Development of the speech of the child 1 year
Speech begins to develop at birth, and not at the moment when the child utters the first word. Long before this, there is a long process that you can accelerate or slow down.
With kids, not only can, but also need to talk from birth, explain to them in what environment they live, not caring that babies do not yet understand the language they are spoken to. Communication takes place outside of speech, but with the help of words!
• Explain to the child all that he does, sees and hears what is happening or will happen next to him, who is who, etc.
• While doing the massage, during bathing, call the toddler of his body part, touching them.
• Show familiar items and name them.
• Show pictures, necessarily naming what is depicted on them.
• Tell short stories. Think of a story about your foot that is hiding in the sock;about his hand, which caresses the baby or runs away from it, depending on the mood;finally, about the child who is going to the country of dreams, on a sea voyage in the bathroom, etc.
• Repeat all sounds that the child is saying. With the baby you need to talk to teach his speech, but it is equally important to let him know that he himself can say something. Somehow reproduce all the sounds that your baby says( including yawning, sneezing, coughing, etc.) to induce him to repeat them. Thus, he intuitively begins to understand what dialogue is.
If you will behave this way with the child from its very birth, you will very soon see that your baby will begin to pronounce the first words. As soon as his brain is able to perceive that the sounds he hears and there are words denoting different objects, the baby will very soon want to repeat himself what he hears. Of course, this will happen much faster if earlier he had already heard these words many times and was trained to pronounce sounds.
The above exercises need to start from birth and do not stop even after a year. Thus, the behavior and habit are developed, to which the infant adapts. At first you will be embarrassed, you will be embarrassed to talk so much with an infant. In your environment, someone will meet who chuckles at you. Never mind. Gradually your baby will start to respond with sounds, smiles, glances, and this will make you talk to him even more.
Since two years, according to Lupan, you can show your child cartoons. Just do not use this technique to free yourself extra 10-15 minutes. The kid has to watch TV with you! Otherwise, you risk replacing the TV with everything else. This happens sometimes imperceptibly and very quickly, and it's quite difficult to fix the current situation.
How to watch TV with a baby? Put the child on your lap and whisper in your ear tell him what is happening on the screen, comment. Survive with the heroes, sympathize with them or laugh. Pay attention to the child's individual parts( ball, blouse, long tail, etc.).Do not look more than 1 cartoon at a time. After viewing, ask the baby, whether he liked it or not, once again remember the heroes, their actions. Well, if after some time the child will be able, even in his own language, to tell about what he saw, for example, dad, grandmother or toys.
Such views will help develop a child's perception of long texts and help concentration.
For the development of the child's speech it is very important to read to him aloud as often as possible.
As soon as possible, teach your child to consider together with you a picture book, and illustrations you should explain to him.
Teach your child to follow what you tell him. Tell the kid a book where the pictures show the simplest story. You can use books from the series "For the little ones".For a child of 1-2 years you will often have to repeat the same fairy tales.
When the child has learned to follow the course of a simple story, pick up the books for him this time, not for presentation in pictures, but for reading, with short and lively text. Be sure to retell the child what you just read.
Have the child listen to the myths. A three-year-old has, as a rule, developed enough speech and has accumulated a certain vocabulary, Lupan said. Now the study program can include studying the myths of the peoples of the world. In addition, you can find parallels in painting( see the chapter "History of Art and Drawing").Each book on mythology can be read for a long time, in parts.
What else should the kid read at the age of 3-4?The choice is huge. Remember the children's classics from Nikolai Nosov to the "Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery and "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. If you "give" well to their child, enthrallingly explain difficult places, they will be interested in the baby for a long time, remember him and enter his spiritual world.
The expansion of the child's vocabulary should be your daily task. Therefore, talking to the baby, watch your speech, avoid slangy, vulgar words. Often use synonyms of words you use.
Sounds produced by animals, birds, insects. Every time you tell a child, for example, about some animal or bird, do not forget to mention how the sound is called, which they publish. When the kid learns the entire list you compiled, you can play with him the game "What kind of bird does this sing?" And "How does the dog bark?" Here is an approximate list of words that can help you:
The bee is buzzing.
The donkey - roars. Duck - quacks. Cat - meows.
The Grasshopper is a rattle.
The rooster - sings, crows. The crow is croaking.
The turkey-kuldykaet.
The frog croaks.
Boars, pigs - grunting.
The horse - neigh. Goat - bleating.
