How to deal with them?
Having considered the basic natural conditions necessary for the development of the baby, we now dwell on some practical questions of caring for him and on individual problems, often worrying parents.
The way to care for a baby, as well as the way to solve many problems related to his health, depends on the position occupied by the parents relative to the child, and on their views on his original capabilities and needs. Earlier we tried to show that a baby is a creature extremely strong, possessing significant adaptive capabilities. The traditional medical approach, on the other hand, involves treating a child as being weak and unadapted. Hence the various purposes and methods of dealing with it.
According to the traditional approach, the paramount task is the creation of some safe conditions for the baby, his protection from all sorts of pathogenic factors that the world around him is full of. In other words, this approach is based on fear. Fear is the main motivating motive for parents to take certain actions.
The main consequence is that fear paralyzes thinking, which means any creative activity. Fear makes you forget about your own feelings and your own abilities. Fear is what makes you believe anything, not yourself and not yourself.
Thus, caring for a child turns into a thoughtless religion, into fanatically and mechanically performed rituals in the hope of a condescending grace - the health and happiness of the child.
The dogmas of this religion are called with this the loud word "science".This word makes us forget common sense, because we are used to the fact that science is what we must. .. believe.
This magic word also makes you forget about your own feelings and act against your own instincts.
Do parents often think about why they do so, and not otherwise? Hardly. It's just that it says "science" and so prescribes the ritual. This explains everything.
"In order for a child to have a happy, unharmed childhood, parents should first of all try to provide him with good health, organize harmonious development in accordance with modern scientific ideas," this is the noble goal proclaimed by this religion.
What is this "modern scientific presentation" that parents are instructed to know?
Here are some of them.
"After cutting the umbilical cord, the vessels do not close immediately, so there is a risk of infection through them."
"The skin of the newborn is tender, thin, so it is easily vulnerable and susceptible to various diseases."
"To the spine, the ribs are not attached obliquely, as in adults, but almost horizontally, so when breathing, the thorax does not expand sufficiently and it does not subside."
"The musculature is poorly developed."
"The thermal regulation of a newborn is less perfect than in older children. The body temperature is unstable and may fluctuate depending on environmental conditions."
"The nasal passages of the newborn are narrow, the cartilages of the larynx and the trachea are thin. The lining of their mucous membrane is prone to swelling. The lungs are poor in elastic fibers."
"The relative amount of blood( calculated per 1 kg of body weight) circulating in the circulatory system is greater than that of an adult, so the circulatory system of the newborn functions with considerable strain."
"Muscular and elastic tissue in the walls of the stomach and intestines is not developed enough."
"The intestine of a newborn is relatively longer than that of an adult, and its walls are easily passable for germs and toxic products of their vital activity - toxins."
"Nervous regulation of the gastrointestinal tract is not fully developed, as a result of which the necessary functional coordination between different parts of the digestive tract is weakened."
"The brain of a newborn is great, but its departments, nerve cells that make up brain tissue, are not developed enough."
"... The newborn does not have sufficient protective forces against many microbes: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, which leads to the fact that children with the slightest errors in care and nutrition fall ill."And this list of "imperfections" can be continued.
Can such a creature cause feelings other than pity and compassion? Truly, it is unfortunate and great efforts are required that it survive. This is the main dogma from which all rituals of care flow.
And most importantly - the inability of parents to perform their functions( that is, to provide the child with the conditions for survival) without the help of "dedicated", that is, a whole class of "priests" - pediatricians. Only they can direct mother and father to the true path.
Why, from the point of view of such a "priest", does the child become ill? Of course, because the parents do not observe the ritual correctly. And if you do not go to regular "participles" in the clinic, this "temple" of modern scientific ideas, once a month, you risk being anathematized as careless and not caring about the well-being of your child's parents.
And if we for a moment doubt the indestructible dogmas of modern pediatrics, then immediately there is a dilemma - or our children - the sad mistakes of nature, which gives them no means to survive, or in some ways our ideas are incorrect.
And here again we turn to IA Arshavsky: "... in pediatrics it is customary to characterize organisms of early age periods, beginning with birth, as immature and imperfect in comparison with the maturity and perfection of adults." The physiology of the child from this point of view is estimated asthe first steps towards a goal whose ideal is the growth and perfection of the adult organism. Therefore, conclusions: for example, the insufficient maturity of the respiratory system of newborns and young children is supposedly a cause predisposing to acute respiratory(ERD), immaturity of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract - a factor contributing to diseases of the digestive system, imperfection of the functions of the nervous system - its diseases, etc. Our own studies have made it possible to establish that in all age periods the organism can be considered perfect and mature,if his physiological functions adaptively correspond to his calendar age and those specific environmental conditions with which he must interact. "
What are these environmental conditions that the child should interact with, we saw earlier.
First of all, we would like to dispel the established myth about the first year of the child's life as the most difficult for parents. It all depends on your attitude and on what path you choose. If you are full of fears, if you do not believe in the strength and capabilities of your baby and yourself as a competent parent, if you want to do everything "right" in accordance with standard recommendations to protect him from the numerous harms of our world, then yes, this is a guarantee, that you have to work hard and play it.
