  • The transition from ordinary walking to gymnastics

    The Glen Doman Institute has developed a number of special exercises with the help of which the child begins to master the elements of gymnastics.

    Exercise 1. Rolling

    Your child is already ready to do this exercise independently, because you helped him to do something similar when performing a balance program for a newborn. All the spinning exercises from the passive program had to prepare him for this. Since the child, regardless of age, has learned to roll from the abdomen to the back and back, he can be considered ready for independent exercise of this exercise. The kid has to do it as often as possible.

    Doman recommends acting as follows.

    1. When the child learns to roll on his own, kneel next to him. With both hands,

    roll it on its side, and then roll on, while moving along behind it on your lap. After this, roll it to the other side and help yourself take the original position.

    2. When the child learns to roll by himself several times in a row, sit next to him and start rolling synchronously. After rolling several times, change direction and return to the starting position. Let the kid learn to roll in both directions.

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    3. Gradually increase the number of rolls without stopping.

    FREQUENCY Start with one rolling for

    ten times a day. As the child learns to roll more and more without stopping, gradually reduce the number of classes to four. During each lesson the child will, without stopping, roll 4.5 meters one way and the same in the other.

    INTENSITY When a child learns to roll

    on his own, gradually encourage him to do it faster and faster.

    DURATION As the child is able to roll more and more times without stopping, the duration will begin to increase. But always stop before he wants to. The minimum daily duration is 5 minutes.

    Exercise 2. Roll forward

    Now your child is already trained enough to perform the somersaults forward. The vertical swinging of the head down taught him to navigate in a situation where his legs are above his head, and rotational exercises developed the vestibular apparatus.

    As soon as the child starts walking to move from one place to another and at the same time to carry some objects in his hands, he is ready to perform the somersaults forward.

    You can start learning somersault from a very young age.

    If the child is not yet six months old or does not know how to walk, gently lower his head down onto a soft mat and, with one hand bending his head, and holding the other by the thighs, gently toss it. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times a day, and you will teach the child's brain to navigate during the somersaults in the right direction.

    After the child starts walking, continue to teach him "somersault" exercises. By this time, he can already rest his hands and head to the floor, moving into this position from a position standing on all fours. Now he only needs to be pushed a little. You can do this by holding it with one hand on the buttocks, and the second - with your head bent.

    In addition, there are two more types of assistance. First, tilt the surface over which it will tumble, at an angle of 5-10 °.Secondly, offer the child to tumble on the street, on some shallow hill.

    In both cases, the force of gravity helps.

    After the child rests his head on the floor, help him pull his legs to his hands. This exercise will teach him punching movements of the hips and balancing, so that he begins to somersault.

    As a result of all these exercises, your child will learn how to tumble independently at the age of 16 ME

    Teach a child to bend his head so that at a somersault his chin rests against his chest. When he learns this, all your help will consist only in an easy push.

    of the Germans, or even earlier. And, believe me, he will happily somersault around the house.

    Start with one somersault( with your help) 10 times a day. When a child learns to somersault himself, let him do it 15 times a day.

    First, do everything slowly, increasing the speed as your child progresses. After he learns to somersault himself, gradually encourage him to do it faster and faster.

    Increase the duration as your child does more and more somersaults forward continuously. But always stop before he wants to. The minimum daily duration is 5 minutes.

    Exercise 3. Walking along the beam

    The development of the vestibular apparatus, combined with the walking ability, prepared your child for the exercise.

    Make sure that the beam is located in a safe place, because your child, once climbing it, then does not want to get down.

    By helping him, you will gradually achieve that he will start walking on her own.

    The feet of the child must necessarily be barefoot. No socks are able to provide the necessary adhesion to the surface of the beam.

    1. First, draw a strip of 10 cm wide by 20 cm in length on the floor. Play with the child - who among you will be able to walk along this strip, never "falling down".

    2. Take a wooden beam measuring 5x10 cm and a length of 2.5 m and lay it on the floor with the side that is 10 cm. Now you and your child can go

    on it both ways. Do not go sideways and hold his hand, otherwise he will not learn to walk on his own.

    Of course, you should closely monitor his actions and be ready to come to the rescue in time. You can put the beam parallel to the wall, moving a few centimeters apart, so that the child can rely on it if necessary.

    Remember: holding the child by the hand, you do not let develop his own vestibular apparatus!

    Start with 10 times a day, each time passing the beam along the entire length.

    Intensity is regulated by the transition from walking along a dedicated strip of floor to walking on a beam set on two boxes. When a child learns to walk on her own, encourage him to do it as quickly as possible.

    The exercise is executed in time as long as necessary to pass the beam to one end. Always stop before the child wants to. The minimum daily duration is 5 minutes.

    The total duration of the active balance program: three exercises of 5 minutes each.

    At this stage of development, your goal is to prepare the child for more complex activities, such as gymnastics.