  • Hemolytic anemia is a rare hereditary disease

    In the vast majority of cases, hemolytic anemia is a hereditary disease, fortunately, quite rare. For example, in Europe the frequency of such anemia is defined as 1 : 5000.

    Given this fact, it turns out that patients are mostly aware of their illness since birth. But it must be remembered that in a quarter of cases, even with careful examination, the parents of a sick child do not find any changes in the blood picture, so that at first the doctors, without getting a family history, are lost, suspecting other diseases.

    There is hereditary and acquired anemia.

    Acquired, which in turn is divided into:

    • Immune,
    • Autoimmune,
    • Idiopathic.

    Signs and Causes of

    Disease Acquired hemolytic anemia can occur as a result of ingestion of poisons, after burns, with certain drugs, and in transfusion of incompatible blood.

    Anemia in infants refers to immune anemia, which occurs in the case of Rh-conflict with the mother's blood.

    In autoimmune anemia, the cause is lymphocytic leukemia, systemic diseases, malaria, infections, sepsis.

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    In idiopathic anemia, the causes are not known. In this case, they talk about possible provoking factors: pregnancy and childbirth, trauma, acute viral infections.

    The cause of hereditary anemia is genetics.

    Symptomatology of the disease

    Now let's talk about the most important section in the structure of any disease - about the symptoms. If you do not take into account hereditary anemia, in all other cases, you must immediately recognize the symptoms of anemia, as shown by emergency intervention. Therefore, first, we will consider a clinic of acquired anemia.

    1. Anemia in infants. Such anemia can occur if the mother and fetus do not coincide with the Rh factor or blood group.

    • A dropsy is the rarest form, and the baby most often dies in the womb, or in the first hours after childbirth.
    • Moderate anemia without jaundice is the most favorable option.
    • And the most common form is hemolytic anemia in children: anemia in the blood and jaundice are expressed. This form is dangerous because it can not immediately be recognized. Often, such anemia develops in a few days, and symptoms appear when the hemoglobin level has fallen to a critical level.

    Probably, you should immediately answer the following question: "What is the treatment for anemia?" Treatment exists, so young parents should not panic. It is necessary to make a baby a blood transfusion. This should be done on the first day after birth, which in the case of the third option is quite problematic.

    Breastfeeding is canceled, so either artificial, or it is necessary to use the milk of the wet nurse.

    2. Symptoms of autoimmune and idiopathic anemia are very similar. Such hemolytic anemia can occur against a background of "full health".

    Most often it develops in weakened elderly people. Patients may complain of symptoms not characteristic of anemia: weakness, dyspnea, back pain, heart, joints. It turns out that these anemias can be disguised as other diseases. Jaundice can not be at all, so there must be caution about anemia, if there is an appropriate anamnesis.

    3. The main symptom of hereditary anemia is jaundice. Later, the deformity of the spine develops in children, the skull has characteristic features: square, bite changes, small eyes on the face.

    All types of anemia are characterized by an enlarged spleen. And, of course, the diagnosis can not be made without a detailed blood test.

    Methods of treatment of hemolytic anemia

    We have already talked a little about the treatment in the section - anemia in infants. The same principle is used for the treatment of other types of anemia. The main method is blood transfusion, especially during the crisis period. With hereditary anemia in adolescence, a splenectomy is done - removal of the spleen. For the prevention of crises, administration of folic acid, acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed. In the case of autoimmune anemia, hormone administration is necessary.

    In any case, with the diagnosis of hemolytic anemia, children live, leading an active lifestyle, although observing certain limitations. In the case of acquired anemia, a timely diagnosis of the disease is needed, in which case the prognosis is favorable. So do not waste time, even if it seems to you that you know the cause of your symptoms. Only a doctor can diagnose, and then, having carried out a whole complex of additional studies.

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