We also proceed from the fact that parenting is not hard work, but a natural process that brings satisfaction and joy. The joy of growth, as you grow with your baby, overcoming difficulties and failures, victories and achievements. He is a part of you. Do you really want this part to be a heavy burden? Is it worth building heroes? Rejoice in life and make sure that this joy is inherent in the child. Can you imagine a tightly wrapped baby, torn from the breast in the prescribed fifteen minutes - "so as not to overeat," while smiling?
"Conscious parenthood" assumes that all actions of parents towards their child are meaningful. If you are doing something, you need to understand why you are doing this.
You need to learn to ask yourself this question. Do the following. Write a list of everything that you are going to do about the child. How to take care of it, how to breastfeed, when and how to start doing some kind of quenching procedures, etc. Try to analyze each item. What is its source? Why and why, and not otherwise? If you do not know the answer, try to find it or think for yourself. Do this with a list of usual medical recommendations.
You will find that your "why" and "why" grow in quantity without any answers. Why do you need to swaddle a child? Why in the early days does he lack a mother colostrum and need to be fed? Why in the year should he be weaned? Why should water quenching begin at 2 or 3 months? Why should the water temperature be reduced by 1-2 degrees per week?etc., etc.
Try to leave only what you understand in the list that does not seem to you to be devoid of common sense. If you are in doubt, use the rule - do not do to others what you do not want yourself.
Ask someone to tighten you with a sheet and hold on all day. Let your beloved spouse( or spouse) come to you every three hours and feed from a spoon. In the evening, reflect on the swaddling issue. Start to be tempered. Be saturated with comfortable temperature water and lower the water temperature by 1-2 degrees per week. If after 1-2 weeks you do not get sick or just begin to feel worse, then you are a very healthy person and you can only hope that your child has inherited your health.
Make everything clear and check for yourself. Strive for confidence. Only this will give you the moral right to act. Even the best recommendation, carried out without certainty, with internal anxiety, will not be of use.
1. The state of the child in a dream
We have already talked about the need to abandon the harmful practice of changing clothes. Then how does the child have to sleep? After all, he makes involuntary movements, sometimes hitting himself in the face, can scratch the skin, or simply sucks a finger.
The way out is surprisingly simple: put it on your tummy. Unusually? Fearfully? Let's think about it.
Have you ever seen a newborn baby of any animal sleeping on its back? This is extremely rare and only when he clings to his mother. So it's more logical to ask: why do we put babies on our backs?
Although everything is simple: a swaddled and immobilized child, and even face down - that's too much! In addition, my mother always wants to see the face of her child.
We observe the newly born child. What position does he want to adopt? The one in which he was in his mother's womb. Handles and legs bend, it seems to be going into a lump.
This corresponds to the natural for this period of muscle tone. This position provides him with comfort. Lying on the tummy, this position is easiest to take.
The tendency to take this position is very long. Usually parents note that as soon as the baby stops swaddling and he can turn on his own, this position becomes his favorite.
In the position on the back there are tensile strains - the child tends to lift his legs up. Swaddling further strengthens this tension. The child himself begins to straighten his legs only with a weakened tone.
It is noticed that in the position on the abdomen digestion processes are better. Sometimes after weeks of torture colic, "gazik" and constipation takes place 2-3 days, it is only necessary to start laying the baby to sleep in this position. This position significantly facilitates the emptying of the intestine.
Children, spending all the time on their back, already noticeable internal organs in a week after birth, reduced ability to produce heat.
The position on the abdomen generally allows the child to keep the heat better. The position on the back increases the heat transfer surface. Especially this is exacerbated by forcible pulling of the legs during swaddling.
Thus, it can be said that the position on the back is not physiological.
Another peculiarity of the position on the abdomen is that, picking up the knees, the toddler raises the lower part of the trunk slightly above the level of the head. This improves the blood supply to the brain, as if partially compensating for the loss of the state of relative weightlessness in which the child developed in the womb.
It is noticed that when transferred to the position on the tummy, infectious diseases pass faster in a child, the probability of activating the infection is lower.
The parents' fear of congenital dysplasia and hip dislocation in a newborn is very common. The treatment of this method assumes immobilization of the child for a considerable time and, as a result, a backwardness in development.
Congenital dysplasia is associated with underdevelopment of hip joint tissues. And the most dangerous thing is that underdevelopment is fixed and aggravated by swaddling."It is possible that one of the causes of dislocation of the hip joint with its dysplasia is the tight swaddling of the baby in some maternity hospitals."
When the position on the stomach with the legs selected, optimal conditions for the development of hip joints are created. In this situation, in general, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is better, which is important for the health and development of the child.
There are also factors of mental order, which speak in favor of the situation on the abdomen. In this position, the baby does not have a specific sense of fear that can arise from the kind of huge space above it in contrast to the cramped womb in which he spent a lot of time.
