  • Breast-feeding

    A mother sitting on a chair with a handkerchief tied around her head and a gauze bandage on her face. One leg on a special stand. In her hands she has a cigar-shaped package, from which a child's face peers. The child sucks the breast, supported by fingers of mother.

    This is the image of the modern Madonna. Is that not yet born modern Rafael or Leonardo, in order to forever capture this apotheosis of our culture.

    Breastfeeding has now become a serious "science".And can it be otherwise in an age of scientific and technological progress? The mastery of this "science" is not an easy task and requires special consultations. This is also an achievement of our century - a firm belief that the mother needs to be taught to feed her baby with the breast. As well as giving birth. Thank God that we have not forgotten how to make a conception.

    No wonder Einstein considered one of the criteria for the truth of the theory of its beauty. Look, well, is not it beautiful: "So, from birth to the age of 3 months, children are fed 3 hours and 7 times a day( 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 hours), at the age of3 to 5 months - 6 times in 3 1/2 hours( 6, 9.30, 13, 16.30, 20, 23.30), and from 5 months to 1 year - 5 times a day after 4 hours( 6; 10; 14; 18; 22 h.). "1

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    These series of figures should evoke a feeling of reverential respect to the hard workers of science, who increasingly penetrate into the secrets of nature.

    The process of feeding has turned into a ritual that involves a rather complicated "technique":

    "Before each feeding, the mother should wash her hands with a brush and soap and wash her breast and nipple with cotton wool soaked in boiled water and in two percent boric acid solution.and the first 4 days the mother feeds lying down, and then only sitting. It is necessary to take a comfortable position: sit on a low chair or stool and under the foot( respectively, the breast that is fed) to put a bench. Child um, the other puts his nipple and part okolososochnogo mug in his mouth; four fingers lifts the breasts, and the thumb holds the top to close the feeding is not the baby's nose, do not interfere with breathing. "

    Sometimes it is recommended to have more magnificent rituals, when the mother should "wear a special clean dress, remove the hair under the kerchief." If you feel any slight indisposition, runny nose, cough, you must protect your nose and mouth with a mask of pure ironed gauze. "

    It is also interesting that not only the mother should be taught to breastfeed, but also the newborn child should be taught. .. to suck."In the first days of life, the baby must learn to suck, adapt to the breast." The mother is obligated to do everything in every way, first of all, strictly observing the technique of feeding. .. ".

    That's what nature is so imperfect that has spawned us.

    What is this phenomenon - breastfeeding? And why does it cause problems no less than pregnancy and childbirth? Why are the terms of breastfeeding of children shorter now due to the fact that milk from mothers "disappears"?

    There is a regularity in biology: the higher the species stands on the evolutionary ladder, the more time the baby needs to reach the parameters of the adult. Nature did not follow the path of increasing the duration of pregnancy, but suffered many processes outside the mother's womb. The period of breastfeeding is a peculiar period of "wear" of the baby, in which he can not yet be thought of separately from his mother. His autonomous existence is only relative. And the process of breastfeeding is an expression of this connection, which, however, is not exhausted only by the "feeding" of a being that is not yet capable of extracting food by its own efforts. In this process, together with the action of the surrounding conditions of existence, the structure of the future adult individual, its physiological and psychic features, its relationships with the surrounding reality is further created.

    Prerequisites for breastfeeding are created during the period of intrauterine development. The mother's body prepares milk during pregnancy. Already on 4-5 months of pregnancy from the chest can squeeze a few drops of milk. A child, long before birth, begins to form a powerful reflex - sucking. After birth, when you insert the nipple of the mother's breast into the child's mouth, this reflex is activated. Here's the kid and "learned" to suck.

    Only a barbarous custom of sharing a mother with a child after birth can lead to the child's need to "remember" the process of breast sucking. Reflex weakens, and the nipple and chest - things are different, requiring different mechanisms of sucking.

    Does the mother need to be taught to breastfeed? It turns out that yes, but only in the sense that it helps to get rid of the "scientific" notions about this process, which reduce it to the level of simple physiological saturation of the baby. In the sense of helping her overcome our modern cultural attitudes that focus on the medical approach to the child as a potentially sick being. This training is not limited to mastering the "technique" of feeding. The main thing is the transformation of breastfeeding into a full communication between the mother and the child, their peculiar dialogue, enriching both. Therefore, the main task is to teach the mother to create the conditions under which a bonding relationship develops between her and the child. Everything else happens automatically.

    Breastfeeding is a deeply intuitive process, the same as bearing a baby and its birth. And only the human intellect, imagining itself the crown of creation, could reduce this process to bare science-like schemes, seeing in it a problem worthy of its application, and thus generating a lot of really serious problems depriving the mother and child of that delightful atmosphere of interpenetration in which themature truly human qualities.

