  • Children's love for parents

    Well, we got to the last rule. That's why. And it consists in the fact that in reality it does not end there. Being the right parents, you diligently built and probably built the most amazing and wonderful relationship with your children - really wonderful and interesting people. And these relationships are completely unique, and therefore they will serve you as a source of joy and comfort throughout your later life. After years of hard work, smelly diapers, family quarrels, confusion, teenage riots, sleepless nights and everything else, you are finally rewarded. And I swear to you, all of the above is more than worth it.

    You will unexpectedly discover that next to you are grown-up children who are good here, who are genuinely happy to communicate with you, who are really interested in your opinion. These familiar and at the same time so changed people really need your support, as we have already said, although they do not need uninvited instructions. And it's good, because you yourself will see how pleasant it is to observe how they independently build their own lives. The best parents I know can spend hours talking about what is wonderful in their children, and how they would like to have the same self-confidence, or organization, or a clear position at their age. And this is said without a hint of envy or jealousy. Right parents talk about their children with pride.

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    And when you get to this stage and start constantly catching yourself thinking about what wonderful, wonderful and amazing people your children have become, do not forget to pat on the shoulder and themselves approvingly. Without you they would not be like that.

    One of the most wonderful moments in the position of the right parent is that your children will always love you, and you will never doubt it. And when the time comes that you will need to lean on someone's shoulder, then next to you will be children, eager to return you all the love that you have bestowed on them all these years. Not because it is their duty, not because they owe you something, not because you will ask them about it, and not because they feel guilty about something, but simply because, that they want it.