  • Children should be able to stand up for themselves

    No, I do not advise you to teach a child to bash everyone who tries to torment him. However, the manifestations of child cruelty, alas, are peculiar to any children's collective, so that you will not be able to find a school where they would not be observed( although in some schools they are better able to cope with them than others).Therefore, you must be ready for this. We already found out that if your child is bullied, you must intervene. I need to introduce you to a whole bunch of very different rules, and I have no place in the book for a detailed study of the problem of school bullying and ways to deal with them, but it is possible that you need such work *.

    So what's this rule about? If your child has experienced - or, in theory, can experience in the future - bullying in school, the most important thing you need to teach him is how to cope with the situation before it goes too far. Do you know why some children tease others? For the fact that some are not like the others. And the researchers found that 75% of children are experiencing because the schoolmates are laughing at something in their appearance. It turns out that every fifth child skips classes under any pretext or without it in order to avoid such ridicule. Unpleasant numbers, right?

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    There are two traditional points of view on how to deal with bullying, representing the two extremes. The first is that the child must be taught to give change. You probably understand that this approach, although it works from time to time, still, as a rule, often only aggravates the problem. Opponents of this view argue that it is not necessary to pay attention to ridicule, and then they will end. Many parents really want this to be true, and, giving such advice to children, they try first of all to convince themselves that nothing terrible is happening. Alas, this is not so. Practice shows that here the result is usually the opposite.

    What should I do? The best thing for your child is not to stumble, boldly look into the eyes of the offender and distract him by talking to an extraneous topic. Of course, this is not always possible, but if the child is really confident, he is all right with self-esteem and he follows his appearance, this significantly increases their chances of avoiding ridicule. And all of the above, you are fully capable of giving them long before such a danger arises.

    If they are still mocked, it's not necessarily yours or their fault. It's not their fault that they wear glasses, suffer from a disease or have any physical disabilities. But I know children who, despite all their glasses, illnesses or injuries, have never been ridiculed. The whole point is not to give other food for ridicule. If a child accidentally forgets to brush her hair, nobody will pay special attention to it, but the constant sloppiness, stench, or koltun on her head will not remain unnoticed. With me studied a boy who was called only "Stink Denton".I can not remember his real name. But as it smelled of it, I still remember it. It was simply not possible to mock him.

    To protect the child from bullying, make sure he:

    • self-confident;

    • not a glutton;

    • neatly dressed( clean, clean and neat clothes, clean nails, brushed, etc.

    If so, most of the case is already done so that you can tell with a clear conscience that you have done everything in your power, youIt remains only to remind the child of the importance of visual contact with the abuser and a confident, unobserved behavior.