The state of the psyche is different in the positions on the back and on the stomach. Do such an experiment. Lie on your back. Let someone bend over you and shout loudly. Then do the same on your stomach. You will feel that your reaction is less when you lie on your stomach. This is especially noticeable if you do not expect an irritant and are in a dream or half-asleep.
In the position on the back, the psyche is slightly "in the platoon", responding with a more violent reaction to various stimuli. This is also manifested in deeper breathing in the position on the back. How can one not remember AK Buteyko with his deep breathing syndrome.
If a newly born baby is put on his tummy, he behaves calmly and quickly falls asleep. Turning on his back, he begins to worry and cry.
You can check everything by yourself. Sit on your heels, spread your knees as wide as possible( your feet touch each other).Lean forward until you lie down on the floor( ideally you need to lie on the floor with your upper chest).Try not to lift the pelvis. Head your head on your side, arms naturally bend and put your hands on the sides of the head. This is a well-known in hatha yoga "child's pose".At first it may seem uncomfortable to you. But, having got used to be in it for a long time( up to 3-4 minutes), you will feel a state of calmness, tranquility. Imagine yourself as a newborn in an unfamiliar and frightening world. Feel how this posture gives you a sense of some kind of security.
Take this pose when you have difficulty digestion. When you are cold, try also to lie down in the "pose of the child" and you will feel that you become warmer. And in these cases put yourself in the place of the baby.
"Pose child" is very like pregnant women and is a wonderful exercise. It gives a wonderful rest and calms the psyche.
Being in such position, the kid does not scratch himself and does not knock on the face. As for sucking a thumb, you should not focus on this. Let her suck. This usually takes two to three weeks. However, if he intensively and long sucks a finger - this is a sign of his anxiety( sucking a thumb is a calming factor, and the child does it still in the womb when the mother worries).The reason is, as a rule, in the mother's anxiety.
Sometimes parents say that the baby does not want to sleep on the tummy and behaves restlessly. As a rule, this is due to their insecurity in the correctness of their actions, which is confirmed by the fact that if someone puts a child to sleep on their stomachs, for whom there is no doubt about the naturalness and physiological nature of this posture, he will also sleep quite calmly.
In other cases, this may be due to the implementation of the reflex, thanks to which, for example, kittens or puppies crawl, fingering, looking for the mother's nipple. The child also begins to creep, as if looking for something. Take a small pillow or a folded blanket, put it in the baby's head. After stumbling into a soft obstacle, he immediately calm down and falls asleep.
2. Clothing
Surely you have often seen an amazing picture and, perhaps, did not think about its illogic and paradoxicality.
Spring, the sun shines brightly, the snow has long ago come down, it's just hot on the street. Mom and Dad are walking with their little child, who is in a wheelchair and asleep. Dad in a sports suit, my mother in a light enough dress. The child is wrapped up in a quilt, girded with a beautiful ribbon. Perfectly packaged toy. ..
Generally today, the thoracic, and especially the newborn, the child simply is not conceivable without "packaging" even at home. This "package" has become a ritual performed by the mother several times a day, so that the baby's skin can at least briefly feel fresh air( and the moments of bathing should seem indescribably blissful).
Here is a sample of this ritual:
"First put on a loofie sewn from a thin cotton cloth." Raspashonku is plowed back, folded and straightened on the back so that there are no folds. "Then put on a warm undergarment that is smelling in front and also tucked over the navel, and a blouse withThe child is placed on a folded triangle with a soft diaper, the two ends of which are crossed on the abdomen, and the middle one is laid between the its lower part is not contracted by the legs and the baby could move them, and then a warm diaper or blanket - depending on the season between diapers put oilcloth size 30x30 cm "
.At the same time, "the temperature in the newborn's room should be 20-22 ° C."And "if the room temperature is below 20 ° C, then a newborn for 2-3 weeks on the head put on a headscarf or cap and sleeve sleeves sewn."
This ritual has two sides.
The first - the creation of a baby, this weak and unfit creature, the conditions for survival."Grounds" for this we cited above.
The irony is that in the conditions created by the ritual, further aggravated by the parents fearing for the child, the child really must survive. All of his existence during the newborn period is survival in those inhuman conditions that he creates.
Do not believe it? Check for yourself. Put on a cotton jersey with long sleeves. On top put on a shirt of a shirt( it is not necessary to sew up sleeves).Wrap the sheets with a sheet. Lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket. Yes, do not forget about the oilcloth. Try to spend the whole day at room temperature of 20-22 ° C.
It will be much easier for you if you are used to sleeping in your pajamas or nightgown. But keep in mind that the child has not been taught this.
Try to sleep naked, just covered with a blanket. You will find that you get better sleep and feel more cheerful. You will find that your skin is also breathing.
"The exact name of what is recommended in many publications as a newborn's clothing should be defined as a comfort thermostat of increased humidity. How else is the bundle in which the baby wrapped in accordance with medical prescriptions is placed? A thermometer placed inside the package will show a comfortable temperature32-34 degrees), and the hygrometer is more than 90 percent moisture, "BP Nikitin writes. To survive in such conditions is really not so easy. To do this, you need to have the stamina. .. of a newborn baby.