Dog - barking, barking.
Owl - hoots.
The goose is giggling.
Pigeon - cooing.
Magpie - cracking, croaking.
The cow is mooing.
The elephant is a trumpet.
The tiger, the lion, growls.
Scientific terms. For games with the child, you can also make lists of scientific terms. Here are examples of some of them:
Zoology is the science of animals. Ornithology is the science of birds. Ichthyology is the science of fish. Entomology is the science of insects. Cynology is the science of dogs.
A cardiologist is a doctor who heals the heart. The surgeon is the doctor who does the surgery. A dermatologist is a doctor who treats skin diseases.
A neuropathologist is a doctor who treats the nervous system. The otolaryngologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the ear, throat and nose.
Pediatrician is a doctor who treats children. A dentist is a doctor who treats teeth and diseases of the oral cavity.
The number of such games can be increased to infinity. Associate words with those branches of knowledge to which they can relate: sounds produced by animals, birds and insects - with "lessons of zoology", the profession of doctors - with "anatomy lessons".
Glossary of synonyms. Choose a word and remember together with the child all the synonyms that you can pick up to it, then check yourself in the dictionary. Explain to the child those words that are not yet known to him.
How many worries, duties and responsibilities appear in adults when a little person enters their life!
After all, the well-being of the baby depends entirely on the parents. The mother feeds the child, picks up her hands, bathes, caresses, smiles at him, talks, shows rattles.
Will pass any one or two months, and you will see that the kid is already stopping his gaze on your face, on the surrounding objects, begins to listen to the sounds.
The prerequisite for the formation of speech is emotional communication, which is established and maintained between the adult and the child. In the establishment of emotional communication, a big role belongs to the eyesight, hearing, and touch of the child, which quickly develop and improve from the first month of life.
In the third month of development, the baby has a "communication experience", he is quickened when he sees the mother, expresses his pleasure with the movements of pens and legs and some other not entirely understandable sounds like e, aa, ha, gy, khy. This means that he entered the early stage of babbling-walking.
This period of life is characterized by the fact that the child has visual and auditory concentration, that is, in response to visual and auditory stimuli, there is a brief delay in the impulsive movements of the hands, feet, head, stopping crying, he tries to look the adult, turns his head to the sound source.
Auditory and visual concentration develops if the child systematically hears the speech of an adult, sees it. And those parents who believe that it is not necessary to talk with the baby when he does not understand anything is wrong. During wakefulness, the child should hear the speech addressed to him. So, for example, when preparing for bathing and during bathing, the mother can affectionately say: "Tanechka is a good girl. Now Tanya will swim. The Vodicka is warm. First we wash Tanya's pens, and then the legs. .. Now Tanechka is clean. "This, although "one-sided", communication( when an adult speaks and the child only listens) not only causes the baby to have pleasant emotions( joy, smile), but also accustoms to listen to speech, gives rise to the desire to pronounce sounds. As a result, the baby begins to recognize the mother's voice, accustoms to gradually distinguish his name, and then respond to it.
For the development of visual concentration, an adult shows bright rattle to the child, seeks to establish contact with him at a distance: moves away from the crib, calls the baby by name, that is creates conditions under which he is forced to look for an adult with a look, turn his head.
Organizing the visual and auditory impressions necessary for the normal development of the nervous system and sense organs of the child, the adult thus prepares the ground for the development and speech of the baby.
In this period, the child can distinguish vowel sounds [a], [y], [e] and a number of consonants [n], [b], [m], [k], [z], [x].However, these sounds are still unstable, and the baby pronounces them indistinctly and not always.
At the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth month the baby has a growing need for communication with an adult. The child, if with him often communicate, is already trying to find the adult's eye, when he appears, turns his head, smiles expresses his joy, pronounces sounds. The walk becomes more intense if the adult leans toward the child. During this period of life, the baby pronounces sounds and sounds more lengthened, singing-a-ah, ah-ha, ah-gu, a-gu, but still not clearly enough, sometimes these sounds and sound combinations can not even be reproduced.
By the end of the first half-year of life the child pronounces separate sound combinations pa, ka, ma, ha, which, with constant repetition, are as though dissected into syllables words ka-ka-ka, pa-pa-pa, ma, ma. Of course, these sound combinations are still far from real speech and do not serve as a means of communication. They testify to the good mood of the baby and at the same time are preparatory exercises for the mastery of speech.
