  • Use of short cuttings of grapes

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    With this method of reproduction, one-two-eyed cuttings are pre-germinated in room conditions and planted on a permanent place with the onset of warm weather. This method is most important for northern regions, where spring comes late.

    In winter, shortened cuttings are soaked for 24 hours in water and after airing are planted one by one in polyethylene covers with a substrate.

    Covers can be made from polyethylene film. The length of the case is 25 cm, width is 10 cm. They are filled with one of the moisture-retaining substrates: equal parts of the soil, low peat and coarse-grained sand;equal parts of peat sphagnum and wood sawdust;three parts of sawdust( steamed boiling water) and one part of soil or humus, coarse sand;equal parts of chernozem and sand.

    For disinfection of sawdust from possible pathogens, it is better to boil them in water beforehand with the addition of potassium permanganate until a pale pink solution forms. Cases with cuttings are stacked vertically in a box, which is placed in a heated room, in a lighted place, near the battery. The top eye of the cut should be at the level of the substrate. On top of the box can be covered with a film to reduce the dryness of the air. After 20-30 days cuttings take root, and after two weeks begin to develop.

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    The best rooting takes place if the tip of the knife is made in the lower part of the cut( before it is planted) several shallow incisions( furrowing).They are treated with growth stimulators, immersing the lower part of the cuttings in a solution of one of the growth regulators by 2/3 of its length for 18-24 h( heteroauxin -200-300 mg / l or α-naphthylacetic acid-25 mg / l, 2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyric acidacid - 2 mg / l) or create an elevated temperature - 28-30 ° C at the lower ends of the cuttings until the roots appear.

    Substrate periodically moisturize and create normal conditions for photosynthesis of leaves. Before planting on a permanent place, seedlings have time to develop a well developed root system and shoot length of 30-40 cm.

    In spring( in late April or in May), green seedlings are tempered by placing them in the sun in a barn, and then exposing briefly to the sun. When the earth warms up enough and passes the danger of frost, vegetating seedlings are planted in a permanent place. With appropriate formation, shrubs grown in this way begin to bear fruit a year earlier. This way you can grow grafted seedlings.