It must be borne in mind that children live with us, and not on another planet. And nature has not created them any special conditions. They live in the same climate and inhale the same microbes. We must bring them into this world, and not protect from it.
Observations of children developing in the conditions of meeting the needs described earlier show that the temperature of 20-22C "is comfortable for them during wakefulness in the nude state." If the baby is in the hands of an adult( this is also an additional source of heat),then the temperature may be lower. If the child( naked) sleeps, it is enough to cover it with a thin diaper and a bikini blanket, or even just one or two flannel diapers. In fact, the children also tolerate the lower temperatures well.but it happened that children of two or three months of age slept practically all night( on their stomachs), naked at a temperature of 14-16 ° C, crawling out from under the blanket, their body felt warm, neither the next day nor subsequently appeared any painful symptoms
As for the clothing criteria for a child, first of all, this is how you dress: if you are in the same shirt, let the baby be in no more than one pajamak. If you do not wear a hat, do not put a bonnet on the child. In a word, do not wear it warmer than yourself. When he sleeps, he does not need a blanket warmer than yours. When walking in winter, of course, it should be borne in mind that a small child does not move as intensively as you do( especially if he is in a stroller), so he needs warmer clothes.
In the summer heat, just put it naked on the stomach in the stroller, cover the box of the stroller with gauze( from prying eyes).From the very beginning, do not accustom children to bonnets and panamaks. If you are in the sun without a panama, do not wear it to your child( you can not, of course, leave an undisguised baby to sleep in the sun).Do not succumb to the notorious "in the ears will fool" and "bite the head".Focus on yourself and the state of the child.
If the child is cold or overheated in the sun, he will let know about it either by anxiety or by lethargy.
Do not teach children to booties and slippers. Begin at home walking barefoot. For whole days children can run barefoot without needing any shoes."Blue" legs - not a sign of hypothermia, but a normal vascular reaction, which protects the body from heat loss. If the kid is cheerful and cheerful, shows no signs of anxiety, capriciousness, you have no reason to worry. But warm your feet with your hands when you lay him to sleep. This makes it easier to fall asleep.
The second side of the dressing ritual is very specific and reflects the psychology of our culture. It can be characterized as follows: "the goods should be in the package" or - have you ever seen a naked doll on sale? The doll must be sold with clothes. Without clothes it is a semi-finished product. And can you even sell naked dolls, and even with the merits of a particular sex? What about sexual education?
Show yourself "in public" with a naked baby on your hands. Most likely you will not feel completely healthy. The sight of a naked baby is shocking to many. It's good in museums, in pictures. But in life. .. What's bothering you? His sexual organs? Believe that in this respect he does not differ in anything from you, and how every normal person has a certain gender, only while he does not know about it. Or maybe you're embarrassed by yourself? Then this is your problem and you do not have to shift it to him.
Do not embarrass the public, put on your panties. But at home, when there are no strangers around, admire them. Admire naked, such as he is. After all, it is still a wild, primordial nature, unique in its beauty, without any unnecessary additives.
3. Hygiene and the environment
Hygiene aims to provide external and internal conditions that are beneficial to the body. By hygiene, we create conditions in which harmful factors for us do not exceed a certain safe level.
Hygienic actions are performed even by animals. They clean out holes, lick their wool, bathe in water.
In many respects, unnatural conditions of our life( high density of people's living, mass production of food, etc.) require special hygienic measures.
However, the characteristic feature of today's life is the fear of the pathogenic and harmful factors surrounding us, caused by the installation brought up from the first days of life: the world is full of dangers, it constantly threatens us with something. And, of course, Newborns and infants are most at risk.
Yes, indeed, there are many dangers around us. From some, we must protect ourselves, others overcome with our inner strength and knowledge. But it is increasingly dangerous that it is not. Numerous "impossible" regarding newborns and infants suggest protecting them from this dangerous world. Does this also not set off from the very earliest childhood the psychology of alienation from nature and fear of it, giving rise to a strategy of survival and its aggressive "conquest"?And at the same time the strategy of methodical self-destruction in the form of bad habits and poisoning the environment of its own habitat?
It is the factors created by a person in the process of his activity that are most dangerous for children. These are air pollution from exhaust gases and company emissions, water pollution, especially heavy metal compounds, increased radiation, the presence in food of various artificial chemical compounds used in the production of food, a large number of nitrates in vegetables and fruits, etc. To these factorschildren are not adapted evolutionarily and, when confronted with them, often exhibit increased reactivity of the organism. From these factors, the baby should be careful to protect.
However, the trouble is that in due measure it is almost impossible. The only remedy for the child is the increase in his internal reserves, achieved by the maximum creation of natural conditions of development, physical culture and tempering. The ecology of today's big cities is such that without this it is simply impossible for a child to be healthy. This should be understood by parents who are afraid of cold water and physical stress.
