Reinforcement of threats by deed
Oh, this is real horror for me! And all because I'm in some way "the man of the moment"( that's how I used to justify myself).I have to find out some kind of childish "crime", and I do not have time to understand anything myself, as I blur out some terrible threat, which I had never thought of before. Here, for example, not so long ago I forbade my son to watch TV for a year! Absolutely impossible, completely inconsistent, and, in general, completely inadequate to anyone's interests. And what do you have to do in this case?
Fortunately, although I'm writing this book, I do not have to serve you in all the examples. But I can share what I learned from other parents who have achieved more success than I have. And I can boast that recently he himself became better aware of his own mistakes, and I do them incomparably less often than in the past( the TV case is an annoying exception).And you probably already understood that the path to the title of the right parents lies first of all through awareness, what exactly it is worth to work on first and what to do with more effort.
Of course, the problem with the television ban is that the main rule of any threat is its execution. If you tell a child that he can not go cycling until he gets out of the room, you should make sure that your order is executed. Otherwise, of course, no one will pay attention to your threats, since they are worth nothing.
A friend of mine never brought his threats into execution, and as a result his children completely disobeyed him. Having discussed the problem with a more wise fellow, he firmly decided to try a different approach. On some family holiday, he threatened a dilapidated son: "If you do not stop right now, tomorrow you will not go boating."The son thought: "Ha, let me go, of course;First, the pope never fulfills what he says, and secondly, if I do not go, then someone will have to sit with me at home. "
But he did not know that this time his father decided to do it firmly. So, continuing to be disgraceful, he received a threat in the end: in order to prove to his son the seriousness of his words, his father did not allow him to go boating and did not go himself. The son was not only deprived of pleasure, but also spent the whole day at home with a disgruntled father, who also could not entertain himself because of his son's bad behavior. Perhaps you guessed that the example was very instructive, and seeing the effectiveness of this method, my friend began to follow it in the future, no longer throwing empty threats.
So, if you threatened something with a child, and he still did not listen to you, - bring the threat to execution;and that with this there were no problems, do not force yourself into a corner with obviously impossible options. Before you say, be sure to think about it( note for yourself: this still needs to be worked on)!