Basic principles of development of physical intelligence
Newborns and young children spend most of their time lying down. As a rule, they are in a pram, in a crib, in a rocking chair or an arena. Of course, it is very convenient for adults to use these items as their assistants: they provide security for the child, and parents - peace of mind and the opportunity to do their own thing. All this is correct, however, even such wonderful "helpers" have their own significant disadvantages. These items limit the mobility of the baby.
It all starts with one, but a big mistake. What is it?
At the moment of birth, the children leave the mother's womb, where they spent nine months at a temperature of approximately 36.6 ° C.The room temperature is about 20 ° C, so it is quite natural that the children begin to freeze. We do not take into account the fact that the temperature, normal for us, is not good for the baby, and thereby we make the first mistake.
To warm children, we are forced to wrap them in diapers and blankets. The enveloped child is hard to breathe, so we have to put him on his back to make sure he does not suffocate. On the one hand, everything is right, but on the other - the kid became absolutely helpless.
How to find the "golden mean" so that the child does not freeze, was mobile and did not endanger himself?
Think about what you mean by "child".For some parents, the children's room is "the room where the educator is", for others it is "a room for children".If you agree with the second statement, then you should take care that it is convenient for children, not for educators.
According to Doman, the present children's room should be kept at a temperature of approximately 32 ° C, since this is the normal temperature for a child. The air in the room must be sufficiently moist to prevent the child's skin from drying out. If these conditions are met, it will not have to be worn or wrapped in blankets. But most importantly - in this case, the child will be the most suitable place for the child.
Children are the only creatures kept in a "top-down" position. Has anyone ever seen a puppy, a colt, a calf, a kitten in this position? Will they be able to lie on their backs, helplessly dangling in the air with their feet or hoofs?
In Russia to this day, the method of development of children, proposed by the Nikitin family, is popular. The Nikitins paid much attention to physical development. Their children were distinguished by strong muscles, dexterity, skill,
easily carried out a series of exercises that not every adult will do.
Movement - everything started, Nikitins believe, and this statement becomes the motto of the life of the baby in the first
. How much will we do for the mobility of the child if we behave not in accordance with the generally accepted requirements? Turn the baby from the back to your stomach - and you'll see for yourself.
Now that he is lying on his tummy, the child has a sense to move his hands and feet. When he is face down, a natural "right-up" mechanism is activated in his brain, and you will see how vigorously he earns limbs to keep his body ahead. The same thing you can see and the example of a turtle, first putting it on the shell, and then returning to its natural position.
So, you turn the baby face down and watch his movements, initially messy and useless, gradually become meaningful - he learns to crawl."We may like to watch the baby when he is in the face-up position, but he wants to start moving along that ancient road that sooner or later will lead him to walking, and this road begins right here and now," -writes Glenn Doman
It is important for parents to create an ideal environment for children's mobility at all stages of the development of the child
a year of life Not being familiar with Glen Doman's methods, the authors also concluded that the child's physical development is directly related not only to health, but also tointellectual developmentThe more active the baby moves( from the first days of life), the sooner he starts to crawl and walk, the more actively his brain develops, and when certain conditions are created, the intellect also becomes
It is quite obvious that, being on the floor in position"Face down," the child is forced to learn to keep his head straight up to see, and develop the appropriate body structures. "
As already mentioned, when the newborn is placed on the stomach, almost immediately the baby starts chaotically moving his hands and feet. By their nature, these movements are unconscious and reflexive and contribute to flexibility and elongation of arms and legs. The child's brain receives signals from the sensations that the baby experiences with such movements. When the child lies in the face down position, he involuntarily has to rest on the floor with his hands and feet.
Thanks to the repetition of the movement of the hands and feet begin to improve, becoming more coordinated. Leaning against the floor and making erratic movements, the child feels that he has moved back, forward, to the right, to the left. Having discovered this due to the position of the head, which allows him to look in front of him, the child will understand the effectiveness of those movements that move him forward. He realizes the feelings that he experiences when moving.
We have already mentioned that Doman has come to an important conclusion: the brain develops solely because of its use. The more often the sensory and motor endings are used, the more intensively the brain develops. In this sense, the development of the brain is no different from the development of muscle mass.
At this age, mastery of the movements is one of the main kinds of mental work of the child.
It is worth noting that most pediatricians recommend that parents of newborns spread their babies as often as possible on their tummies and leave them to sleep in this position. In their opinion, so the child develops better, he is less worried about colic, he sleeps better. But be careful: leaving the baby in this position alone( when he is sleeping), make sure that his head was necessarily turned to one side. And still, first of all, be guided by your child. Most children like to sleep or just lie on their tummy. If your baby from their number is fine. If his situation does not suit him, do not make him lie on his stomach. Leave it as it is.
In turn, this is the result of how often the child will be able to move. The most important and surprising thing is that the earlier a child began to move, having got all the opportunities for this, the faster his brain will develop, allowing him to move to the next higher stage.
And now let's see how to give the newborn an ideal opportunity for movement and thereby begin to develop his brain.
Glenn Doman describes this ideal opportunity in three words:
• frequency;
• intensity;
• duration.
What is meant by these words?
How many times during the day do you allow your baby to move actively?
How far can a baby crawl, how much weight can it withstand, how vigorously does he engage in a particular activity?
How long does the toddler engage in a particular activity?
Perhaps now your child needs something completely different. However correct and good the techniques and advice are, first of all, trust your intuition, your parents' instincts.
"Engage your child with everything you do for the sake of his physical development, while increasing the frequency, intensity and duration - and soon you will get a physically perfect child," Glen Doman said.
As already mentioned, the child from birth should ensure freedom of movement. Imagine: you put the crumb on a table or bed, released from the diapers, the baby began to move chaotically with handles and legs. Is freedom of movement ensured? Yes and no. Of course, now the movements of the crumbs are not fettered by diapers or seatbelts of the armchair, but, except how to move limbs, the newborn child can not do anything."Is a newborn able to do something?" - Many will be surprised. Imagine, yes! And first of all a newborn can crawl!