inflammatory processes in the stomach. It is not used for gout, liver and kidney problems.


    General information: Biennial plant. Root crops come in various shapes - from flat to round.

    Requirements: turnip - cold-resistant early-ripening plant. It grows well on sandy loamy and light loamy humus soils. Cultivate it for 2-3 years after the application of organic fertilizers. Before planting, add 15-20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 30 grams of potassium salt and superphosphate per 1 m2.On the growth, yield and stability against the keel, wood ash has a good effect. Make it under the plowing or digging of the site in an amount of 100-150 g / m2.Increasing the doses of nitrogen fertilizers contributes to the excessive development of leaves, impairs the taste of root vegetables, and causes the formation of voids. The harvest and quality of turnip are sharply reduced when chlorine-containing fertilizers are introduced. On acid soils, turnip develops poorly, so such areas should be crooked. Turnip resistant to low temperatures.

    Ingredients: Average contains 8.5-12.6% solids, 3.5-7 % Sugar, 0.8-2 % protein, and 19-63 mg% ascorbic acid. In addition, it contains vitamins B1, B2, PP and in small amounts of carotene( if the root crop has a yellow color).Specific taste and odor of turnip is due to the presence of a sulfur-containing glycoside - glucanustricin, which, when cleaved, gives glucose and fecil-mustard oil with antimicrobial properties. Roots contain sterols, which have a preventive and curative effect in atherosclerosis. Due to the high fiber content, turnip stimulates intestinal peristalsis and has a laxative effect.


    Petrovskaya-1 - mid-ripening, the duration of the growing season is 70-80 days. The root is flat-shaped, the color of the flesh is yellow. Milan - root is flat, violet, the color of pulp is white.

    May white - early, for summer consumption. The root is round-flat, white.

    Cultivation: in the end of April - beginning of May, rows of ripen are planted in rows with a distance between them of 35-40 cm to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. The seeding rate is 0.2-0.3 g / m2.Early planting turnips allows you to strengthen the plant and avoid damage to earthen fleas, which sometimes completely destroy the shoots. For winter storage and receipt of seeds, turnips are sown in late June - early July.

    Care: in the phase of cotyledonous leaves the first thinning is carried out, leaving sprouts at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. After 8-10 days, thinning is repeated, bringing the distance between the plants to 10-15 cm. Young plants do not survive transplantation. The rows are loosened throughout the summer, systematically watered, constantly supporting the soil in a wet condition. Fodder plants only on infertile areas.

    Harvesting: in the summer turnips are cleaned as far as possible, selectively. In autumn, a continuous one-time cleaning before the onset of frost. Due to the tenderness of the root crops, they are carefully extracted from the ground in order not to damage the peel.

    Usage: in food eaten fresh, stewed and stuffed. With constipation, its grated raw root crops are useful. Juice, wrung from fresh roots, shows a diuretic, calming and expectorant effect. Along with the juice also used turnip decoctions. Ointment from turnip on goose fat is used for frostbite.

    Turnip is contraindicated in acute and chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis, with diseases of the central nervous system.

    Beet dining room

    General: This biennial plant is known since ancient times. In the wild, it still occurs on the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. It was from there that Arab doctors and merchants brought beets to India and Afghanistan, and then to Greece and Rome. The Slavs borrowed this culture from the Greeks, somewhat altering its name from the Greek beans to beets. In the Kievan Rus beet penetrated into the XI century, and already from there - to Moscow, Veliky Novgorod and Pskov, where it began to grow everywhere.

    Ingredients: in the beet there are proteins, many vitamins, organic acids. It is rich in mineral salts of phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, there is also cobalt in it, which participates in the formation of vitamin B12.

    Requirements: Beetroot is a plant of a long day. In comparison with other roots, it is more demanding for heat and moisture. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of no less than 7 ° C, for optimum root growth, temperatures in the range of 16-22 ° C are optimal. Shoots can withstand short-term frosts to -3 ° C.Light and medium loams, as well as sandy loamy soils rich in organic matter, are most suitable for beets. The best predecessors are onions, cucumbers, cabbage and tomato.

    Cultivation: seeds are sown in the spring and under winter. To accelerate germination, seeds 2-3 days before sowing are soaked in warm water( 40 ° C) or in a solution of macro- and microelements( 0.1-0.2% boric acid, 0.01 - manganese sulphate or 0.005 - copper sulphate, 0.05-0.1 zinc sulphate, 1 % crystallin).In spring, seeds are sown on a flat surface, in autumn - always on ridges. Seeds are placed in grooves made at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Sowing rate per 1 m2 at spring sowing 1.5-2 g at wintering - 2-3 g.


