The influence of alcohol on the human body. The impact of alcohol on health.
When the next broadcast about problems of alcoholism is on TV, we hurry to switch the channel - it's not our business. Is a couple of liters of beer Saturday night in the circle of friends - is it alcoholism? Or a gram of three hundred vodka for a good snack? Of course, it's difficult to call alcoholism.
And yet, the negative impact of alcohol on health is impossible only if a person does not drink alcohol at all. All the rest are more or less affected by the consequences of drinking alcohol. The saddest thing is that virtually no system of the human body remains "indifferent" even to the most innocuous, at first glance, doses of alcohol. And it reacts not in the best way.
Stomach and pancreas
First and foremost, alcohol has a negative effect on the digestive system: the esophagus, stomach, pancreas. Here, the influence of alcohol on the human body manifests itself in the damage and destruction of the cells of the internal surface of the digestive organs, the burning and necrosis of their tissues;atrophy of glands secreting gastric juice;death of cells that produce insulin. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the absorption of nutrients, suppression of the secretion of digestive enzymes, stagnation of food in the stomach.
Thus, the influence of alcohol on health can respond with sharp pains in the abdomen, digestive problems, gastritis, diabetes, pancreatitis, stomach cancer.
Cardiovascular system
From the stomach and intestines, alcohol gets into the blood - and here the negative influence of alcohol on the human body continues.
First, alcohol contributes to the destruction of red blood cells - human blood cells. As a result, deformed red blood cells are not able to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues( and carbon dioxide back), and perform a number of other functions. As a consequence, even a moderately drinking person at the age of 35-40 years will inevitably encounter cardiovascular diseases: ischemic disease, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias.
Secondly, the effect of alcohol on health is also manifested in the violation of sugar regulation in the blood. This, in turn, can lead to an increase or decrease in its level. Both can lead to irreversible consequences: diabetic states, problems with blood vessels, disruption of the nervous system, brain.
Thirdly, for the cardiovascular system, it is dangerous to absorb a large amount of beer - a harmless, seemingly drink, so popular among young people. This leads to the formation of a bovine heart - it is also called beer - increased in volume, prone to more frequent cuts. Hence - all sorts of arrhythmias, increased pressure.
Brain and Nervous System
Perhaps, it is they who suffer most from alcohol. And if the influence of alcohol on the human body for the time being is invisible to other organs, then in this case it is more than obvious.
First of all, alcohol is dangerous for the brain because here its concentration is much higher than in other organs. It is for the brain tissue that alcohol is especially toxic - and that is why the state of intoxication with alcohol is so clearly. We used to call it harmless, at times even poetic, words: "relax", "forget yourself", "get drunk", "alcohol turned a head".In fact, everything is much more prosaic and sad - alcohol leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex, numbness and the subsequent withering away of its sites.
The photographs of the brain of drinking people are amazed: it is shriveled, reduced in volume, covered with scars, ulcers, swelling, with a lot of dilated( often ruptured) vessels, cysts in places of necrosis of brain areas.
The influence of alcohol on health is also reflected in the work of the nervous system - due to the paralysis of the centers of psychic dispensations: problems with memory and attention, perception of the outside world, mental development, thinking, psyche, the emergence of drug dependence, personality degradation.
After all, a large dose of alcohol( 1-1.25 liters for an adult) can lead to a coma, a death.
The liver is also especially vulnerable to alcohol, since the negative effect of alcohol on the human body in it is enhanced by the oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde, a substance that is quite dangerous and highly toxic. Further "splitting" of acetaldehyde also adversely affects the liver.
Under the influence of alcohol, hepatic cells die - a scar forms in their place, which does not perform the functions of the liver, which leads to all kinds of metabolic disorders.
The most known liver disease as a result of the effect of alcohol on health is cirrhosis of the liver. What is it? Over time, under the influence of alcohol, the liver shrivels, shrinks in size, which leads to squeezing of blood vessels, stagnation of blood and increased pressure in them. Regular in this case, rupture of blood vessels leads to bleeding. In most cases, they die from it.
Can alcohol be useful?
In the course of numerous studies, the positive influence of alcohol on the human body was proved. Of course, it is possible only in the case of drinking alcohol in small quantities.
So, red wine strengthens immunity, serves good prevention of atherosclerosis, normalizes metabolism in the body, removes toxins and toxins from it. White wine and champagne are good for a weakened heart system. Mulled wine will support the body for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia. The use of beer will help reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, slows down the aging process. And even vodka can be useful - it lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Under what conditions will the impact of alcohol on health be positive? Scientists have deduced norms, adhering to which, alcohol can be used without harm( and even on the contrary - with advantage) for health. For men, this rate is 20 grams of pure alcohol, for women - exactly half as much. For example - this dose is contained in 30 grams of vodka, 100 grams of wine, 300 g of beer.
Do not forget about the harm of alcohol and drink only for health!