    Animals do not have developed intelligence, but they feed their babies so successfully, and, most importantly, so professionally that the human mother can only envy them. Not professors and academicians, but dogs and cats, rabbits, hamsters, horses and goats should learn the science of breastfeeding.

    What gives the baby mother's milk purely physiologically?

    First, it's just his food, that is, the necessary set of substances, plastic material, from which the body is built. But this is the food of this particular child. Mother and child - a single well-coordinated system, they are "adjusted" to each other. The composition and properties of mother's milk under normal conditions are "calculated" for her child. Milk is a donor, although it is possible and better than artificial substitutes, but it is intended for another child, with other physiological characteristics.

    The composition of the mother's milk varies with the growth of the baby and changes in the needs of his body. Simultaneously there is a gradual preparation of the digestive system of the child for more rough food. In the first days after birth, his digestive system is so tender that for this period the baby's food is digestible colostrum, which only on the third or fourth day begins to be replaced by milk.

    Secondly, with the mother's milk the child receives various antibodies that protect him from the effects of infections( the so-called passive immunity).This is necessary for the first time, until he has developed his own antibodies. Especially a large number of antibodies is contained in colostrum milk.

    The very act of sucking causes a lot of physiological reactions in both the child and the mother. Nature included him in the natural sequence of events at the birth of the child - as the satisfaction of one of the most important needs of the baby and as a continuation of the generic process for the mother.

    When breastfeeding, the child activates many brain structures, which is essential for its development. There is no need to explain these physiological mechanisms. You can check this on yourself. Sit comfortably in silence. Close your eyes. Start making sucking movements, imagining that you are sucking large breasts. Do this the way a baby does, with a slightly curled tongue and placing it on the lower lip( an imaginary nipple located between the tongue and the upper lip).Very soon you will feel the feeling of "bursting out" in your head, a rush of blood to it. There is a feeling of stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract, an increase in intestinal peristalsis. Soon the sensations will spread all over the body. Then a specific pleasant taste will begin to be felt in the tongue and in the entire oral cavity. This is accompanied by a special feeling of pleasure. Try it. This will be for you the best illustration of the significance of this process for the baby. The only thing that needs to be understood is that this process proceeds most fully when the mother's breast is sucked. No nipple can replace a mother's nipple.

    It is very important that the child is on his mother's breast immediately after birth. All mechanisms activated by the act of sucking have an optimal time for their "launch" immediately after birth.

    When a child sucks his mother's breast immediately after birth, this stimulates the mother to produce a hormone called oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions, which facilitates the separation of the placenta and the release of the placenta. Later, these uterine contractions caused by sucking the breast, quickly lead the uterus back to normal. Mother more quickly restores her strength after giving birth, if the baby is intensively sucking the breast.

    With the first feeding after birth, the mother organism receives a "request" for the production of milk. And it is also important that this request be made immediately. It is well known that the artificial delaying of the first feeding leads to a reduction in the period of breastfeeding.

    However, all this looks too simple for the modern "science" of the period of infancy. Surely scientists have worked hard before coming to the next recommendation: "After giving birth( in the first 6-10 hours), the mother needs a full rest, and she does not have milk." The child, in turn, adapts to new conditions and does not feelhunger, so the first time applied to the breast of all healthy children in 6-12 hours. Earlier application is impractical. "

    Recently, however, the value of early application to the breast has become more and more realized. The modern ritual of the first feeding in "progressive" maternity hospitals looks approximately like this. After cutting the umbilical cord and appropriate "treatment," mothers bring a tightly wrapped bundle with a child's protruding face and significantly poke this bundle into the mother's breast. Then a historical record is made that the infant was immediately attached to the breast immediately after birth.

    Imagine that you came to a restaurant. You sit down in an armchair that turns out to be so uncomfortable that it does not allow you to move freely even with your hands. In addition, your face shines brightly.lamp. The orchestra is just above you, so it's impossible to recognize the melody. On one side of your table, the butcher splits the carcass, and on the other comes the ferry pan on the stove. The waiter in a white coat and cap, with a bandage on his face, his hands in rubber gloves gives you the most delicious dishes and delicacies. Most likely you will prefer to leave. What will be your opinion about the chef who concluded that you just "do not feel hungry"?

    Is this comparison valid? Is the child such an esthete? Of course, not an esthete. Just a person needs the most elementary, but human conditions. Give your mother a naked baby, let her nestle it to her body. Muffle the light, create silence. And. .. the baby will start sucking. He "suddenly" will feel hungry!

    But does the baby suck his mother's breast from hunger? No. And being full, he can make such a wish. After all, this is the way he communicates with his mother, it's a way to feel the maternal warmth and hear the beating of the mother's heart.

