Cecil Lupan
In the 80s of the XX century the Frenchwoman Cecil Lupan, being a young mother, got acquainted with Glen Doman's methods, visited his seminars in Philadelphia and even tried to teach her children according to his methods. But, alas, she failed to follow clear rules, and she did not get the results that the children showed at the Doman Institute.
Lupan many times turned to ideas about the development and teaching of young children, she searched for her mistakes and shortcomings in the methodology. Gradually, based on Glen Doman's method, Lupan created her so-called system of early education and development of children. The Lupan system is partly built on the principles of Doman, but most of it is the experience and observations of the mother herself - Cecil Lupan.
Cecile Lupan did not experiment with children, did not work in orchards and medical institutions, but simply lovingly raised two of her daughters, criticized the existing methods of developing children and adapted them for herself. Technique Cecil Lupan does not pretend to solve all issues of upbringing and does not contain recipes for the "cultivation of geniuses."Its goal - to give advice to parents who want to open an amazing world to their child, since birth.
Lupan categorically rejects the views of those who view the accelerated development of babies only as an acceleration of his capabilities. She offers her own methods based on revealing the potential of the child and shaping him as a person.
Training by Cecil Lupan is the process by which a child acquires new knowledge.
The main idea of the technique is as follows: children require no attention-guardianship, but attention-interest. Only parents are capable of sincere interest. In addition, for babies they are the best teachers.
The basic statement of Cecil Lupan: the child does not need a compulsory daily program of classes. Every day, doing everything little by little, the life of a crumb turns into hard labor, and the desire to learn more and more comes to naught. Lupan believes that the most suitable period for classes is a week.
To do this, it is best to make a schedule of classes that you would like to spend with your child. Such a program will serve as a certain standard, which, of course, you will not always adhere to: parents are well aware that life with a crumb is a continuous unforeseen circumstances.
So, if within one week you do not do something from your plans, then you will always have the opportunity to do it in the next week for the lessons. Do not try to achieve efficiency at any cost. Do not assume that you are obliged to use every moment spent with the baby, "with the maximum benefit."If you constantly think about what is necessary with a child to do something developing, it can be bad for your relations with him. Understand and accept the fact that moments of silence, relaxation, or simply gay fuss are no less favorable for communication and understanding of each other than periods of attention and joint scientific discoveries.
There are always parents who will make more or less you. Take for a rule never to look back at what others will say and do. Unfortunately, it's not easy to do this, but if you have a relationship with a baby, your desire to learn and a healthy nervous system, you will have to try to tame your ambitions and ambition.
Classes should be conducted in such a way that, without spending time on preparation, be able to conduct a "lesson" in any conditions. According to Lupan, the knowledge gained in daily life is much more effective than daily "lessons".The lesson for the child will be simply the time when he systematizes the acquired knowledge or uses it in practice.
If the kid has lost interest in one or another occupation, does not get pleasure from them and does not move forward, stop the lessons for a few weeks or even months. In this there is nothing to worry about: it takes time for knowledge to stand, says Lupan. And when you resume classes after the break, you will see for yourself what successes your child will begin to make.
Cecil Lupan does not give specific recommendations when, how and what to teach the child. Her advice should be seen as tips that should help your imagination, your creative experiments and fantasies. She shares her experience, using which, you can come up with your own activities, exercises, games with your child.
So, your baby was born, and you are full of determination and enthusiasm not to miss anything that will contribute to the development of your child. This is wonderful, and this mood, of course, will only help you. And yet there is one but. First of all, and in the first year of life especially, your baby needs a "vitamin of growth" - love and tenderness. For a harmonious development the child needs protection. A sense of security will appear to him only in the event that he will feel parental love every day. Often take the child in his arms, talk to him about everything, sing, aunt, smile to him, hug and kiss.
S. Lupan believes that during the first year of life parents have four main tasks. These are:
• to help the child harmoniously and positively understand himself and his environment;
• stimulate all five senses as much as possible;
• encourage the child to develop his motor activity;
• lay the foundations of the language.
In other words, the kid should feel: they love me, they will never leave me, they will always help me, the world is interesting and life is beautiful. How to achieve this? Quite simply. Most of the actions will tell you your love for the baby, your intuition. Show your love for the child verbally and physically, encourage any attempt to do something, rejoice at his success. Just do it all emotionally. Do not limit yourself to quiet joy in yourself or stormy tales of the achievements of the baby to relatives. First of all, the child should receive the laurels. And the more joyfully you praise him, slow down, kiss, the better. If your acting abilities have been sober to this day, now is the time to wake them up.
Particular attention should be paid to the child's crying. Unfortunately, a few decades ago pediatricians and teachers advised not to pay any attention to crying. The only exception was physical discomfort: pain, hunger, wet diapers. It is unlikely that there will be parents who strictly followed these instructions. Most popes and mothers honestly tried to fulfill the requirements at first, but the nature turned out to be more cunning, the parental intuition and maternal instinct are smarter and stronger than all written rules.
Modern pediatricians, psychologists say one thing: do not let the baby cry. The principle of "crying, and let, nothing happens to it" - completely unacceptable."Spoil" a child under the age of one to two years is impossible. He does not yet have the consciousness necessary to "blackmail" the elders, which parents and teachers are usually so afraid of. But the "self-screaming child in the crib is a desolation".
At the very beginning of life, the baby should not be imposed rigid frames, he is not yet ripe, he still has much to discover. It is very important for parents to learn how to feel the difference between the crying of a child who wants to sleep and other cases when a child calls for help with the help of crying. Difficult, almost impossible, it seems only at first. Someone needs a few days of fellowship with a crumb to begin to understand the language of crying.