  • The increase of children

    And now a little arithmetic. How old is your child? Take this number off 18 and see what happened. Because if the remainder is zero, then the child has grown and become independent. What does it mean? This means that he must be able to independently buy, cook, clean up the house and watch for himself( at least to a certain extent), wash, pay bills, earn money and so on.

    I'm familiar with such parents( I do not want to be accused of sexism, but it's really more often than my mother), who continue to babysit with their children after 18 years. And the children, of course, gladly allow it. One of my friends, who is 35 years old( !), Still wears his clothes to wash his mother. No, he does not use his mother's washing machine, which would be understandable, he brings his underwear to her mother and leaves her to deal with him as she pleases. Agree, this implies mutual consent.


    Now you are counting the last years of dependence of your child on you. Tell me, if by the age of eighteen your child never learns to use a washing machine and never cooks a decent dish, is this honest? Right parents know that it is impossible to prepare for a child's adult life, too pampering him. He can not guess at anything, but you know what difficulties he can face on his own way.

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    Who, if not you, is best known for all the strengths and weaknesses of your children! So think seriously, what else do you need to have time to teach them, and act. If the child is not oriented in finance, deal with it in addition commodity-money issues. Let him make purchases of food for the family for a week, having the usual amount that is allocated to it. Or categorically refuse to pay him a mobile phone in excess of the established limit.

    To someone who does not interact well with the washing machine, entrust washing all household members within a week( in compensation, you can release him from washing dishes for a week), so that he finally figured out how and what works and how he felt how to haggle the laundrydrying, and then re-fold it. It may very well be that after this, he will stop, without hesitation, throwing in the laundry practically unrelieved things.

    The oldest children can even be left in the house for a few days, somewhere leaving. Yes, I know what you think. Yes, you will have to come up with something really tempting, so that the children will not make a mess in the house during your absence. By the way, let them know that one of the friends or neighbors will look after what is happening.