  • Physical Culture

    Physical culture is a body culture in the broadest sense, involving many aspects. Both the newborn and the infant need it no less than the adult.

    In general, physical culture is called upon to perform the following main functions: first, on a different qualitative level, replace those loads that a person ceases to receive with the development of civilization;secondly, because of the qualitative differences from physical work to obtain food and provide basic necessities of life, it becomes one of the means of comprehensive, harmonious development due to the close relationship of physical and mental development.

    We already noted earlier that the whole complex of factors causing various adaptive stresses should have been involved in the transformation of the human ancestor into modern Homo sapiens. Considering the role of physical activity in the development of the psyche, this factor, apparently, was of great importance. It is not difficult to imagine what physical exertion the cub of a primitive man should have experienced, and these loads were one of the conditions of evolution.

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    In modern life, such loads, of course, are not needed. But the law, nevertheless, remains in force: the movement continues to be a condition for development.

    If some exercises are still offered for the baby today( though, suitable for the more sick and infirm old man), the physical culture of the newborn is infinite lying in diapers. The most sad consequence of this is the unrealization of the inherent opportunities of development, both physical and mental.

    From the very first days of life for the baby, movements and exercises are needed. And it is very important to realize the main goal of the lessons offered to the child - to give an opportunity to reveal the potencies inherent in it, to enable nature to realize its evolutionary programs.

    Naturally, with the help of physical culture, some particular problems are solved: treatment of diseases, correction of the musculoskeletal system, correction of mental states, etc.

    Below we distinguish three main components of the physical culture of the baby:

    1. Dynamic gymnastics. This is a system of dynamic exercises, easily mastered by parents and a child, which is the most accessible and universal form of physical training, giving a variety of positive effects for the body and psyche.

    2. Water training, or aquatraining. Water provides great opportunities in itself as a biologically active environment and as a special environment for training, allowing you to do with the child, including active breathing exercises.

    3. "Baby Yoga".This is a special gymnastics, reminiscent of yoga asanas, performed with a child, usually one or, if necessary, several times after birth. This gymnastics should be performed by an experienced specialist.

    It should be emphasized and the fact that any form of employment with the child is not only physical, but also psycho-emotional interaction with it. Even if you just touch the child with your hand, then for him it's a whole message, another touch in the emerging picture of the world.

    From the very first days of life, the kid has the ability to communicate with others and needs this communication. In fact, our communication with the child occurs constantly, whatever we do with it. Whether he is feeding from his chest, swaying on our hands, or when we bathe, do massage or gymnastics, apart from purely practical actions, we conduct a kind of dialogue with the child through a variety of signals. Even when he is asleep, the dialogue does not fade completely. And from understanding this, it depends on how consciously this communication is on our side.

    Classes with a child physical culture - also a peculiar form of communication with him, and the ratio of the importance of this aspect to the aspect of physical training is about the same as the problem of education in general with the problem of physical development. This is a kind of language, talking on which, from the very first days, we can discuss a lot of problems with the baby, telling him the information relevant at his age and condition.

    The peculiarity of this language is that communication occurs with the help of signals, for the adult person unaccustomed. Here, sight and hearing provide the child with information much less than his sense of touch, vestibular apparatus, thermoreceptors. An important role is played by kinesthetic sensations, that is, sensations of the position of the body in space, muscular tension, and generally what can be called as "intracetal sensations".Having mastered certain skills, an adult can download these information channels as subtly and differentially as he can in communicating with an adult partner through sight and hearing.

    Feedback, that is, the reception of signals from the child to the adult, occurs both in the usual form - through the senses, and through a direct sensation of the state of the baby as a result of bonding. Exercises with the baby physical exercises help parents directly feel his condition, contribute to the formation of bonding.

    In the language of the movement, it is possible to help a child, at a very early age, get concrete ideas about such fundamental things as the structure of his body, knowledge of how it works, how it strains, relaxes and rests, what are its capabilities and where is their limit. The kid gets acquainted with such characteristics of the surrounding world as space and time, recognizing what is top, bottom, direction change, rhythm and arrhythmicity, speed, rotation, amplitude, position and disposition, etc.

    A lot of information is received by a child and aboutparents - how they treat him, how much they feel, what they want to offer, how much they believe in him and how much they understand him. Of course, we are not talking about a rational understanding of the child by all of these aspects, but when faced with them as acting factors, he perceives and captures them directly, they organically enter the picture of the world that is formed in his mind.

    The versatility of this picture, the idea of ​​one's own abilities, contribute to the expansion of the child's idea of ​​the norm. This increases its adaptive capacity, physical and mental stability, expands its range of acceptability, increases interest in one's own existence, towards the surrounding world, promotes the process of self-awareness, and forms self-confidence.

    The general and all-round strengthening of the body "pulls" the development of its immune system. Children are less likely to get sick, they are more tolerant of painful conditions.

    By the methods of physical culture, parents can purposefully assign to the child various emotional and emotional states in nature and degree. Such emotional loading with proper management ensures the development of a healthy, stable psyche in the child. At children the cheerful, counterbalanced character, such qualities as sociability, calmness, self-confidence, inquisitiveness, benevolence and an openness is formed.

    Such opportunities, provided by seemingly purely physical exercises, are not an exaggeration at all. After all, in newborns and infants, the physical and mental are so closely connected that the language of touch, the language of body movements is the most informative for them. It must always be remembered that by performing with an infant this or that exercise, we act on his psyche no less than on the muscles and joints.

    Physical culture for newborns and infants is not a rigid program that parents should implement with the utmost precision, and by fulfilling all the points of which they are entitled to rely on some previously promised results. It is a tool that is given to the parents, making their work with the child more effective, a tool that allows to influence the child more effectively. Physical culture allows parents to achieve the goals that they themselves define with respect to their children, but the result depends heavily on the reality of the goal, its relevance to the child's abilities and the ability of the parents. So, for example, with a nonsensical attitude towards the baby, when high "sports" results are more important than the positive attitude of the child to employment, there can certainly be all sorts of negative effects - stress, fatigue, trauma.

    The application of physical education methods to newborns and infants requires parents to take an attentive, responsible approach to their studies, understanding that, with all the effectiveness and universality of the various forms of exercise, the final result depends only on themselves.

    Long-term experience confirms the effectiveness of the following methods, the reality of achieving high results in the development and recovery of babies. However, the deep individual differences in the physical and mental state of infants, the different possibilities of parents, the differences in the depth of contact with the child, the different levels of knowledge about the child's organism, after all, the different tasks parents and parents can put before themselves and children,or broad generalizations on the basis of which it is possible to give objective recommendations on norms, terms and duration of studies, the regime of loads, and establish the terms for achieving concrete results. At the same time, the technique of classes is such that gradually mastering it, even inexperienced parents can learn to feel and understand their baby, correctly place the emphasis in the exercises, complicate the exercises and increase the load in strict accordance with the growth of their skills and the development of the child,the slightest danger.

    Both dynamic gymnastics and water training are presented below in the form of certain stages. And to proceed to the next stage is necessary only when the previous one is mastered. All new exercises and movements are prepared as if in advance, "inside" the previous classes, each new stage "ripens" in the developed.

    In the end, starting from their own skills, from the physical and mental state of the baby, his individual characteristics, and in accordance with the goals set, using these stages as a practical working material, each parent and his baby build their own unique system of classes, the most suitablejust for them.