    The first feeding immediately after birth is one of the links in the chain of processes leading to the establishment of bonding. Sucking a baby's breast stimulates the pituitary gland of the mother - the gland, whose activity is associated with intuitive perception processes. Immediately after birth - the critical time when the process of forming bonding is most intense.

    Medical science, far from such sentimentality, tends to view the mother's breast only as a farm for the production of milk, and the child's need, expressed in the sucking reflex, is only food.

    The farm indicator is milk yield. This is the starting point for further "scientific" recommendations: "There is a strict rule: to apply the baby at each feeding to only one breast and then strictly alternate, not confusing." For the best functioning of the breast, i.e., producing the optimal amount of milk,so that the breast is always completely emptied. If the milk remains after feeding, especially during the first days and weeks of breastfeeding, it should be expressed by hand or breast pump. "

    Is it the same with cows when they are "dealt"?And is this not one of the reasons that pus flows from the cow udder along with milk? Such a gentle instrument, as the mother's breast, does not tolerate violence.

    In the early days, when colostrum begins to change for milk, there may be a so-called "pouring".Milk comes quickly, and the breast becomes firm. At the same time, milk production clearly exceeds the baby's needs. Expressing milk completely means giving a signal to an even greater production( in an unnatural, traumatic way), which will require even more violence against the chest.

    If after the baby has eaten, the breast is hard, you just need to slightly cut it to make it feel normal softness. The same thing to do if the baby is sleeping, and the breast is "poured."In this case, it is not necessary to feed only one breast at a time. Within a few days( usually 2-3 days) the production of the mother's organism of milk comes in accordance with the normal "market" law: demand determines the supply. As the child grows, it sucks more, and thus gives a signal for a greater production of milk.

    Mother is not a cash cow. And milk should not be as much as possible. It should be as long as the child needs. This is the optimal work of the mammary glands.

    Especially pay attention to the first days of colostrum feeding. A common opinion based on the belief in the irrationality of natural regulation of natural processes is the lack of colostrum for saturation of the child. The argument is simple: for one feeding the baby sucks just a few drops. There really is not any more. So, the poor child is starving! Hence mandatory feeding in the early days, adopted in maternity hospitals.

    At least, it would be worthwhile to conclude that such a shortage of colostrum is characteristic of all mammals. However, their cubs by some miracle survive without any lures.

    The practice of natural feeding shows that it is just these few drops that are enough for a child. In a sense, it is true that he does not experience the first time after the birth of a special feeling of hunger, but the need for sucking at his chest is nevertheless large. This is a program of establishing bonding and requesting the mother's body to produce milk.

    The reasons why there may be an impression of a shortage of baby food in the early days are very prosaic. Firstly, this is the beginning of feeding( even after only a few hours), when the signal expired by the mother's organism for milk production expires after a critical period, after which it arrives much more slowly. Secondly, the establishment from the first day of a strict mode of feeding.

    Above we already touched on the issue of the regime for newborns and infants. However, the mode of feeding should be emphasized, since this is the most obvious violence over natural natural mechanisms.

    "Breastfeed should be strictly at the same time, as this produces a conditioned reflex for a while, which plays a big role in the processes of secretion of digestive juices," says the great science. Following the extensive experience of Academician Pavlov, it might be advisable to install a special bell over the crib of the baby or simply set up an alarm clock for it.

    It is recommended to maintain the mode quite strictly."The question often arises: is it necessary to wake up the baby for feeding? Yes, if he spends the time of feeding more than 15-20 minutes." If the baby woke up 15-20 minutes earlier than the term and began to worry, then you can start feeding it. "Although there is another "scientific" opinion: "... you can sometimes take 20-30 minutes or more to deviate from the regime in one direction or another." However, the following feeding should be done according to the regime. "

    The very time of sucking is also scrupulously calculated: "The duration of feeding at first can be 30 minutes, but in the subsequent( but not later than the 78th day of life) it is reduced to 20-15 and even 10 minutes."

    What, in fact, does the forced "stacking" of feeding into such a scheme lead to?

    Indeed, the child has a conditioned reflex to the time. In this case, another reflex is supplanted - to ask to eat when the real feeling of hunger sets in. As a result, disharmony of time and quantity of food intake with actual nutritional needs is formed. This entails substituting a sense of hunger for a completely different phenomenon - an appetite. These two phenomena need to be clearly distinguished. A good appetite is not necessarily a sign of a child's health, as parents are taught. Often this is a sign of the lack of regulation of the body's needs. A child who is accustomed to the regime will eat regardless of whether he is hungry or not. On the other hand, replacing milk with water or something else when there is a feeling of hunger, when the "proper" feeding time has not come, leads to the illusion of saturation, not providing the body's needs.