You can often hear that a child, they say, gets used to himself, adapts to these harmful factors and becomes less receptive to them. This is not quite true. The child really adapts and with the age ceases to show violent reactions of an organism. But these effects are of the nature of pathological stressors, and the baby pays for adapting to them by lowering his internal reserves and, as a result, by illnesses.
That's in relation to such factors, we must comply with "greenhouse" in the first time of life. Walk with the child away from the highway and plants, preferably in parks or in the woods. Close the windows and windows, feeling bad smells. Breastfeeding mothers should avoid foods with chemical additives and nitrates. Water for drinking, stay in the bank for about a day. Avoid contact of the baby with household chemicals.
But the "greenhouse" conditions for natural natural factors that cause physiological stress lead only to a weakening of the organism and its inability to resist the harmful products of our civilization.
Many parents have doubts and worries about pets, especially dogs and cats. Are they allowed in the house with a newborn and an infant? Can I have a cat or dog during pregnancy?
If we think a little, these questions will seem strange. It all depends on your attitude towards pets.
Your cat or your dog is your "adopted children".And can any child be superfluous? They are in many respects similar to children. First, they are attached to the owners, even if the latter are not always affectionate with them. Secondly, it is not without reason that they say that "every master is like his own dog," although, of course, it is necessary to speak the contrary.
So, in our animals, we can learn unconditional love. And also to see their reflection in them.
If you are expecting a baby and you have pets, then practice understanding your children. Animals provide an excellent opportunity to learn communication without words. See how they feel your emotions, how they react to your actions. Try to feel them just like they are you. After all, for a small child, the way of communicating with parents is the language of the immediate transmission of the emotional state. Understanding is enhanced by touch. Touching, bodily contact is the main way that you can communicate with the child. Learn from your animals.
If your cat or dog is not just an ornament for you or your apartment, if they fill a gap in the soul with a break with nature, are the thread that connects you to it, then why should this child be deprived? Children who grew up with animals are more kind and affectionate, more intuitive, they understand nature better.
Another remarkable fact - if your baby grew up with a dog, it is unlikely that somewhere on the street a dog will bite him. He is not afraid of them, and dogs feel it. Only regret causes the kid, with loud crying rushing to mum at a kind of a dog.
If you keep the apartment and animal clean and your animal is healthy, then do not be afraid of anything. Let your child and your dog become like brothers. The main thing - do not be afraid. The animal feels that there is a child before it. Even a proud and independent cat often without resistance allows a child to get up with her that he will never tolerate from an adult.
A dog and even a cat can be jealous of the owner of a baby who has appeared in the house. Do not deprive them of attention. So the older children are jealous when they have a brother or sister. If they, of course, were not ready for this. If a brother or sister "bought."
At home birth, animals are often in the "chosen circle" of those present. This is a very fascinating sight. The dog and the cat begin to behave restlessly and seem to want to help. The attitude of the dog to the baby, if she also had the experience of her kind, is almost the same as her own baby. She even tries to lick it( which, of course, you do not need to allow).
In general, animals provide us with a wonderful sample of natural childbirth and childcare. Watch and learn. You will not have many questions about your children.
Another factor causing the greatest number of fears is microbe. This is something aggressive, spiteful, eager to live us from the light.
From the earliest childhood we were taught: microbes cause disease. And who teaches us that they protect us and help us? They help to digest food. They live on our skin, forming a powerful layer of defense, not letting "strangers" come to us, which can prove dangerous. No, we learn only one side: microbes are dangerous, and we do everything to prevent them.
But the worst thing is that we are afraid of them. Meanwhile, scientists have long proven that the state of fear significantly reduces immunity. And then even their own "native" microbes can be dangerous.
Parents, who are afraid for a child, transfer their state to him, thereby weakening his body. So who in this case is more dangerous - parents or microbes?
Therefore, we once again have to repeat: do not be afraid! Treat microbes as friends, assistants and advocates. Even if your child is sick, treat his illness as a process in which his body develops immunity against her.
Do not be afraid of microbes, but keep it clean.
"Cleanliness is the guarantee of health" - we like to repeat this slogan. But the smaller the child, the more fears, and the more "cleanliness" has become understood in relation to newborns and infants as a synonym for "sterility."Therefore, it is very appropriate to clarify BP Nikitin: "Purity, but not sterility."
Very often the apartment where a newborn baby appears begins to resemble an enormous sterilizer. Almost all day and night something is boiled, ironed and disinfected. The child is carefully guarded against all "undesirable" contacts with others. It is a pity only that you can not "disinfect" the child himself.
It should be understood that the microbes and viruses that live in us and us are one of the factors that make our immune system work. In a sterile environment, she detreruetsya, and a meeting with even the most harmless in normal conditions, bacteria can turn into a disease.
From the very first moments after birth, microbes colonize the baby's skin( or, as doctors say, "seed" it) and its mucous membranes. With the first feeds, he acquires intestinal flora. All this is natural, normal and provided by nature. It should be noted, however, that it is better if these microbes are domestic, "their own".(In the maternity home, which is the source of a variety of infections, the mother should contact the baby more often with skin-to-skin, creating the same flora as her own).
