  • Measures for the care of plants in sheltered ground

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    Care of plants in sheltered ground has its own peculiarities, mainly related to the need to regulate the microclimate.


    Seeds can be sown directly in greenhouses or in pots, boxes and cuffs installed in them. If there is a picking of plants, it is advisable to use a spreading crop, which allows the maximum use of the useful area. Most often, however, ordinary planting is used, in which plants receive more light, in addition, it is easier to care for them. If a seedling is planned to be seeded, the sowing can be dense, and then the rows are planned at a closer distance from each other. However, unnecessary thickening of plants causes them to stretch, excessive elongation of the aerial part and loss of intensive green color of the leaves. The sown area should be watered using a watering can with a fine mesh. In the event that the seeds do not germinate for a long time, watering should be repeated. The greenhouses are covered with frames and mats. Mats begin to be removed only after the appearance of the first shoots.

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    Additional shelter for the

    To maintain the necessary temperature in the greenhouse, the frames are covered with mats for the night, in the case of severe frosts, even with double mats. Mats should be removed early in the morning and covered with a greenhouse at dusk, in order to provide the plants with the longest possible light day.


    The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at a constant level( the difference between day and night is not more than 3-5 ° C).Too high temperature causes stretching and weakening of plants, while the temperature below optimal for this species somewhat inhibits growth, without affecting, however, the normal development of plants. The temperature in the hotbed is regulated by ventilation, which can be strengthened and made longer as the outside temperature rises, until the frames are removed first for the whole day, and then for the night during the seasoning of seedlings. In the early spring months should not be late with the closing of the frames, so that the hotbed could warm up before the night temperature drop. When ventilated, the supports for the frames are placed on the leeward side so that the air stream does not fall directly onto the plants. Vegetables grown in film tunnels require intensive ventilation. For ventilation of not too long tunnel it is enough to slightly open its end sides, in a long tunnel lift a film along one of the longitudinal sides.

    Watering and spraying

    Seed seeds, as well as weakly rooted plants, should be watered using a watering can with very small holes. The need for water in different plants varies, it depends on their type, growth period, growth phase and ambient temperature. The more the leaf surface of plants, the higher the need for water. For good supply of plants with water, it is necessary to water in such a way that the water reaches the depth of the roots. Appropriate air humidity, required for various crops, is maintained by spraying. Too high humidity, however, is harmful, since it inhibits transpiration. Excess humidity in the greenhouse also favors the development of fungal diseases. With very early planting for irrigation and spraying, it is advisable to use warm, standing water.

    The optimum level of relative humidity in hotbeds and greenhouses on biofuel

    When growing seedlings and vegetable crops in a protected pound, it is very important to maintain the required level of humidity.

    CultureWidth, %

    Cabbage color 70-90

    Onion( per pen) 70-80


    Pepper, eggplant60-75

    Tomato60-70 Radish 60-75


    Dill, spinach65-80


    This operation is recommended, and sometimes even necessary, when the illumination is too high and the temperature in the hotbed, despite the ventilation, rises immediately after planting or picking plants, as well as for plants that require diffuse light( for example, cucumbers).In this case, use special curtains or shade the frames, sprinkling them with a weak aqueous solution of chalk. When shading is not required, good lighting conditions for plants must be ensured.

    Seeding of seedlings

    Weak seedlings in greenhouses are fed every 7-10 days. To this end, the following solutions are used: 0.1% ammonium nitrate or 0.1-0.2% mixture of solutions of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and 10% potassium salt in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, or 0.1% - solution of complex mineral fertilizers( for example, nitrophoska or ammophoska), or diluted slurry at the rate of 1 liter per 10 liters of water. Seedlings of cabbage varieties, cabbage, celery, leeks and onions are beginning to be fed in 2-3 weeks after it is piqued with 0.1% solution of NPK( N-nitrogen, P-phosphorus, K-potassium), and without picks - through4-5 weeks after emergence.

    Studies have shown that plants develop more intensively with increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the air. The content can be increased by laying out pieces of dry ice in the greenhouse or by placing a barrel with a dung beetle. Manure, decomposing, releases carbon dioxide directly into the air. Chatter must be regularly mixed, speeding up the fermentation process.