    Growing up, the kid starts "revenge" all in a row, or easily leans towards unnatural food, demanding that "tasty".He will eat not because he is hungry, but because he "must."

    Children breastfed naturally, retain a natural sense of hunger and a subtle sense of the amount and composition of the necessary food. With a large choice of food on the table, they teach lessons of rational nutrition, correctly combining products and surprisingly adults ignoring all sorts of delicacies and sweets.

    To understand the difference between hunger and appetite there is an excellent remedy - fasting for several days. Those who have such experience know perfectly well how, after fasting, taste sensations and food requirements themselves change, like "I want to, because it's tasty" changes to "I want, because this is the body's need"( and only because of this "tasty").Hardly after fasting for several days, you want to drink soup with compote or even salt potatoes. Attitudes to food after hunger - this is a great illustration of the relationship to the food of the child. Never should the child feed on himself, for the overwhelming majority of us have long been driven out of hunger by an uncontrollable appetite.

    The needs of children are very individual. This is especially evident in the first days after birth. Some really ask for breast after 3-4 hours. Others demand it every hour or even half an hour. Sometimes the first day after birth, the baby sucks almost continuously. All this is perfectly normal. Gradually, the interval between feedings increases. Each child sets himself the optimal regime for himself.

    The duration of each feeding is also individual. But in general, it can be said that the need for satisfaction of the sucking reflex is somewhat higher than the baby's nutritional needs. This is quite natural, since a growing children's body must constantly give a request and for a greater production of milk by the mother's body. In addition, the time of breast sucking is determined each time not only by the need for milk, but also by the need for contact with the mother.

    In certain periods, the baby can often "overeat", regurgitating excess milk. In this there is nothing to worry about. This is the way to ask the mother's body to increase the production of milk. In addition, the spitting process stimulates the internal organs and it is possible that it is reflexively, if necessary.

    The rigid mode of breastfeeding does not take into account another circumstance - the dependence of the need for milk on various external factors, such as weather changes, geomagnetic disturbances, etc., to which children are very sensitive. Observe the amount of food you eat( unless, of course, you overeat chronically), depending on the phases of the moon. You will find that in the full moon, hunger is felt stronger and the amount of food needed to saturate increases. The same is observed in infants. The amount of milk produced by the mother also follows the lunar cycle, reaching a maximum at the full moon.

    Thus, only based on the needs of the child, you can provide it with the right amount of milk and at the right time for it.

    The composition and properties of milk depend not only on what the mother eats, but also on her condition. This condition is "encoded" in milk, and the child "deciphers" it. If the mother is concerned and worried, then this is transferred to the baby with milk. He also begins to behave restlessly, his digestion is disturbed. Sometimes mother's milk as a result of negative experiences becomes so "indigestible" for the baby, that he refuses to take the breast.

    In this phenomenon - a common cause of digestive disorders and nervousness of children in the first months of life. The mother's concern for the child's condition leads to an abnormal milk composition and indigestion. The condition of the baby worsens. Mother begins to worry even more. There is a vicious circle. A mother who does not find a place for herself from anxiety and excitement, tired and sleepy, and a screaming baby with a swollen and hard stomach like a stone, is not a frequent picture at a pediatrician's reception?

    The process of breastfeeding has a different physiological side. This is a process in which the mother and child seem to merge into a single whole, interpenetrating with their whole being, nourishing each other with their state of mind.

    Even during pregnancy, the mother's breast acquires a certain "electrification".If you bring your hand to the nipple, you can feel how something emanates from it, leaving specific sensations on your palms. This flow intensifies with the term of pregnancy and in childbirth becomes very strong. Then it gradually decreases by the end of the period of breastfeeding. You can call this "biofield" or somehow different, but this is what "fills" the baby during feeding, carrying in itself the whole spectrum of maternal experiences, from the simplest emotions to spiritual aspirations. Therefore, the phrase "soaked with mother's milk" should be understood more literally than allegorically.

    Feeding from the mother's breast, the baby learns patterns of attitude to the environment, patterns of emotional reactions, the direction of thinking, spiritual experiences. This is the way in which the foundations of it are laid as a social being belonging to a particular culture, the bearer and spokesman of which is his mother.

    Therefore, essentially the state in which the mother applies her baby to her breast. It should be done as a ritual, but not medical, based on fears and complexes, and the ritual is sublime, associated with the transfer of desired spiritual states to the child.

    The baby not only sucks life from the mother, but is ready to give her no less. Putting a child to the breast is a connection to a clean source, cleansing and healing. Being open to this source, a mother can experience ineffable states of bliss and enlightenment of consciousness.

    The dialogue of two souls dissolving into each other, feeding and enriching each other is the most important purpose of breastfeeding the human mother of a human infant.

