  • Reproduction of grapes

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    It is not easy to get seedlings of a valuable scarce variety and then wait for 3-4 years to get a full harvest.

    However, if you want and skill, just one eye is enough to have a bush of a new variety in the first year, not only harvest( 1-2 grapes), but also cuttings for further propagation of this variety.


    Vaccination is an operation in which a part of one plant is artificially transferred to the stalk, shoot or trunk of the other. Part of the grafted plant from which the above-ground organs of the bush are formed is called the graft, and the part from which the root system develops is a stock.

    Immunization can restore the grafted bush, if it has damaged the graft, replace the low-grade variety with more valuable ones, grow grafted saplings on the bush or get grafts and cuttings, increase the frost resistance of the bush( in the northern regions), and resistance to diseases.

    In nurseries, the main method of production of grafted seedlings is a room( desktop) grafting of a one-eyed cuttings of a graft on the standard length of the stem of the rootstock. Cuttings of rootstocks and grafts are harvested from autumn. After storage and prelaunch preparation cuttings enter the inoculation workshop where the vaccination is carried out. The method of combining the grafted components is oblique copulation with tongues.

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    On household plots, inoculation on site is more accessible and effective than tabletop. Methods of vaccination in place a few. After intensive sap movement, the vaccine is inoculated or half-cleaved( April-May);at the beginning of the lignification of the green shoot, that is, when looking at the white fibers on the cut at the place of grafting( at the base of the shoot or above), they are grafted with a ligneous or green cuttings( and also the eye) into a green shoot;in a later period, for another month( July-August), you can vaccinate with a vascular attachment to the scute.

    The inoculation with various methods allows to extend the duration of the vaccination campaign and to rationally use all the cuttings obtained from the uterine bushes.

    Table grafting of grapes : 1 - an oblique cut into a rootstock;2 - cutting the tongue;3. .. 4- privoj and a stock, prepared for an inoculation;5 - ready-made inoculation

    Long before vaccination, it is necessary to "stuff" the hand on the material imitating corn walls and waxes of the scion.

    Inoculation of the graft or half-cleavage is carried out after the end of the stable sap flow to the middle, and in the northern regions until the end of May.

    With the later timing of grafting, sprout shoots do not have time to mature and can be damaged in winter.

    1-2 days before inoculation, the underground trunk of the bush is dug and cut( cut down) 5-10 cm below the soil to reduce the copious allocation of the sap( if the sap flow is not intensive, the cut is made on the day of inoculation).The trunk is cut in such a way that the internode remains about 5-7 cm until the next node.

    Inoculation of the birch bark root: a - cuttings prepared for grafting;b - inoculation to the harness;c - ready grafting

    Two-eyed cuttings of scion taken from the storage are cut so that the upper cut was above the knot by 1-2 cm, and under the knot there was an internode 6-8 cm long. The cuttings are steeped in warm water for 12-18 hours.

    Cut off the butt end of the barrel with a knife. Then, the chisel is split to a depth of 2.5-3.0 cm. If the trunk is thin, a twine is tied below the cut so that a large split does not result;if thick - do half-cleavage from one or both sides for the largest diameter.

    On the cuttings of the scion with a sharp knife a wedge is cut out in the form of a splinter with a length of 2.5-3 cm. This wedge is inserted into the cleft or half-cleaved so that the cambial layers of both components of the graft coincide and the surfaces of the cut of the wedge and cleavage fit tightly together, after whichthe place of the joint and the remaining slits are tightly bound with a film and the grafts are ground( the upper end of the scion of the scion should be 3-4 cm below the surface of the mound).

    In the areas of unguided culture, this vaccination can be performed on an above-ground stem, at an altitude of 50-100 cm. At the same time, the cuttings are paraffined or they are put on a plastic bag with a piece of moist cotton wool, which after the development of the eyelet is removed.

