  • Eliminate children from fears

    Here is the picture that you most likely observed in life( I personally - not just once).You are, for example, in a zoo, in a pavilion with reptiles. The family watches the snake with beautiful marks on the skin, which gracefully creeps along the branch. And then my mother * says: "Fu! What a shame! "The same thing is usually repeated in a cage with spiders or scorpions.

    Thank God, many children do not pay any attention to such remarks.(And many mothers are intelligent enough not to let go of such remarks.) But there are also such children who are very susceptible to this, and very many quickly learn that reptiles and other "unpleasant" for the mother of the beast is "muck."Adults who give children a similar example, do not behave stupidly. In fact, these animals are beautiful, and children should be taught to admire them, or, at least, not to encourage a negative attitude towards them.

    We have a huge impact on children, and if you are not careful, you can load the child with a lot of unnecessary fears. And he has enough of his own, so your absolutely do not need him. So keep your fears to yourself.

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    One correct mother was very afraid of spiders. She developed a real phobia. However, she did not want her daughter to suffer from the same. So, after seeing the spider's daughter in the room, my mother bravely took a brush and threw the intruder out the window. At the same time she was terribly nervous, but she tried not to give her daughter her fear. She could not stand it only once, when she accidentally dropped the spider, noticed it, but could not bring herself to look for it. So I pretended that, as usual, I sent him out the window. But everything was revealed when the daughter, going to bed, threw the blanket off the bed and found a spider there. Oops!

    Of course, the matter is not limited to spiders and snakes. I'm talking about other fears - for example, fear of being abused. Of course, you must educate children in reasonable care, but not that which does not correspond to real life risk. Such an attitude can seriously affect their communication with others. And fear of defeat? I, for example, know one father who discouraged his children from entering the university, saying that they would be very upset if they failed in examinations.

    Sometimes it is difficult to bite the tongue in time, besides children are also susceptible to hidden signals, but still it is necessary to try to hide their personal fears. You should strive to ensure that your children can enjoy life as fully as possible and make their own discoveries - and even develop their own fears, without your help!