    A mother breastfeeding should have an increased energy potential and should be healthy. This is the biological condition of strong and viable offspring. And nature has pawned this opportunity in the offspring itself. The baby "feeds" the mother throughout the entire breastfeeding period, just as a mother with her proximity and breast milk provides his body with high backup capabilities. With natural breastfeeding, the mother not only rarely falls ill, but often there is a high healing effect. It is only necessary to do this naturally, allowing the natural forces to do their work.

    To ensure full and prolonged breastfeeding, nature combined the feeding process with the pleasure that the mother feels, not to mention the baby. And this pleasure, without any exaggeration, is of a sexual nature. Breastfeeding can be seen as a kind of sexual act between mother and baby, and breastfeeding - as part of a woman's sexual life. Misunderstanding of this, connected with a sanctimonious attitude to sexuality or incorrect sexual education, leads to deprivation of breastfeeding of full value, emotional coloring, to the constraint of the mother and, as a consequence, to shorten the term of breastfeeding. It is necessary to understand the simple truth that sexual relationships are not limited to certain sex relations, but are present in one form or another in almost all types of relationships.

    Breastfeeding is the beginning of a child's sexual upbringing. On how it will pass, depends on its future relationship with people, including the opposite sex. And in many ways, what will be invested in the very notion of sexual relations. Whether it is a desire for animal physiological satisfaction or the search for much more sublime forms of human relationships, when sexual relations are the derivative of a high sense of love. At the mother's breast the baby gets a model of sexual relations. From the mother, the specific content of this model depends on this or that content.

    If the sensation of the mother is a thing that is close and comprehensible, then the sexuality of the baby for most people is something contrary to common sense."To the generally accepted opinion about sexual attraction is the view that in childhood it is absent," wrote Freud, "... and awakens only in the period of life when the adolescence is coming in. But this is not a simple, even cruel error,having serious consequences, since it is mainly to blame for our present ignorance of the basic tenets of sexual life. "

    It's enough to observe how a baby sucks a breast to see the obvious analogy of the sexual act of adults. This is especially evident in actively sucking, temperamental children.

    Freud noted: "Sucking for the most part absorbs all attention and ends either with a dream or a motor reaction like orgasm."And further: "Who saw how a saturated child falls from his chest with reddened cheeks and with a blissful smile plunges into a dream, he must admit that this picture has the character of typical sexual satisfaction in later life."

    Understanding of breastfeeding as a deeply intimate, sexual act of two loving creatures makes it possible to see the absurdity of a pediatric "scientific" approach that reduces this process only to a mechanical act of saturation. Imagine a newly-married couple on a honeymoon, for which the schedule and duration of sexual contacts are strictly established. After a while, this would lead to mental disruption and a breakdown in the harmony of relationships. Is it the same with children? Perhaps, that hearth stiffness, which allows to commit such violence on children, which suggests their "unfinishedness" in the manifestation of their feelings, at the same time does not allow us to understand their subtle experiences?

    What absurdity would sound for us the conclusion of the learned men about the inexpediency of the continuation of the sexual life, say, after fifteen years of marriage. Why is it that many people take seriously the same stupidity: "It is advisable to take a healthy, properly developing baby from the breast by the 11-12th month".

    Nature is again mistaken. Again, a reasonable person must commit violence against her."During this period, the mother should wear tight braces tightening a breast or bandage with a wide bandage, drink less liquid, and after 2-4 days the milk can completely stop."What gyrus in the head is responsible for such sophisticated sadism?

    "Scientific" rationale is very simple: "Breastfeeding after a year is not appropriate, because at this age the baby with mother's milk does not get many of the substances necessary to him."Again "substances" are superior to human relationships. Then why do we need friends who do not feed us? Why do we need love that does not bring profit?

    Is it really so difficult to understand that weaning can make a child and mother suffer? No, this is understood. And "science" is not devoid of "humanism": "Breaking from the breast is an important exercise for both the child and the mother, not only physically, but emotionally." It happens that the mother, who attaches great importance to breastfeeding, feels disappointed and even falls intodepression, when it comes time to take the baby from the breast, it may seem that she has moved away from the child or lost her significance, so the more important it is to take the baby from the breast as much as possible. "

    "She may seem. .."?A naive, stupid mother "may seem"?No, she feels reality. She really moves away from the child. And really loses its significance. .. in his eyes. After all, the source forming their relationship is forcibly interrupted. Not having fulfilled to the end of its functions, the model of the relationship between man and man and the world around him is destroyed. The process that forms the intuitive consciousness of the child, his sensory sphere, is destroyed. But what kind of "science" is it to the point that the heart, deprived of a source of warmth, is doomed to be cold?

