  • Seabuckthorn varieties

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    Seabuckthorn - a small tree or a large shrub 4-5 m in height, with sharp spines of the family of the claws, a kind of sea buckthorn.

    The plant is dioecious, flowers are same-sex, male flowers are silverish-brownish, female - yellowish. Fruit - orange or almost red drupe. As a wild fruit plant, sea-buckthorn is known from ancient times. Even in the XVIII century it was widespread in Eastern Siberia. Sea buckthorn grows in the Caucasus, the Pamirs, Tien Shan, in the Dzhungar Alatau, the Altai, the Sayans, the mountains of Transbaikalia, as well as in Moldova and the south-western regions of Ukraine, in the Baltic, successfully cultivated in all areas of the Non-Black Earth Region.

    The mature fruit of sea buckthorn contains up to 85% of water, depending on the grade from 2.24 to 12.64 sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, up to 3% organic acids( apple and wine), tannic and pectin substances.

    In fruits, many vitamins: up to 300 mg% of vitamin C, vitamins B, vitamin P( rutin and quartzitin) up to 700 mg%, amount of vitamin A or carotene from 3 to 20 mg%, vitamin E to 14 mg%.Even higher is the concentration of vitamins in the seeds.

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    Fruits extract up to 12% of fatty oil, also rich in various vitamins: up to 250 mg% of carotenoids, up to 165 mg% of vitamin E, vitamin F, regulating skin metabolism. In fruits, there are more than 10 trace elements: iron, magnesium, manganese, boron, sulfur, aluminum, titanium, etc.

    As the fruit ripens, the content of oil, carotene, vitamin E in them increases, and the amount of vitamins C and P gradually decreases.


    When selecting varieties, it is necessary to plant those that are promising in this area.

    In the middle zone it is: Chui ( height up to 3-3.5 m, compact crown round, fruits large, dull orange, sweet-sour), Nugget, Orange, Giant, Abundant, Botanical, Trofimovskaya, Dar Kagpouni, Golden Cob, Oilseed , etc. They are high-yielding, the fruits are large, they differ by a dry separation during harvesting.

    Care: the soil must be kept loose, clean from weeds and moist. If during the filling of berries there is dry weather, they can remain shallow, and in part even fall asleep. To prevent this from happening, near a tree or a bush, you need to make a "saucer" and add 3-5 buckets of water to it and, when it is absorbed, fall asleep with dry soil. Prestovalnye circles are weeded and loosened by rakes to a depth of 4-6 cm, without damaging the superficially located roots. Rowing is best sowed with lawn grass, which must be cut regularly. Every year in the spring, organic fertilizers should be introduced - 1 bucket of mulch, 100 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate and 15-20 g of nitrogen fertilizers( urea) per 1 m2.Urea is applied in 2 divided doses: 2/3 in early spring and 1/3 after flowering. For young and weak plants, liquid top dressing is recommended.

    Sea buckthorn is rarely affected by pests and diseases. But still it is attacked by a green sea buckthorn aphid. With strong breeding, it can practically destroy the entire harvest of berries. It is combated by spraying with chemical preparations, infusions and decoctions of insecticidal plants. On acidic heavy soils, sea buckthorn is affected by wilt - verticillium wilting, the plants die. In this case, the affected plants are uprooted. To avoid this, it is necessary to observe the conditions of proper planting and care, and also to avoid the neighborhood of strawberries, potatoes and tomatoes.

    Pruning: a sea buckthorn tree can be formed as:

    • bush with 4--5 branches;
    • a tree with a single bough height of 20-30 cm. A large height is not recommended, as this automatically leads to an increase in crown size.

    The best are the branched seedlings of sea-buckthorn with approximately equivalent in length and growth force branches. If the seedling is long and has no branches, it must be cut off at a planting height of 40-50 cm. From the shoots that appeared in the next season, it will be necessary to select and lay 4-5 branches and the central conductor. They should be equalized in height, that is the strongestThe branches are shortened to the length of the weakest, so that the tops of all branches are on the same level. In order for the crown to remain compact enough, it is necessary in the next 2-3 years to shorten the strongly growing branches by 1/4 to 1/3 of their length. In the future, the need for this will disappear. Forming the sea-buckthorn, after planting, the seedling should be trimmed at an altitude of 10-20 cm, and in the following season, from the overgrown shoot, select 4-5 branches, from which, according to the described system, form the crown of the plant, the rest cut to the ring.

    The root growth of sea buckthorn can be used as a planting material only if the plant is not grafted. In grafted plants, the sea buckthorn is wild, not preserving the varietal features of the uterine plant, so it is impossible to count on certain qualities.

    Harvesting: berries need to be collected at the time they acquire a typical coloring - in September - early October. Thus, the ripe fruits of Dar Katuni have a light orange color, abundant - dark orange and cylindrical shape of the fruit;Gift garden - dark orange with a red tan and an elongated-oval shape of the fruit.

    To facilitate the collection, it is possible to carefully trim the branches and, conveniently seated at the table, separate the berries from them using conventional scissors.

    For fresh consumption and preparation of jams, syrups, compotes, it is better to harvest fruits at the beginning of botanical maturity when they are rich in ascorbic acid, do not crumple, do not crush, they do not leak juice. Pure and wrinkled fruits are difficult to collect and use in processing. Delay with the collection can not, otherwise inevitable loss of harvest due to the scraping of fruits by birds, loss of juice during collection.

    Usage: the fruit-rich sea-buckthorn fruit is used fresh and processed. Fresh and frozen jam are cooked, juice is obtained, which can be used to make jam, jelly, jelly and drinks.

    Sea buckthorn has found wide application in medicine. Fresh fruits and products of their processing are a good restorative means, they are used for the prevention of sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and other diseases. Juice is useful in dysentery, rheumatic and skin diseases, as an analgesic and antiscorbutic. Decoction of seeds is used as a laxative. In folk medicine, irrigation and lotions from fruit broths are used for skin diseases, and leaves are considered a good remedy for rheumatism and gout. In cosmetics apply nutritional masks, which include sea buckthorn oil.

    Fresh fruits of sea-buckthorn are recommended with reduced acidity of gastric juice. To treat skin diseases and wounds, it is recommended to apply fresh berries to the affected areas of the skin.

    Decoction of fruits is used for beriberi, stomach diseases and diabetes mellitus.

    A decoction of sea buckthorn seeds has a relaxing effect.

    Infusion of fruits and leaves is recommended for scurvy, rheumatism, gout, deposition of salts, stomach disorders.

    Decoction of the bark delays the growth of cancer cells, and therefore recommended in complex treatment and for the prevention of cancer.

    Infusion of bark is used to treat dysentery.

    The sea buckthorn oil, widely used in medicine, is used for both external and internal use. It is especially effective for the treatment of burns, frostbite, bedsores, various gynecological and ophthalmic diseases. Inside it is used for diseases of the stomach and duodenum, with oncological diseases, etc.

    Very appreciated sea buckthorn and in cosmetology as a tonic, nourishing and skin firming remedy, and also as an excellent means for strengthening hair and nails.


    Fruits of sea buckthorn contain phytoestrogens, which, when ingested, have an effect similar to that of female sex hormones. With prolonged use of sea buckthorn drugs by men, these substances can promote the growth of prostate adenoma, reduce sexual excitability, and in women - provoke mastopathy.

    The use of sea-buckthorn is contraindicated in cholecystitis and pancreatic diseases.

    Sea buckthorn juice is not recommended for stomach acid.