Do not be afraid to let the child crawl to the floor. Do not short it in a special cage-arena. Do not be afraid if he pulls something into his mouth. This is for him - a way to feel the shape and quality of the subject. The main thing that everything was just clean. It should be remembered that saliva has a sufficiently strong bactericidal action( remember licking wounds by animals).By prohibiting a child from thrusting a toy into his mouth, we not only deprive him of one of the ways of perception, but we also do not allow the bactericidal properties of saliva to develop.
Remember, sooner or later it will be difficult for you to protect the baby from the world, and hence from dirt and microbes.(Here is one funny example: the dad did not notice how the eight-month-old child crawled into the kitchen and ate the porridge from the dog's bowl. It's better, of course, that there should not be such cases, but it is necessary to understand: in order to fully control the child's actions,which would be an incomparably greater evil than accidental contact with dirt).
"Sterilization" of a newborn and his immediate environment-a diaper, a raspash( not to mention bottles and nipples), has also turned into long rituals. They are worth it to bring them in detail.
"It is best to do the child's daily toilet in the morning after feeding, when the mother has already washed, dressed and had breakfast, while unwrapping and undressing the baby, carefully examining the skin, underarms, creases in the groin area, etc.,diaper rash and redness All these places need to be greased with sterilized vegetable oil. It is usually lubricated with oil and folds of the neck, as there, too, sometimes there is diaper rash. The face and hands of the child are washed with boiled, or a solution of boric acid. .., carrying cotton wool from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. For each eye there must be a separate cotton ball. The nose is usually cleaned with a cotton flagellum. .. moistened with vaseline oil or boiled water. The ears are cleaned as necessaryflagellum from cotton wool. ..
The child's hands are inspected every day, the nails on the arms and legs must be cut once in 5 days. .. The scissors for this must always be clean. .. Preliminarily they are either boiled or wiped with alcohol or cologne. "
"The dirty laundry accumulated during the day is stretched and boiled, and if it is not possible to boil, then scalded with boiling water."
Well, and of course:
"To wash a child with soap should be 2-3 times a week."
Let's start with the daily toilet. If your baby's skin is always breathing, if he does not know what the swaddling is, you will hardly have to deal with diaper rash. Oblost - a sign of the wrong content of the child in unnatural conditions for the body. And why climb into every hole in his body and wash it with boiled water? Is not it easier to bathe every day?
If this is not necessary, do not climb into the baby! He does not need it at all. Wipe eyes only with signs of conjunctivitis. If a child has a snot in his nose and it is difficult for him to breathe, suck them with a small balloon for enema or just mouth.
As for the ears, be especially careful here. Removing the natural protective layer from the ear can lead to inflammation, especially after bathing or walking. Most often, children do not require cleaning their ears.
If your baby is healthy and does not need special activities - do not rape him with similar procedures.
Boiling baby clothes and, as is customary, ironing on both sides is a process of sterilization. In addition, ironing with an electric iron forms a layer of positive ions on the tissue that have a detrimental effect on health. This leads to the fact that the skin flora of the child is impoverished, its natural protective barrier is destroyed, the condition of the skin itself deteriorates noticeably. Of course, it's nice to look at a pile of ironed and neatly folded diapers. But is not health more important?
Just wash the diapers and dry. Do not waste your time and energy to harm the child. The first 2-3 months, while his urine has no smell, diapers in general can be washed without soap. Pour water into a well-washed bath. Throw the diapers in there and rinse. This is quite enough. Dirty diapers need, of course, washed with soap. When the urine of the child gets a smell, wash with soap. But do not use washing powder.
Now about washing the baby. Where does he manage to collect so much dirt that he needs to wash it with soap 2-3 times a week? The conclusion suggests itself - this is again sterilization.
Let's give a paradoxical, at first glance, advice: do not wash the child with soap at all, unless he is in some way dirty! Just bathe it in the water every day. The condition of his skin will always be good. Soap, even the most mild, dries the skin of a child, destroying the protective fat layer and microflora.
Check for yourself. Every day, take a bath or shower, with soap do not wash more often than once a month( usually only the head).Very soon you will find that your skin is better.
For a child, washing with soap( besides hands before meals) is usually required not earlier than with a year and a half, but also not too often. However, do not forget: bathing or showering whenever possible every day.
4. Day regimen
From the earliest childhood we were taught by parents, educators, teachers and doctors, that the basis of health is compliance with the regime of the day. Especially this should apply, of course, to newborns and infants. Sleep and wakefulness, feeding mode, etc. It is recommended to subordinate to a certain regime. These modes are given in the books for parents. When to get up, when to feed, when to bathe, etc.
"The regime of the day is of great importance for the upbringing of a healthy child - the correct alternation of sleep, feeding and wakefulness."
Unfortunately, nature for some reason did not take care of this."At the first month of life, sleep and wakefulness of the baby are not systematized, they come randomly, and his behavior largely depends on the timely satisfaction of the needs."
This, of course, must be corrected. Which is recommended, without delay, from the very first day."Fixing" is fast enough."Carrying out the regime of the day, you can develop a regime in the change of sleep and wakefulness by the end of the second month of life of the child."
