  • Development of the logic and horizons of the child

    Here are some exercises, cited by S. Lupan, for the development and understanding of logic.

    Comprehensive answers. When talking with the child, ask him to answer the question posed in an exhaustive manner. For example:

    The cow is covered with wool, it gives milk, it has horns, four legs. ..

    Chicken covered with feathers, it carries eggs, it has wings, two legs. ..

    Continue this list until all the differences areexhausted.

    Position in space: left, right, top, bottom, above, under, on, in, etc. As for the concept of "left" and "right", talk about it while dressing the baby. Saying "on the right", squeeze his right arm or leg;when you say "on the left," touch the parts of his body that are on the left. To explain to him other cases of location of objects in space, take a small toy that he likes, and put it on a table, under a table, in a box, etc.

    • A child must understand his mistakes. When a kid says something wrong, do not limit yourself to a simple statement of his mistake.

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    Explain what led to it. Understanding your mistakes is the best comprehension of logic.• Do not be afraid to show that you do not know something, and also your joy that you have learned something new. Do not hesitate to tell the child: "I do not know this! Let's look in the encyclopedia. "

    Combining two or more features of objects. Arrange 25 geometric figures of five different colors in front of the child( 5 different colored squares, 5 multi-colored triangles, etc.) and ask him to give you a red square, blue circle, green triangle, etc. So you suggest that he combine in hisconsciousness shape and color. Then tell the kid to put a green circle to his right, an orange square was picked up in his left hand, and a brown triangle was thrown into the box. In this case, he connects already three concepts: form, color and place. Look for the answer with him. Show the child how you are looking, then quickly read the article about yourself and tell him the most interesting.

    Antonyms. Play with the child in words of the opposite meaning. Call the words, and let the kid answer you. For example:

    large - small;strong - weak;kind angry;good bad;man Woman;difficult - easy;to raise and lower;

    thick - thin;laugh - cry;young - old, etc.

    "Why do you need. ..?" Ask the child, for example: "What is the mouth for?" Possible answers: "In order to eat, drink, talk, laugh, smile, bite".

    Calendar. Introduce the child to the days of the week. Hang a table with the names of the days of the week on the wall in the children's room and show him every morning what day it is. You can also make a kind of dial with the names of the days of the week, and then the kid can himself translate the arrow on the desired day.

    Common feature in a number of subjects. The first exercise: you call three words, and the child says how they can be called one common word:

    Doll, ball, blocks - TOYS Yellow, orange, purple - COLORS Chair, cabinet, table - FURNITURE Milk, water, coffee - DRINKS Orange, apple, banana - FRUITS

    The second exercise: you name five words, four of which belong to one class of concepts, and the fifth - to another. Ask the child which word is superfluous and why:

    Cat, dog, chicken, horse, ram( chicken) Pear, apple, chamomile, watermelon, cherry( chamomile) Table, chair, cat, chair, sofa( cat) Pink,green, blue, car, yellow( car)

    If the child can not cope with the task, help him and explain why this answer is correct. With the smallest it is better to start with pictures. There are many games on sale( for example, a lotto with suitable pictures).

    The development of the imagination with the help of geometric figures. Think together with the child what you can draw using as a basis a circle: a face, an apple, a plate, etc. Then take another figure.

    "Why?- Because. .. "Children often ask the question" Why? ".It is possible that the child knows the answer. As a rule, parents start to get annoyed. If such a question ensues, ask the baby in turn: "Why?" - and he will gladly answer you. By giving him the opportunity to do it himself, you increase his faith in himself. Praise the baby for the correct answer. Then your nerves will not suffer, and he will be satisfied and much quicker will stop amusing himself in this way.