    The interruption of breastfeeding is a gross interference in the natural process, leaving the most important biological program unrealized. Suffer from it not only the child, but also the mother. This is a delayed-action mine, similar to abortion. Nature does not tolerate violence. Each unrealized program looks for an outlet and finds it in the most unnatural forms, destroying the female body. Maybe the medicine has a disadvantage in patients? How else to explain the untenable cruelty of weaning from the breasts?

    Termination of breastfeeding is as natural a process as its beginning. It is a mistake to think that the baby is getting used to sucking the breast and will do it indefinitely. He will suck his breast as much as he needs, based on his individual characteristics. Breastfeeding occurs naturally, without any violence, on average in the period from one and a half to three years. Sometimes, however, later. Also naturally "disappears" and milk in the mother's breast.

    Someone may be surprised at the "late" term for the end of breastfeeding. The situation when a three-year-old child sucks a mother's breast, seems to many to be something awkward and even indecent. But it was always like that. Only modern medicine, strenuously correcting mistakes of nature, considered it "inexpedient" to breast-feed for more than a year. And the medical approach itself leads to the fact that this term can rarely be longer. In most cases, milk disappears from the maternal breast much earlier.

    The baby of the first year of life became known as the thoracic. However, this does not correspond to reality. The first year does represent a certain period of development, but not connected with the end of breastfeeding.

    Another significant "mistake" of nature, from the point of view of modern pediatrics, is the absence in the mother's milk of the components of fruit juices, egg yolks and double-turned boiled meat. And therefore, it is recommended to start feeding from the age of one month. Is the child ready for this organism? Of course not. But nature can be deceived. Therefore, the juices are given, "starting with 3-5 drops and gradually adding up to 2 tablespoons," grated apple - "from 1/2 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons," etc. It does not matter that thinThe mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract are still irritated, turning children from an early age into chronic gastritis. The main thing - vitamins, mineral salts and high-grade protein.

    There is no need to comment on such nonsense, summarized in the most complex tables and described in detail on many pages. Let us turn to BP Nikitin: "If a newborn is provided with an initial colostrum, and later with mother's milk, then he gets everything that nature has prepared for him, what he needs. And when his mother's milk is not enough, nature gives a signal - sends him a toothso that the child can gnaw, bite, thereby adding to the milk vitamins and salt, which he now lacks. The teeth are cut at the age of 5-8 months, and until this time the baby's ventricle is not ready for any kinds of food, except for mother's milk.to give juices and mashed potatoesThis time leads to stomach disorders, diarrhea, to what is called "pussy tummy", the appearance of rashes or reddening of the skin on the cheeks. . "

    The experience of natural breastfeeding shows that the child really does not need anything other than breast milk, up toappearance of the first tooth. Nature has invested in mother's milk all that is necessary. And the mother must take care of her full nutrition, and not about how and how much to feed the baby.

    The appearance of teeth was a criterion for the necessity of supplementary feeding in many peoples. A researcher of the customs of ancient India RB Pandey writes: "Teeth were an obvious sign that a child is able to take solid food." It was forbidden to give solid food until the fourth month. "For weak children this period was postponed for a later time, even for a period later than a year.

    A big mistake lies in the idea of ​​the need for a baby cow's milk. This prejudice has led to the fact that cow milk has become an integral part of the daily diet of the baby, both after the termination of breastfeeding, and earlier. Milk is given in its pure form, in the form of milk porridges and other dishes.

    Indeed, cow's milk contains many valuable nutrients. However, their combination is not intended for the human calf, but for the calf."Therefore, any attempt to breastfeed a child with another kind of milk is, in fact, an environmental disaster for the child, and all the more significant, the less his age."

    Even more dangerous are special mixtures produced by the industry in a huge variety, also containing components of cow's milk."Lost," writes BP Nikitin, "that cow milk is intended by nature for a calf that grows five times as fast as a child, and it is not by chance that we see" artificers "who weigh 23 kg in two years, that is, the weight of a seven-year! "And further: "Advertising presents milk mixtures with convenient and almost ideal nutrition for the child, reporting only on their positive qualities." Mothers can easily see their advantages: they are easy to prepare, you can give the child as much as you want, and you can give the feed to the father, parents, other membersfamily, but it should also list the harmful, negative properties of nutrition: the danger of obesity( 80 percent of obese children take obesity for adulthood), indigestion( diarrhea), oppression of microflora in the intestine, oweakening of immunity, inhibition of the development of brain tissue, acceleration, the future early impotence of men and others. "

    Until the appearance of the first tooth and, accordingly, the beginning of complementary feeding the child does not need water. No baby of any land mammal consumes water in the early stages of breastfeeding. Water( especially boiled, that is, de-structured, "dead") is hardly digested by the child, causing dyspepsia. Mothers perfectly know how children refuse to take water and they have to teach them to drink.

