  • Thunderstorm effect

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    When a low and black rain cloud moves above the earth, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles and all this is accompanied by strong gusts of wind and heavy rain, anxiety and fear. Large storm clouds reach a height of 16 km or more. They carry enough energy to illuminate a small town during the year.

    Thunderclouds consist of large masses of air, water droplets and ice. Inside the cloud, powerful upward and downward currents move. Positively charged particles are collected in the upper part of the cloud, and heavier negatively charged particles in the lower part. The earth under the cloud is charged positively. The discharge of lightning neutralizes the cloud and earth. Thunderous fronts reject "electric shadows", therefore meteosensitive people often suffer from this already 2 days before the thunderstorm.

    It is known that at the end of spring, as soon as the first thunderstorms begin, some people experience headaches, eyesight, and their blood pressure remains normal.

    In this case, "to blame" atmospheric electricity. After all, the human body also has electricity: in the head area there are more positive charges, on the legs - negative, the body itself is neutral. When the storm approaches, the atmospheric charge increases. Accordingly, the body also becomes the entire

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    either "positive" or "negative".

    In both cases, the acid-base balance is disturbed and the activity of the enzymes changes. If a person suffers from diseases of the brain, heart or respiratory organs, such changes cause him a headache. And if a person is not a simple thunderstorm, but a flash of solar activity, one can even get a spasm of the bronchi or a violation of the heart activity.

    Such a person can help himself. You just need to remove the "extra" charges. A negative charge removes the window glass. It is enough to press his forehead against him and stand for a while. The woolen cloth attached to the temples also helps. Preliminary, the fabric must be rubbed with an ebonite stick. The positive charge decreases when walking barefoot on the grass or the wooden floor. It is difficult to establish which charge predominates, so it is better to remove both - it does not hurt.

    Down with fatigue!

    Often after the winter depression followed by spring neuroses. The origin of them is also understandable. The fatigue accumulated over the winter, hypovitaminosis, a rapid change in atmospheric pressure affect the winter.

    If fatigue, insomnia or drowsiness, as well as excitability, increase, it is necessary to go to the doctor and find out if there is any illness behind them. If there are no abnormalities in health, one can safely take the following advice:

    try to go to bed every day at the same time, but not later than 23 hours, which will ensure a quick fall asleep;

    before going to bed to drink hot milk, it is useful to malicious smokers and all others as harmless, effective sleeping pills;more to be outdoors;Sunday morning, regardless of the weather, it is necessary to devote a walk;

    drastically reduce the number of cigarettes smoked;even if you can reduce the usual dose of two to three cigarettes a day - it's a victory, and a big one;

    daily on an empty stomach to drink "spring strengthening nectar": half a glass of boiled cold water, in which to squeeze half a lemon and add a spoonful of honey;

    to revise the schedule of your day in such a way that at least twice a week to find an hour more time for sleep or rest with a book.

    It's better to walk in the sun, take vitamins, make baths. Yes, not simple - Tibetan.

    For them it is necessary to cut from trees growing far away from the city and roads, a polyethylene bag of 10-12-centimeter bright green shoots of pine and divide them into 7 parts. Baths are held on this schedule: morning-evening-morning-evening-morning-evening-morning. Repeat the course no more often than once every three years.

    Pour two buckets of water into the enameled pot( this circumstance we emphasize specially) and bring it to the fire until the first bubbles appear. Lower the portion of the pine into the water, reduce the heat and stoke the hour. In the morning, drain the decoction through gauze and pour into water with a temperature of 36 ° C. Before taking a bath, you need to measure the pulse.

    Lie down for 5 minutes, get out of the water, wind a soaked and unfastened towel on your head, stand for 5 minutes and measure your pulse again. If the pulse is no more than 5 beats, again I must go to the bath, bring the water temperature to 37 ° C and lie down for 10 minutes. If the pulse is within the normal range, you can lie down another 10 minutes, bringing the temperature to 38 ° C. Remove the towel, dive briefly under the head under the water and then lie down for 10 minutes. Measure the pulse, bring the temperature to 39 ° C and lie down for 10 minutes. Again, measure the pulse, heat the water to 40 ° C and lie down for another 10 minutes. Having finished the procedure, you need to wrap yourself, not wiping yourself, into the sheet and rest 2-2.5 hours. It is to rest, but not to read and do not watch TV.

    If the pulse is already frequent at 38 ° C, it is necessary to stop the procedure and the next time it takes 40 minutes to take a bath with this temperature. When the body adapts, it will be possible to increase the water temperature up to 40 ° C.

    The baths from the collection of herbs: rosemary, wormwood, linden flowers act well.1 kg of herbal collection pour 3-4 liters of cold water, after 10 minutes put on fire, leave for 5 minutes and allow 10 minutes to infuse. Strain the infusion into a bath, half full.water with a maximum temperature of 37-38 ° C. Such a bath lasting 20-30 minutes is useful immediately before bedtime once a week.

    Nerves can be soothed and with the help of herbal tea.

    The "soothing" collection consists of the following components( in grams):

    Peppermint( leaf) - 33.0;trefoil of water( leaf) - 33,0;Valerian( rhizome, roots) - 17.0;Common hops( fruits, cones) - 17.0.

    1-2 tablespoons of the collection pour two cups of boiling water, insist 30 minutes;strain. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

    A moderate calming effect on the central nervous system has the following fees:

    tansy( flowers) - 30,0;Calendula officinalis( flowers) - 30,0;Oregano common( grass) - 40,0;

    peppermint( leaf) - 20.0;Valerian officinalis( rhizome, roots) - 50.0;common lichen( herb) - 50,0;honey clover( Grass) - 50,0;hawthorn blood-red( flowers) - 50,0.Prepare the infusion according to the above recipe. Take half a cup twice a day.

    Valerian officinalis( rhizome, roots) - 20.0;Chamomile pharmacy( flowers) - 30,0;caraway seeds( fruits) - 50,0.

    Prepare the infusion according to the above recipe. Take inside 1/3 cup 2 times daily before meals.

    Peppermint( leaf) - 30,0;motherwort five-lobed( grass) - 30.0;common hops( fruits) - 20,0;Valerian officinalis( rhizome, roots) - 20.0.

    Prepare the infusion according to the above recipe. Take in half a cup twice a day before meals( on an empty stomach).

    As soothing agents( by mouth), currently the most commonly used ready-made medicines are used:

    valerian root tincture - 20-40 drops per reception;

    extract of valerian dry - 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day;

    tincture of motherwort - for 30-40 drops per reception;

    tincture of grass and roots deviant peony - 30-40 drops per reception 2-3 times a day before meals.