
Causes, pathogenesis of dvs syndrome, its treatment and prevention

  • Causes, pathogenesis of dvs syndrome, its treatment and prevention

    DIC syndrome is a nonspecific pathological process that correlates with the penetration of blood coagulant activators into the blood flow. In addition, a large number of small blood clots and aggregates of cells that cause blockade of microcirculation in the organs begin to form in the microcirculation zone.

    The pathogenesis of dvs syndrome is a complex process that causes a large number of difficulties in diagnosis.

    Causes of the development of the disease

    The first place among all the etiological factors of the DIC syndrome is common viral and bacterial infections, as well as septic pathologies. ICE often accompanies heart failure and hypertension, frostbites, burns, tumor formations, leukemia, but it does not always appear on time, so it causes diagnostic problems.

    Extracorporeal circulation promotes the development of this pathology in such devices as "artificial kidney" or "artificial heart", contacting blood with prosthetic heart valves.

    DIC syndrome is able to develop with damage to the walls of blood vessels when the body is affected by vasculitis, with swelling of the tissues and in case of heart failure. In addition, this disease is considered an integral component of the shock, regardless of its origin.

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    The causes of dvs syndrome are diverse. An important role for its occurrence is caused by disorders in microcirculation that do not correlate with the vascular walls: a violation of the blood flow properties under the influence of increasing protein concentration, an increase in the concentration of erythrocytes in the blood. The formation of mechanical obstructions also provokes a slowing of blood circulation and activates the processes of blood coagulability.

    Pathogenesis of pathology

    The main role in the pathogenesis of ICE syndrome is assigned to the formation in the blood of factors that activate the aggregation of cells and activate the process of blood coagulation. Thus, such substances enter the bloodstream in case of tissue crushing, after organ kneading operations, during labor or during postnatal manipulations, during cell death.

    Clinical manifestations of the disease include hemorrhagic, thrombotic and microcirculatory abnormalities.

    The chronic form has less clear symptoms. In this case, in the affected organs there is obvious dysfunction, and thrombosis in the main veins is also formed.

    In medicine, ICE is divided into four main phases of its development:

    1. Activation of blood clotting properties, multiple formation of microthrombi and blockade of microcirculation.
    2. The stage of transition from hypercoagulation to hypocoagulation. At the same time, some of the analyzes carried out testify to increased coagulability, while others already record reduced coagulability.
    3. Hypocoagulation and severe bleeding.
    4. The recovery period, which is characterized by the normalization of the processes of blood clotting and improving the functioning of damaged organs.

    Symptoms of

    pathology The manifestations of DIC syndrome consist of signs of the primary pathology of the organism that provoked its onset, as well as from laboratory and clinical manifestations of the syndrome itself.

    DIC syndrome with high probability occurs in all types of shock states. The strength of the manifestation of the syndrome, as a rule, corresponds to the severity and duration of the received shock state and the power of microcirculation disorders characteristic for this condition.

    The symptoms of the DIC syndrome itself should be attributed to:

    • Disorders of microcirculation processes in organs that are accompanied by their weak or severe dysfunction.
    • Thrombotic and hemorrhagic signs - they usually develop with multiple pathology localization.
    • Violations of the process of blood clotting and other abnormalities in homeostasis.

    The organization of treatment of pathology

    Therapeutic therapy of DIC syndrome can be successful only if the proper treatment of the primary pathology that provoked the DIC syndrome is organized. In this regard, it is impossible to achieve recovery without massive antibiotic therapy, especially with the development of sepsis.

    The treatment also depends entirely on the stage of the disease. Initially, it will be necessary to get rid of the cause that led to its development. If a pronounced cause was not found, then the treatment process starts with symptomatic therapy, which involves carrying out hemodynamic restoration, respiratory work of the lungs, microcirculation and correction of metabolic disorders.

    The safest and most reliable way to treat ICE syndrome is a therapeutic plasmapheresis. The effect of this procedure is explained by blocking the activity of the mononuclear phagocyte system and the subsequent removal from the bloodstream of products from fibrinolysis and coagulation, proteins and other compounds that contribute to the progression of DIC syndrome.

    Treatment of pathology after the elimination of the trigger mechanism becomes replacement therapy, as well as heparin therapy in small dosages. To stop the extensive formation of thrombi, heparin is used in small doses. If the syndrome continues to develop during the next six hours in the organization of symptomatic treatment of DIC, treatment with heparin is also indicated.

    At the first stages of the development of DIC syndrome, a good effect of treatment is provided by adenoblocator therapy. The result of their use is based on improving the processes of microcirculation, preventing the formation of clots and reducing the pooling of platelets.

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