    The best are considered varieties in which root crops are dark red or violet-red, without light rings and coarse vascular fibrousbeams, round shape, among them: mid-term Bordeaux 237, Incomparable A-436; early Gribovskaya flat A-437 and The Don flat 367; early maturing Egyptian flat, North ball K-250 and Pushkin flat K-18; medium-sized Leningrad round 221/17, Early miracle and Cold-resistant 19; Late-ripened Single-growing and Subsea A-474-

    Care: The first care for crops is the removal of the soil crust. When 2-3 present leaves appear, thinning and weeding are performed. Young beet plants do not get bad at transplantation. Therefore, part of the plant during thinning can be placed on thinned, and sometimes in new areas, more abundantly watering them until complete survival. Excessive watering for beets is undesirable, as this causes increased leaf growth at the expense of root growth. Fertilization is introduced into the aisle after watering the plants. In the first feeding add 5 grams of ammonium, 4 grams of urea, 10 grams of superphosphate and potassium salt per 1 m2.The second feeding is carried out after 20-25 days, introducing the same fertilizers in one and a half doses. The main portion of organic fertilizers should be applied in autumn. Nevertheless, fertilizers should not be misused, since excess nitrogen, like deficit of light, contributes to an increase in the content of nitrates in the root crop. Well-composted soil does not require additional fertilizers.

    Harvest: the beets are removed in September-early October before the onset of severe frosts, since frozen or damaged root crops are poorly stored. The excavated root crops are cut at the level of the apical bud or slightly higher( 0.5 cm).Store beets in basements, coats or in trenches, at 1-2 ° C in bags, bins or loose.

    Usage: root vegetables, petioles and leaves are used for food. Of the root crops, juice is prepared, which is used in medicine as a remedy. Beetroot juice promotes the formation and purification of blood, stimulates the activity of the stomach, intestines and liver, is useful in weakening the body, scurvy, colds( especially with the flu).Therapeutic practice proved the antitumor effect of beets. The bases of various salts available in root crops are necessary for building human bones and bodies, neutralizing harmful acids formed during digestion. Cosmetologists advise regularly taking raw beet juice to preserve the freshness of the face.

    Jerusalem artichoke

    General: Also known as an earth pear. Perennial herbaceous, tuberous plant. The tubers are pear-shaped, white, yellow, pink and red-violet.

    Requirements: Jerusalem artichoke is a cold-resistant plant. It grows on any soils. Propagated by tubers. The plant does not like thickening.

    Composition: contain up to 20 % inulin, vitamins C and B groups, iron, phosphorus, 2-4 % protein.

    Cultivation: planted Jerusalem artichoke early in the spring or late autumn until the very frosts, you can even over the snow to a depth of no more than 10 cm. In the autumn they plant whole tubers, and in the spring they can be cut in half so that each one has growth buds.

    Varieties of

    There are no special vegetable grades of Jerusalem artichoke yet. They cultivate fodder varieties and local varietal populations - Early-maturing Kharkov, Large-fruited, Kiev white, Interest, Nakhodka, Vadim , etc.

    Care: as for potatoes.

    Harvesting: the tubers are carefully excavated and stored in a cellar in the sand. However, they can be left to winter in the ground and dig in the spring.

    Usage: in food is used in raw, baked and cooked form, but it is best to use it on a salad. You can make coffee and kvass from Jerusalem artichoke. In folk medicine, he is a real treasure. Salad treat diabetes, anemia. Tinctures are used for heart diseases, broths are recommended as a diuretic and laxative. The stem also goes into action - in autumn they are harvested for the winter, so that in the broth soar arms and legs when depositing salts, polyarthritis and spurs on the legs. Fresh juice is used to reduce acidity, especially with heartburn. Has anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain and rezi in the intestines with colic and constipation. A tablespoon of Jerusalem artichoke juice reduces nausea. It is a reliable remedy for headache with increased blood pressure. It is recommended for the treatment of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, especially in the fall. Syrup and fructose from Jerusalem artichoke are used for cooking macaroni, which are given out as special paks to those who work in the zone of high radiation. The feed value of the green mass is twice that of the potato tops. Tubers go to feed animals, green mass - to silage.