Since the second half of the first year of life, the child has seen significant changes in overall development. He has improved visual and auditory perception, he begins to move in space: sit down, crawl. During this period of life, the child not only pronounces sounds and sound combinations, but also seeks to repeat them after the adult.
To develop the child's speech activity, you can repeat the sounds and sounds that the baby himself says. Playing after him with a small interval of sounds and sound combinations, you will cause the child to say it again. Such pronouncing by the child of sounds promotes development of hearing, strengthens its speech organs, the child improves articulatory apparatus, breathing, voice. The lesson of "imitation" will be useful if the baby feels full comfort: healthy, vigorous, full, warm. During this "conversation" the child should see your face well. In this case, he will imitate not only the sounds, but also your facial expressions. To the baby could clearly hear your voice and the voice of the adult talking to him, eliminate foreign sounds and noises: turn off the radio, TV.
Emotional and voice reaction of the child is activated in the game with adults. One of the parents says "ay" or "ku-ku", and he moves to another place, while at the same time in the field of view of the baby. The kid looks for his eyes, rejoices, makes sounds.
In the seventh month of development, the child begins to understand speech on the basis of visual perception, that is, a connection is established between the subject and the word that designates it.
Adult creates special conditions for the development of understanding speech. For example, if a seven-, eight-month-old is shown a clock several times and said: "This is a watch," and then ask him: "Where is the clock?", He will look for the object with his eyes. Repeating his question repeatedly, the adult thereby connects the word with the subject in the mind of the child.
But not only the subject interests the child, he wants to continue communication with the adult. However, the ability to distinguish words at this time is still far from perfect. The kid "recognizes" mainly those of them that differ sharply in rhythmic structure;The words, which consist of sounds similar in sound, are still confusing. So, the child correctly shows where the cat is, and where the window, but does not indicate where Kolya, and where Olya.
The reaction of a toddler to a word that indicates an object depends on the age and development of the child: first he turns his head and looks at the object, then he wants to take it and, at last, submits the item to the adult at his request.
At the sight of bright, sounding, moving objects, the child develops voice responses. Sound toys often cause the baby to "talk".He lingers his eyes on them for a long time, making sounds. If the child is interested in the subject, bring it closer, give the opportunity to touch. When showing the subject, be sure to name it. Actions carried out with him, accompany the speech: "This is Lala. It's a rabbit. Let's put the bunny to sleep. "
Gradually accustom the child to use words, cause him to speak. So, if he reaches for a toy whose name is well known, do not rush to give it, try to evoke in him a speech reaction: to pronounce a word, sounds or sound combinations( BBC, Lyalya).If the child is silent, ask him: "Do you want a car( bi-bi), Lyalya?" When giving the toy, name it: "This is a machine( bbi).This is Lyalya. "
In the first year of life, it is possible to use onomatopoeia, for example, the clock is called "tick-tak", the hammer is "tuk-tuk", the bell is "jin-jin", etc. Such words are easier for a child to say, and he willingly uses them. However, along with them it is necessary to use full words.
For the development of understanding of speech, offer the child to find among several objects some one. So, ask him among 2-3 toys to find a bunny or a bear: "Katya, where is the bunny?", "Katya, where is the bear?", And then give you one of them: "Katia, give me a rabbit", "Katya, giveme a bear ".(Objects and toys should be near the child so that he can freely find them with a look, crawl up to them, take them.)
In doing so, relate the word not only to objects, toys, but also to the actions that the child himself or someone elsefrom adults, accustom it to correctly carry out these actions: get up, sit down, give a toy, wave with the handle when an adult leaves, etc.
So, by the end of the year the child begins to firmly establish a connection between the name of the subject and the word that designates it.
By the same time, the kid is mastering 8-12 words, mostly onomatopoeic or uncomplicated for pronunciation. In his vocabulary appear words from the same( mother, father, uncle), and sometimes from different syllables( Nata, Tanya, Katya).And, although the kid still quite often resorts to gestures and facial expressions, speech is increasingly becoming a means of communication.
• When did the child start to walk, babble?
• At what age did he begin to understand adult speech?(To the question: "Where's Mom, Dad, Lala, Teddy Bear?" - looks for an adult or an object, performs simple tasks: gives a toy, claps.)
• When did he say the first words and which ones?
• How many words( and what) does the child say at the end of the first year of life?
• What sounds pronounced clearly enough, and what does it say, but not always right?