    Inoculation with simple copulking with a green handle: a - graft;b - stock, prepared for vaccination;c - ready vaccination

    Modification of this method is grafting into a wedge-shaped nest, which is made laterally from the sausage trunk( nest length 3-4 cm, depth 0.4-0.8 cm).By the size of this nest, the wedge is cut out into a prick, then it is inserted, and the site of the graft is tied. This vaccine is more reliable, since the possibility of penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the resulting cracks decreases, and it is better to survive.

    Inoculation is also carried out on green shoots when the stock is thinner than the stock. The grafted components coalesce firmly and do not need to store cuttings during the winter.

    Grafting with an aged cuttings on a green shoot with simple copulating is better possible from the second half of May to the second half of June. For this vaccination, it is possible to obtain the desired variety in advance and use it after winter storage.

    It is possible to start vaccination only with good separation of the sap through the shoot sections conducted on the day of inoculation. If the decoction is not excreted, then 2-3 days before inoculation, watering is carried out. It is better to plant cuttings in the morning, in the evening or on cloudy days, when there is no heat. Inoculating in sunny weather, it is necessary to be located from the sunny side of the bush so as to shade the place of grafting to protect the slices from drying out.

    Vaccinations are made on sprouts shoots at a height of 15-20 to 150 cm and above. On the bush bushes of a young age, when pruning, leave a branch for 2 eyes, and for adults 2-3 knots for 1-2 eyes per each.

    If pereprivivayut fruiting bush, sheltered for the winter, then leave a branch at the very base of the bush, and you can cut the bush and the black head. If perestivyvayut stamping bush, then shortly cut the vine, growing in the upper part of the stem.

    When the green shoots of the rootstock reach 15-20 cm, the wreckage is carried out, leaving the 2-3 best shoots for the shteless and 1-2 shoots on the stump bush. After 1-2 weeks, the fragment is repeated, removing excess shoots.

    2-3 days prior to the inoculation, the leaves, tendrils, ocelli from below and to the site of inoculation are removed with a sharp knife. As a result, the moisture entering the shoots will be directed to the place of vaccination( the wounds will become clogged and the bag will be delivered to the site of vaccination).If the organs are removed on the day of vaccination, then a fresh one will be allocated through fresh wounds and much less will be given to the place of inoculation, because of which the graft may not settle down. The scions of the graft are soaked( 12-24 h) and cut into single-eyed( the upper cut - by 1.5 cm, the bottom - by 5-7 cm) cuttings;to determine whether they have a peephole or a dead person, they are kept in a warm room in sawdust or a damp cloth 3-4 days.

    On the escaped shoot with a sharp knife, an oblique cut is made 2-3 cm long. After that, the same cut is made on the cuttings under the eye. Both cuts must be the same thickness and length. To cut on priovo and to connect components it is necessary when on a surface of a cut of a stock will appear. Then the bravo is connected to the stock and tightly bound with a film so as not to dislodge the stock of the stock and the scion( film size 20 x 1cm).

    Grafted seedlings in the bush can be obtained by leaving 5-6 shoots on them, biting their grounds with ground to form roots and making grafts at a height of 50-120 cm. In autumn they are cut from the bushes. If you do not hill the bases of shoots, then you can get grafted cuttings.

    Inoculation with green cuttings grafting on a green shoot of the stock is carried out by simple copulking until the end of June. After the process of culling began in the center of the shoot, and the energy of growth of the shoot decreases noticeably, the inoculation is discontinued.

    This method of vaccination is slightly different from the previous, "but the process of preparing the graft. All the rest is done similarly to the previous method.

    From the uterine bushes of the graft, prepare shoots of the required diameter and prepare as follows: remove the leaf plate by three quarters, cut off the antennae, inflorescences, strongly developed stepsons with more than three leaves, and also remove the upper grassy part of the shoot. These shoots are placed in a bucket, covered with a damp cloth and delivered to the place of vaccination. Store them so no more than 2 hours. Then cut one-eyed cuttings as needed as large as lignified. Green cuttings with well-developed eyes are cut from the bottom of the shoot, from the second half of June are planted by removing the leaf and stepchild. After strapping on the vaccine put an insulator from a polyethylene bag with wet cotton( after 12-14 days they shoot in cloudy weather).