    The guarantee of the normal amount of water in the child's body will be his bathing and water exercises( possibly daily).The skin has the property of sucking water when it is deficient, even in large quantities.

    So, when the first tooth erupts, the baby is ready for more rough food than the mother's milk. What to feed him? This question always worries parents. When a child is really ready for solid food, everything is decided very simply. Give him something natural, a fruit is better. For example, an apple. And he will gladly gnaw it with his one tooth. Give him a carrot, a crust of bread. Do not rub or grind anything. Let his one tooth work. When the second tooth appears, the amount of eaten will increase. So the number of teeth will become a natural measure of complementary feeding.

    Food should be simple. Fruits, berries, vegetables, bread( better stale).A little later you can give from a spoon of porridge. Simple, boiled on water, without salt and sugar. Everything will be like a child. It is impossible to evaluate the taste of products from their positions. Many mothers know how children persist in refusing milk porridges with the addition of salt and sugar. But as soon as the kid gets just a "tasteless" porridge cooked on the water, he begins to eat it with pleasure. This we must learn from children the rules of nutrition.

    There are many difficulties associated with lure: the child refuses to eat. But this happens if the lure is injected violently, before the time when the child's organism is ready for it."This is a hilarious sight when a child first tries solid food, his face bewildered and disgusted." He wrinkles his nose and his forehead, and do not blame him for that, after all, it's really a new taste and consistency for him. "And a lot of recommendations, as it is still forced to eat.

    Nutrition of the child will always depend on what food habits exist in the family. But if you decide to master rational nutrition, you will have something to learn from it.

    The most common reason for transferring children to mixed feeding is the mother's lack of milk. This phenomenon is both frequent and absurd, since the entire experience of growing children from different peoples at all times, as well as breastfeeding of mammals their young, show that "this is the normal property of the female breast - to give milk always if the baby needs it."And, apparently, the whole question is exhausted by an understanding of this "necessary."

    What are the main reasons leading to a real shortage of milk or allowing to conclude about it?

    1) Unwilling mother to breastfeed. Despite possible objections, this is quite common. Simply most often it is expressed not explicitly, but indirectly, when breastfeeding is seen by the mother as a burden, although the need for this is realized. The creative power of our thought is manifested here as well as in the state of the child. The organism reacts to signals from the deep layers of consciousness and gradually stops the production of milk. At the same time, the desire to raise a baby's breast can overcome many obstacles.

    2) The use of a large number of medicines in childbirth leads to a disruption of the hormonal balance in the mother's body, which in turn can disrupt many processes associated with maternity function, including lactation. The mother's body becomes unable to properly respond to the needs of the baby sucking the breast. This leads to the rapid disappearance of milk.

    3) Later application to the breast after birth leads to the fact that the critical period is not used, when the response of the mother organism to breast sucking is most optimal. The period of breastfeeding is reduced.

    4) Feeding by the regime and limiting the time of sucking. This violates the natural rhythms of the mother's body and does not take into account the needs of the child. In such conditions, breast-feeding can not last for a long time.

    5) Suggestion by doctors and relatives that milk may not be enough. This is evidenced by many surrounding mother examples. As a result - humility with this fact as inevitably and early transfer of the child to mixed feeding. This is facilitated by the practice of control weights in polyclinics and the developed norms of child weight gain, which do not take into account the significant variations not only of the individual characteristics of children, but also the amount of milk sucked by the same baby at different times.

    6) The mother's fears and worries about the state of the child( including fear for her inability to fully nourish him) lead to a change in the composition of milk and a decrease in its production. Nevertheless, it is on the suggestion of a multitude of fears and fears that a pediatric approach to the child's nurturing is based.

    7) Early introduction of complementary foods leads to saturation of the baby, in addition to the maternal breast, and a decrease in the time of sucking. As a result, the mother organism does not receive a request for milk production and its quantity decreases. Especially it is promoted by food from a bottle with a pacifier. Sucking the breast is harder, and the child starts to give it up.

    8) The unfavorable psychological atmosphere around the mother with a baby, causing her nervousness and stress, results in a decrease in lactation.

    9) Sometimes the mother, feeling some sexual arousal when the baby suckles on the breast, considers this abnormal because of the stereotypes that she has and tries to suppress such feelings. Along with this, the lactation process is suppressed.

    10) In some periods( usually in the second to third months of breastfeeding and later, for example, on the fifth or sixth), there is a sense of lack of milk. The baby begins to suck more often and longer, emptying the breast completely. It is at this time there is a temptation to introduce lure and, as a consequence, the need for a breast decreases. In fact, this is a common phenomenon, due to the periodic delay of the mother's organism in the production of milk. If you continue to breast-feed only, two or three days are enough to increase the amount of milk and match the baby's needs.