The child grows, and with it the regime of the day should change. Organize it - the task of parents. From 3 to 6 months - "the main tasks of education in this period are the organization of the regime of the day. ..";from 6 to 9 months - "in this age period, parents face new tasks: the organization of the regime of the day with a three-day daytime sleep. ..", etc.
In other words, we have a child with his needs and have a science with its scientific-justified regimes. Choose. Do you prefer your parents feelings to strict science?
Scientists think, argue, do not agree. They forget only one thing - a real child with his real needs.
Why did the child wake up? Because you're hungry? Maybe, but then it must be fed, because he is hungry. Or maybe he just wants to communicate?
If you are supporters of the regime, we recommend conducting the following experiment. Hang at home the order of your communication with your family and friends. Try not to violate it. How long did you last? In this case, think about the child.
Everything in the world is subject to cyclicity, rhythm. And the regime, of course, will always be. But it is very important that this regime is established by the child himself. Start from his needs. Follow them. And he will establish the regime itself, which is optimal for him, based on his needs.
The only thing that parents need to remember is that the child's regime will depend on their regime before they are born. If mom is a midnight bird, then most likely she will have little sleep at night and after the birth of the baby. So you should think about it during pregnancy.
5. Vaccinations
What did not come up with medicine, protecting the health of our children. One of the greatest achievements of medical science is considered to be immunizations, or preventive vaccinations. Just like all ingenious. The child is injected with a weakened virus that causes this or that disease, and his body, having "overcame" this disease in a very mild form, develops immunity, ie, becomes immune to these viruses.
Rejoice, parents! Soon your children will stop suffering from viral infections. Science continues to search for all new vaccines against all new diseases. Admiration has no limit.
"The greatest achievement of human thought is the development of methods of artificial immunization, that is, the prevention of infectious diseases with the help of preventive vaccinations." An eloquent illustration of the effectiveness is an example of the complete elimination of one of the most formidable infectious diseases-smallpox. With her, "disposed of" so successfully that even vaccinations stopped doing. The incidence of other infections in our country with the help of an activeImmunization is also possible to prevent or significantly reduce the general. "
Belief in the miraculous power of vaccinations is a distinctive feature of the modern pediatrician. Vaccinations have become one of the main ways to protect children from viral diseases. The requirements for this are so strict that a child without vaccinations is not allowed into the kindergarten. He is dangerous to others. We are used to this, and basically it is perceived as a normal phenomenon. Moreover, many diseases from which children are immunized are quite serious in their possible consequences. In the minds of most people, however, the view that immunizations are safe and really give a lasting immunity against the diseases from which they are intended has become firmly established. This opinion is strongly supported by medical propaganda and by individual physicians, whose task is to maximize the coverage of the population in immunization.
However, recently people's trust in immunization has clearly started to fall. Here are some observations:
a growing number of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children;
many doctors do not make their children vaccinated, having the opportunity to make in the medical map fictitious marks;
frequent complaints of immunologists, allergists and neuropathologists about the fact that parents bring to them healthy children, claiming that they are sick and demanding a withdrawal from vaccinations.
The unwillingness of parents to vaccinate their children is perceived by orthodox doctors as irresponsibility or ignorance. Sometimes, however, the concern is more to not "spoil" the statistics of the coverage of the population with vaccinations, rather than the real health of the child. However, the problem is not so simple and requires a comprehensive study.
What causes parents to refuse vaccinations, often listening to accusations of ignorance and lack of love for the child?
According to many mothers, after vaccinations with children begins "something is not right."Often even in healthy children, colds, otitis, influenza and other diseases begin. Sometimes after vaccination, serious enough complications of an allergic nature develop. Many mothers note not only the deterioration of the general health state( in addition to the reaction to vaccination in the first days after the exercise, which is considered "normal"), but also changes in the behavioral reactions of the child: lethargy, inhibition, drowsiness or, on the contrary, excessive nervousness, hyperactivity, irritability. There are also very serious cases. For example, diabetic coma or epileptic seizures.
Physicians, as a rule, do not draw parallels between these phenomena and vaccinations, preferring to look for causes in another, continuing to assure parents of the safety of immunization. But the parental "flair" for mothers and fathers in many cases is a more weighty argument than the explanations given.
The need for vaccinations is proved by the same entrenched postulate: the world around us is literally teeming with bacteria and viruses, which are very dangerous, especially for children. They are the cause of disease. Therefore, if they get into the body, the child( and the adult) inevitably gets sick.
"Do not you want to vaccinate a child?" So, he will get sick, of course, "they say. And then statistics are given: so many children died from such and such a disease, so much from this, etc. At the same time it is gloatingly added that these children were not "vaccinated".And we are so used to believing all sorts of statistics that it does not occur to us to doubt these horrifying figures.
However, it would be worthwhile to think and ask the question: Are microbes and viruses the cause of the disease? Why then did humanity still not die out? After all, mass immunizations began quite recently compared with the whole history of mankind.