    One-eyed lumbery

    Using this method, grafted seedlings or grafts can also be obtained.

    Green grafting with oculization is carried out from the middle of June to the end of July. It is advisable to use it if the stock considerably exceeds the thickness of the graft, as well as for obtaining grafted cuttings or when delayed with copulking. With this vaccination, remove the eye of the stock and replace it with the eye of the scion.

    The first inoculation is done at a distance of 60-70 cm from the base of the shoot in order to get a grafted seedling or stalk. Each subsequent inoculation is done every 50-55 cm until the diameter of the shoot does not decrease to 6 mm. On an escape length of more than 2 m, you can make 4-5 vaccinations. The best site for inoculation is the nodes with the antennae or bunch.

    Autumn shoots cut into grafted cuttings to obtain from them in the future grafted seedlings. To have a vaccinated bush, inoculation is left on the first node.

    Prior to grafting on the bush, weak shoots are removed, and the remaining ones are periodically tied to the support. From the mother bush of the scion, 1-2 shoots are cut off before budding 3-4 shoots( fruit-bearing - above the last bunch, barren - above the third eyelet from the base).Suitable eyes from the 4 th to the 15 th shoot, counting from its base, well executed, formed, with lignified covering scales.

    Immediately remove leaves, antennae, stepchildren( leave the hemp in 1-2 eyes) and the upper grassy part.

    Technique of sections on the nodes of the rootstock and removal of the scions of the scion along with the wintering eye is the same. The length of the scutes is 3-3.5 cm, the thickness is 2 mm.

    On the node where the budding is performed, downwards from the base of the eye, measure 1-1.5 cm and make an incision to a depth of no more than 2 mm at an angle of 45 ° to the axis of the shoot. After cutting from the bottom, the knife is transferred 1.5 cm above the eye, set first at a right angle across the shoot, lightly pressing cut the bark and a small part of the wood, and then, slightly tilting the blade, sliding to the right and continuing to cut in the horizontal plane. When approaching the eye, the blade of the knife is slightly raised, as if copying the surface of the knee at the shoot junction. In this case, the harder tissue of the vascular fibrous fascicles is cut. When the knife passes under the eye, it is again lightly pushed in and horizontally brought to the bottom of the notch. Then the shield is separated from the shoot;if it was a stock, the flap is discarded, if it is a graft, then with the thumb of the right hand press it to the blade and hold it on the knife. Then, from the right hand, the scutellum is taken to the left, and inserted into the incision into the stock.

    Cuttings on the root and scions of the scion should be the same in width, length and thickness. All operations are carried out quickly to protect the surface of the sections from drying out and contamination. Do not touch the surface of the slices with your fingers. After inserting the shield, immediately wrap the eyepieces with a film 40-50 microns thick, cut into ribbons with a width of 1.5 cm and a length of 30 cm.

    Escape is started from the bottom. The first coil is laid on the base of the scion of the scion, and then the whole scutium is tightly tightened upward with a few coils, leaving only the wintering eye free. At the same time, it is closely watched that the scion of the scion closely adjoins the notch to the rootstock and the tape does not touch the base of the eye, otherwise it deforms, sticks out and dies. Strapping is completed above the upper cut, where the free end of the tape is secured by tightening the loop.

    After 35-40 days, the film is untied. To do this, on the reverse side of the grafted eye, it is gently cut with a knife and tied over the graft to serve as a guide for cleaning the grafted cuttings.

    Vaccination care consists in the timely gartering, removal of the insulator, weakening or removal of the bandage, prischipke shoots of the scion at a length of 15-20 cm, in combating diseases and weeds, creating normal conditions for growth and development of bushes.

    At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the importance of timely weakening of the film strapping to prevent it from plowing it into the graft. To loosen the bandage on vaccinations, which are bogged down by the earth, hillocks reach 30-40 cm when they reach green shoots, and then, after carrying out the appropriate operation, they hump again.