    11) Constant application of the baby only to one breast leads to the mother's receiving a signal from another, complete, breast about its lack of demand and a decrease in the production of milk.

    12) To reduce lactation, sucking on the baby's pacifier dummies. We will dwell on this in particular.

    Today's baby is not conceived without a pacifier. She became his attribute, just like a rattle. And very few of the parents, inserting this piece of rubber into the child's mouth, thinks about the meaning of this invention. And its meaning is very simple - to shut up the baby's mouth, getting rid of his annoying demands of the mother's breast or parents' hands. Having received a rubber substitute for the mother, the child satisfies his need for sucking, plunging into a certain state of half-dozing, ceasing to disturb his parents.

    We have already mentioned that the need for sucking is slightly higher than the actual nutritional needs of the child. This is necessary to stimulate the production of milk in accordance with the needs of a growing organism. Satisfying these "surpluses" with a pacifier, the child does not fulfill the required request, which shortens the period of breastfeeding.

    However sucking a dummy has another consequence. Take a look at the grown-up baby sucking on the pimple. His eyes, as a rule, are half-closed and turned to nowhere. A kind of self-immersion. All this resembles the picture observed when sucking on the mother's breast. However, only the human mind, capable of reducing breast sucking to a mechanical act, can hold the identity between the maternal nipple and the pacifier. If we finally realized that breastfeeding is not just pumping milk, we need to understand that the difference between breast sucking and pacifiers is the same as between full sexual intercourse and masturbation.

    For a baby such "self-deepening" results primarily in a decrease in activity in relation to the outside world. To the world that he must know and capture during this period. The search activity decreases, the tendency to research. And most importantly, does not this lead to the habit of satisfying their needs in a surrogate way?

    Practice shows that in the first 2-3 weeks of life such a surrogate satisfaction of natural needs is perceived by the kid as a matter of course. There is a seizure. Maybe for life?

    However, an attempt to give the baby a pacifier for the first time after this period leads to such a vivid expression of outrage and resentment that leaves no desire for such attempts to continue. The kid does not allow to replace the mother with a piece of rubber.

    In conclusion, we will try to formulate the basic principles of natural breastfeeding.

    1) The child should be at the maternal breast immediately after birth. This forms the bonding relationship between mother and baby, enriching with subtle experiences any of their interactions, including breastfeeding. The first feeding immediately after birth gives a signal to the mother's organism for long breastfeeding.

    2) From the first day in the mother's breast contains everything you need. No lure is required. No water is required. Only the mother's breast. Lure and water - on a natural signal, i.e. with the appearance of the first tooth.

    3) The frequency and duration of feeding are determined only by the needs of the baby and nothing else. Feed naturally, without unnecessary "ritual" actions. Just clean the nipples with water. Soap sears the skin and promotes the formation of cracks. Feed in different positions: sitting, lying, standing. How convenient. Do not create stereotypes.

    4) If a child asks for a breast at night, then he is hungry. It is convenient to take him to his bed, putting a diaper next to him for a change. This will eliminate the need to get up at night and provide the baby with the necessary contact with the mother.

    5) Feed your baby better naked, pressing it to your skin. The child should be able to move freely when sucking, manifesting his emotional reactions.

    6) Do not give the baby a pacifier. Let only the mother's breast be the source of satisfaction of his need for sucking. Feed him from a bottle with a pacifier only in extreme cases. Do not accustom him to surrogates.

    7) When the first tooth appears, give it natural, natural food. First fruits, vegetables. Then porridge, bread. If you do not eat meat yourself, do not feed them a child, at least the first year or a year and a half, and then - according to circumstances. Learn from him the rules of rational nutrition.

    8) Turn the feeding process into meditation. Let yourself be carried away by the sensations that rise in you. Be as sublime as possible. Imagine how, together with milk, the baby includes those qualities that you want to see in it. Tell him your condition.

    9) Let the baby himself naturally give up the breast. Forget about "propriety".Extend the joy of feeding. Let the child's heart receive more warmth and kindness to return them to you and other people.

    And yet. The image of an infant feeding from a mother's breast is not just a perfect symbol of motherhood. We are all babies at the breast of our common mother - Nature. And we will remain human only as long as we are able to preserve to it the feeling that the infant feeds on his mother. This feeling is best taught by the mother's breast. This is a symbol of our relations and a key to understanding the world. Let each mother be a Divine Madonna, and every child be a Divine Infant by her breast. Let every mother feed her child in such a way that only the Divine Madonna can feed and how to feed the Divine Child. For our culture comes to that point, when, it is not excluded, the image of the Madonna, the one with the gauze bandage on her face, will be replaced by the image of the Madonna. And if, God forbid, this will ever happen, we will be able to be sure that with everything human is finished finally and irrevocably.