
Diet with gastritis: an approximate menu for the week with recipes

  • Diet with gastritis: an approximate menu for the week with recipes

    Especially for people suffering from stomach problems - acute or chronic gastritis, have developed a nutrition system called diet number 1.

    The basic principles of her diet will help to quickly recover, improve digestion and avoid relapse.

    The right diet will help to eliminate not only the symptoms, but also cure gastritis.

    Principles of nutrition for gastritis:

    1. 1) Food should be varied. Caloric content is about 2500-300 kcal per day.
    2. 2) Products should be baked, cooked in the oven or steamed. First, in this way, it retains a greater number of useful substances. Secondly, it is easier to digest the patient's stomach.
    3. 3) Food should not be very cold or hot. The room temperature of food does not leave burns, does not stimulate the body to spend its resources on warming. Once yoga talked about it, today this hypothesis was confirmed by physicians.
    4. 4) It is necessary to limit the use of salt and spices. Salt delays the water in our body and irritates the stomach.
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    6. 5) It is necessary to refuse from the use of heavy food, irritating the gastric mucosa. These are smoked meat, salinity, mushrooms, canned food, marinades, spicy, fatty dishes. Also it is not recommended to drink sweet fizzy drinks, sour juices, alcohol.
    7. 6) Need to eat often, but little by little. Fractional meals several times a day will help the stomach to cope faster with food.
    8. 7) Each type of gastritis is assigned its own diet. With reduced acidity - nutrition, stimulating the formation of gastric juice, and with increased - reducing.
    9. 8) To improve the functioning of the stomach, eat liquid and solid separately.
    10. 9) The stomach is hard to cope with cellulose. It is much in cabbage, black bread, prunes.
    11. 10) Do not eat protein and carbohydrates at the same time.
    12. 11) The liquid type of food moves more easily into the intestines than the solid one.

    Diet for gastritis with low acidity

    At the initial stage during an acute period of the disease, the doctor prescribes a limited diet that helps to eliminate the inflammatory process. After this, after a while, a diet is prescribed that stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

    What foods and drinks are acceptable for gastritis?

    1. 1) Teas, not whole milk, jelly, berry broths, juices from non-acidic fruits, water with lemon and sugar.
    2. 2) Chicken cooked, steamed, soup with vegetables and peas, lean fish and boiled beef.
    3. 3) Macaroni, white bread( better croutons), vegetables and herbs in the form of mashed potatoes.
    4. 4) Dry type of biscuit, eggs in omelet, soft-boiled, natural curd, low amount of butter, mild and not very salty cheese
    5. 5) Sweet kinds of jam, sweet fruit and berries.
    This type of food should be observed about two to three weeks. The term is set by the doctor or you, depending on the condition. Thanks to such nutrition the inflammatory process will decrease, pain will pass. After the inflammation goes away, you need to start gradually stimulating the formation of hydrochloric acid. You need to do this carefully.

    You can start with rich meat broths, herrings, red caviar. To improve the secretion of gastric juice, half an hour before a meal, drink lemon juice or half a glass of water with a diluted lemon.

    A small number of fried foods is acceptable, but roasting should be without breading. Improve the appetite will help bitter herbs.

    Food should be carefully prepared, well-washed. It is worth trying to treat this disease with koumiss. Excellent improves the secretion of the stomach kvass, but they do not need to be abused. You can drink coffee, but not more than a cup every day.

    Do not eat and drink with gastritis

    • baking, fresh pastry, bread.
    • is a fatty, fatty meat.
    • one-piece type of milk.
    • sour cream.
    • smoked meat.
    • marinades.
    • sausages.
    • strongly spicy dishes.
    • mushrooms.
    • cellulose, contained in products in excessive quantities - prunes, raisins, cabbage.
    Salt should be restricted in nutrition. In the following diet, listen to yourself, what foods are more suitable for you. It is allowed to drink tea stronger, kefir and cocoa.

    After about two to three months, the diet expands, you can eat almost all products. The exception is: any kinds of smoked meat and fish, fat pork, lard, grapes, cabbage. You must eat hot dishes. Dinner should be limited.

    Diet for gastritis with increased acidity of stomach

    Immediately after the exacerbation of the disease the diet is observed in the same way as with gastritis with low acidity. However, it is worth to drink more milk. It perfectly normalizes the increased secretion of acid.

    If you have a bad digestion of whole milk, you do not need to completely abandon it. It is better to add it to tea. Drink milk in small sips and in a warm form.

    When the use of dairy products does not give results, it is advisable to replace it with special mucous soups.

    How to cook this soup? In half a liter of water add 30 gr.oatmeal. After the water is boiled on the fire to half, the soup should be recoated through a sieve. Then put the boiled yolk there, you can put some cream. Before serving, add butter.

    Such a slimy soup is very useful, it perfectly removes the increased acidity!

    Food for this type of disease should be warm, crushed, wiped. In a couple of weeks in the diet can add food that does not greatly affect the secretion of gastric juice. From meat dishes, broths it is better to refuse. The steam cutlets and knots are well suited.

    What foods and drinks are acceptable?

    In the acute phase are allowed:

    • mucous soups with cereals, white bread loafs, low-fat fish, meat.
    • oatmeal on water and milk. Excellent envelopes the stomach.
    • eggs in a bag and soft-boiled, omelettes.
    • bananas. They will help to heal mucous, if you drink a banana with a small amount of warm water.
    • broths of wild rose, tea with chamomile, tea with cream, juices from sweet berries and fruits.
    • it is good to drink milk, jelly, honey, sugar, jelly is allowed.
    • cutlets, meatballs, egg-milk mixture.
    • milk porridge with mashed cereals.
    • puree from potatoes or carrots.
    • fresh cottage cheese and curd casseroles.
    The diet should be based on proteins, because they perfectly restore the cells of the stomach. Eggs help to regenerate the body's problem organs, egg white in composition is close to the tissues of the body.

    Fresh black bread stimulates the production of acid, so it is better to choose a white kind of bread, to dry it in the oven. Excellent help to heal the damaged gastric shell of various vegetable fats. Therefore, boldly add a small amount of olive oil and sunflower oil.

    It is very useful to drink a little olive oil on an empty stomach( it can be replaced with sesame oil).One teaspoon will improve digestion and help quickly heal the damaged mucous membrane.

    Do not eat or drink:

    • smoked meat.
    • marinades.
    • fried and fatty meat. Dairy products.
    • meat broths and suri from fish.
    • pepper and other condiments.
    • mushrooms.
    • cucumbers.
    • sorrel. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes.
    • fizzy drinks.
    • black bread.
    • coffee.
    • alcohol.
    It is also recommended to limit salt in your diet. As in the period of exacerbation, and during the remission is very important to eat several times a day. Thus, the gastric juice will not be released in excessive amounts, will not irritate the mucous. Eat right! This is useful for both your health and beauty!

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