
We select the treatment, causes, symptoms of hypochromic anemia

  • We select the treatment, causes, symptoms of hypochromic anemia

    Hypochromic anemia is anemia caused by a decrease in hemoglobin in erythrocytes. By the size of the color index, there are also different types of anemia, such as hyperchromic and normochromic( monochromic anemia).

    The development of hypochromic anemia can confirm the study of a general blood test. In order to find out whether the patient has hypochromic anemia, determine the number of red blood cells in the blood, the level of hemoglobin, also examine the value of the color index( the norm is 0.85-1.05).With this disease, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is always accompanied by a decrease in the color index.

    A specialist can also diagnose by examining the size and shape of red blood cells. With this type of anemia, the erythrocytes look like a ring with a dark rim and a clarification in the center. This is called hypochromia. This phenomenon is the main decisive sign for the diagnosis - hypochromic anemia.

    Types of hypochromic anemia:

    • iron deficiency anemia;
    • is sidero-hrastic( iron-saturated);
    • iron redistribution anemia;
    • anemia of mixed origin.
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    Causes of the disease

    This disease can develop for various reasons - it also depends on the type of hypochromic anemia.

    Hypochromic iron deficiency anemia can occur in such cases:

    • chronic or prolonged bleeding( gastric, uterine);
    • violation of absorption of iron( the cause of the violation may be enteritis or surgery on the organs of the digestive tract);
    • increased need for iron during pregnancy and lactation;
    • improper diet( insufficient intake of foods rich in iron).

    Sidero-achestic anemia develops due to chronic intoxications with chemicals or industrial poisons. In addition, the cause of this type of anemia can be the use of medicines. It is worth noting that due to the use of drugs, one more disease can develop - aplastic anemia.

    Iron deficiency anemia

    The most common among hypochromic anemia is iron deficiency. This disease develops because of a lack of iron in the body. In most cases, after taking iron preparations, the patient's condition improves.

    Hypochromic anemia in children also manifests itself as a deficiency of this substance.

    Sidero-hysterical anemia

    For this type of anemia, the iron content is normal, but it is not absorbed, which negatively affects the construction of hemoglobin. In this case, the intake of iron preparations has no effect.

    Iron-redistributive anemia

    Occurs because of the accumulation of large amounts of iron after the disintegration of red blood cells. With this anemia, hemoglobin is lowered, while the iron content is normal.

    Iron-redistributive anemia often develops on the background of tuberculosis, endocarditis, as well as purulent infectious diseases.

    Symptoms of hypochromic anemia

    Symptoms of hypochromic anemia are manifested depending on the severity of the disease. Anemia 1 degree of hemoglobin 90 g / l and more, 2 degrees - from 90 to 70 g / l, 3 degrees - below 70 g / l.

    Any type of hypochromic anemia is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • weakness, dyspnea and dizziness;
    • irritability, reduction of both mental and physical performance;
    • pallor of the skin;
    • heart palpitations;
    • flickering flies in the eyes.

    This disease, like a 12 deficiency anemia, has a slightly different symptomatology. Among the specific signs it is worth noting the tingling or numbness in the limbs, as well as the appearance of a shaky gait.

    Treatment of anemia with

    Treatment of this disease includes two goals: elimination of the factor of anemia development and treatment of the underlying disease that led to this pathology. Specificity of treatment of hypochromic anemia depends on the form of gravity.

    Iron deficiency anemia includes the use of iron preparations. Treatment takes at least 6 months. If there is evidence, an intravenous infusion of iron is possible.

    With sideroahrestasticheskoy and redistributive anemia, iron preparations are not prescribed. Treatment includes the intake of vitamins and the elimination of concomitant inflammatory processes.

    Patients often wonder how to treat anemia with folk remedies and is it possible? There are many recipes for the treatment of this disease in folk medicine. One of the most effective is the following cocktail.

    You need to take 200 ml of pomegranate juice, 100 ml of lemon juice, apple and carrots and 70 g of honey. The juice should be freshly squeezed. Ingredients to mix, ready to store a cocktail only in the refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp.3 times a day, pre-heating the drink.

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