  • Pests of onions and garlic

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    Tobacco( onion) tripe is a small insect( about 1 mm long) with fringed wings. Body narrow, oblong, light yellow or dark brown. Larvae without wings, whitish or greenish-yellow. Damage onion, garlic, cucumber, flower and other crops, sucking the juice from the leaves and inflorescences. Winter thrips in plant residues, under dry scales of onions, as well as in the upper layer of the soil. Females lay small brownish eggs, placing them singly under the skin in the leaves tissue. After 3-5 days, larvae are born.

    Control measures. Alternation of crops;disinfect the bulbs before planting in hot( 45 ° C) water for 10 minutes, followed by cooling in cold water.

    Onion fly is ashen-gray, up to 1 cm long. In appearance it looks like a room one. Larvae whitish, legless and without pronounced head, tapering toward the anterior end. Fly fly begins in the spring during the flowering of cherries and dandelions. Eggs are laid on the onion, under the first dry scales or between the leaves, on the soil near the plants. After 3-8 days, larvae appear which merge into the bulb, more often on the part of the bottom, and feed on fleshy scales.

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    Control measures. Stratification of crops;early onion landing;placing a row of onions and carrots - close. Spread on the surface of the soil the drug basidin( 10 g. Per 10 m2).Application of scaring agents: a mixture of tobacco dust and ash( 1: 1) at a rate of 10 g / m2.Conduct 1-2 pollinations against each generation of flies during the summer. Effectively spraying the drug with a spark double effect.

    The stem nematode is a small( 1-1.5 mm long) filamentous white animal. Larvae and adult nematodes feed on plant juice. Donets bulbs are destroyed, cracked, through it begin to germinate rudiments, the bulb as it turns out, juicy scales of it become loose, the bulb to the touch is soft.

    Control measures. Return of onion and garlic to infected areas no earlier than 4-5 years;selection of an unsealed seed;improvement of onion-sowing in hot water: at a water temperature of 45-46 ° C, onions are immersed for 10-15 minutes, at 50-52 ° C - by 5-6, at 55-57 ° C - for 1-2 minutes.

    Pests of tomato, pepper and aubergine

    A vegetable scoop is a butterfly that has a wingspan of up to 4 cm. It also damages cabbage, turnip and radish. Fore wings are brown or reddish-brown, the back wings are light with a dark outer edge. The color of the eggs is first light green, then ash gray;caterpillars - from gray-green to reddish-brown;pupae - dark brown. The flight of butterflies is observed in the evening and at night, from the second half of June to the second half of August. The female lays eggs on the underside of leaves in 2-3 layers in dense piles. Control measures. Spraying with drugs spark, phytoverm, acarin.

    Winter scoop is a butterfly with gray or black front wings and white backs. Wingspan 3,4-4,5 cm. Caterpillars 5 cm long earthy-gray with glossy skin;winter in the soil at a depth of 10-25 cm. Butterflies fly in July in the evening and at night, they feed on the nectar of flowering plants. Females lay eggs one or more, from 470 to 2200, on the underside of leaves adjacent to the ground, caterpillars damage seeds and sprouts, gnawing plants at the soil level.

    Control measures. See Cabbage scoop or Garden scoop.

    Whitefly is a small( 1.5 mm) insect with a yellowish body and two pairs of mealy white wings. Sugary sticky whitefly isolates cover the leaves with a black coating. Females lay eggs in groups, often in the form of a ring, 10-20 on the underside of the leaves. Pale green, with red eyes flat, covered with white pollen, the larvae stick to the leaves, and after 25-30 days they turn into adult insects. Control measures. For protection from pests, plants are sprayed with carbophos( 60 g per 10 l of water) or with a commando( 1 ml per 10 l of water).

    Greenhouse aphids - dark and light green, yellow, brown or pink insects 1.4-2.5 mm long. After sucking out the aphids, the leaves twist, the plants linger in growth. Populates shoots, leaves and stems of tomato, beets, lettuce, sprouts of cabbage, flower crops, etc. Aphids are also dangerous because they are carriers of viral diseases.

    Control measures. Treatment of plants with the appearance of insects with a solution of soap or liquor, spraying with carbophos( 60 g. Per 10 l of water) or with a commando( 1 ml per 10 l of water).

    The root-knot nematode is distributed in sheltered ground in the northern and middle strips, in the south - in the open ground. Female small, up to 1.7 mm, pear-shaped, males - worm-like. Hibernating eggs and larvae in the soil. Larvae from the soil penetrate into the roots, forming a swelling on them. On strongly affected roots, blisters merge into warty growths up to 2-3 cm across.

    Control measures. For protection from a pest, skidding and spreading of nematodes to greenhouses and hothouses with soil, planting material, removal of plant residues, and digging up soil are excluded.