Do all "unvaccinated" children necessarily fall ill? Life shows that this is not so. The "ungrafted" child does not always fall ill even after close contact with the patient. Hence, viruses and microbes do not all cause disease and, therefore, are not themselves causes of disease.
This view is held today by more and more scientists.
For example, what Rudolf Virchow, the father of the microbial theory, said in his last years: "If I could live life first, I would devote it to proving that microbes are more likely to seek their natural home - a diseased tissue than are the cause of the disease."
Now about the statistics. Yes, some children regularly die from various infectious diseases. But there are also immunized children among them. However, it turns out that the vast majority of unimmunized children were not vaccinated because of poor health. Thus, we have nothing more than natural selection. Yes, the children are dying. But those whose health in any case was in a threatening state. But about this medical statistics just do not report.
Victory over smallpox is the most vivid argument given in favor of immunization. However, in fact, the question is not as clear as it seems. Here are some data.
"English history contains interesting facts about smallpox. The scope of smallpox actually expanded with the introduction of a smallpox vaccine. Within 1853( and full vaccination), there were about 2000 deaths over a two-year period. About 20 years after the vaccination program for thesethe years of action began, the largest smallpox epidemic occurred with 2,302 victims. The cities in which the most thoroughly vaccinated( ie Lester and Sheffield) were particularly affected. ..
A brief look at the statistics for the US:1902 was 2121 deaths when smallpox vaccination was at the top of its use, and in 1927, 138 deaths when most of the population refused it, at about the same time the Philippines experienced a ten-year vaccination campaign against smallpox: the death rate rose from 10% to 74% ".
In addition: "It is interesting that during the period from 1860 to 1948, a staggering decrease in measles diseases( 94.1%), scarlet fever( 99.7%) and pertussis( 91%) without vaccinations occurred in England.used serum immunization, decreased less significantly than these diseases. "
Today the question is growing louder: does not the increase in the level of sanitation and hygiene reduce the incidence? Then what does the vaccine have to do with it?
Do doctors know the consequences of vaccinations? Of course they do. They also know that they can be very serious. But you are calmly explained that these are normal phenomena, that this happens rarely and is some kind of natural payment for the health of the entire population. Then it would be logical to ask parents each time: are they willing to sacrifice their child for the sake of the health of the others?
Without going into details of the medical nature and specific facts, let's make some generalizations from the collection of materials published in the American magazine "Maternity":
1) The effectiveness of most vaccines is at least 50%.Immunized children also suffer from the diseases from which they are immunized. This leads to a conclusion about the doubtfulness of vaccines;
2) Inoculation destroys natural immunity. This explains why even healthy children, after vaccination, begin to catch colds and get sick with other diseases;
3) Vaccines are highly toxic. Here are some of the substances found in the vaccines: phenol, formaldehyde, thimerosal or merthiolate( mercury compounds), alum, aluminum phosphate, acetone, glycerin, pork or horse blood components, pussy udder pus, rabbit brain tissue, canine renal tissue, chicken or duckegg white, etc. Modern technology does not allow to make vaccines "clean".
4) The danger from vaccines is more often than from the diseases themselves. For example, the consequences of vaccination against whooping cough can be brain damage, seizures, intense fever. The consequences of DTP vaccination are ataxia, developmental lag, purulent meningitis, seizures, hemiparesis, etc.
Even without rejecting the utility and effectiveness of immunization, it is logical to assume that only a very limited number of children need vaccinations. As you know, weakened children are not vaccinated( the consequences are fortunately realized here).They hardly need a child healthy. Only children remain, the natural immunity of which is, as it were, on some edge, beyond which the disease can easily develop. Identify this face is difficult. But it is not only not expedient to vaccinate everyone because of the possible consequences that this can have on the health of the whole population and which we can not yet fully realize, but at least not ethically.
As for the ethical side of the issue, let us mention one more circumstance. The manufacture of many vaccines is associated with the killing of innocent animals, and even primates( for example, in the production of the polio vaccine, monkey kidney tissue is used).Think of our younger brothers when you lead your child to vaccinate, and think about how worthy a person is to survive, and very doubtful, by killing others.
Parents should always have a choice regarding vaccinations. Unfortunately, there is not only a choice, but also truthful information. And it's not surprising. After all, a huge number of doctors work on the problem of vaccinations, among them very titled professors and academicians. And for many of them, as often happens, the sense of their importance is much more important than the truth. In this, perhaps, the main reason is that for a long time we will be fed with false statistics and scare the infection, so that we do not lose faith in the vaccine - this "holy water" of modern medical religion.
It is quite clear that the best way to strengthen health is to strengthen natural immunity, a natural ability to resist the disease. Means for this are also quite obvious: a natural way of life, physical culture and hardening, as well as an increase in the level of sanitation and hygiene.
We touched on above only the most important, in our opinion, moments related to the natural growth of the baby, without setting the task of describing in detail all emerging issues and nuances. That is unnecessary. Once again, we note that parenting can not be reduced to a list of recommendations. The main thing is to master the basic principles. And then - your work.