  • Proctitis: symptoms and treatment, causes

    What is it - the inflammatory process of the segmental and rectal mucosa as a result of the influence of negative factors is called proctitis.

    The cause of the disease can be damage by microorganisms, parasites, due to improper treatment of acute infectious ailments, complication after pelvic irradiation or frequent enemas, hypothermia or trauma to the mucous membrane.

    Nature of the disease is specific, depending on the type of causative agent of the infection( gonorrhea or tuberculosis form).If the source of infection is parasites, the helminthic invasion also provokes the inflammatory process( see how to treat helminthiasis).

    But not only the infectious factor affects the development of proctitis. The disease can be caused by congestion and poor circulation in the rectum. Such phenomena occur against a background of chronic constipation, venous disorders in the rectum. Often, the disease occurs when the mucous membrane is injured by solid, calcified masses. Mucous changes its structure, becomes loose, painful, red or crimson.
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    The shell swells and can close the anus. On the shell of the rectum, mucus and blood veins are formed. Patients experience pain and discomfort, which adversely affects their lives and health. There is a disease with an unhealthy lifestyle, improper diet, non-compliance with hygiene rules and many negative factors.

    The disease can be triggered by a sexually transmitted infection, as well as an intestinal infection. More exposed to the risk of infection are homosexuals.

    In addition, secondary proctitis is associated with diseases of other organs - gastritis, inflammation of the pancreas and intestines, a tumor. Therefore, it is important to monitor the general condition of the body and not expose yourself to risk.

    Causes of proctitis

    The disease does not appear suddenly, its development is preceded by many phenomena that negatively affect the state of flora, tissues and the intestinal mucosa.

    This is facilitated by:

    • parasites( trichomonads, dysentery sticks);
    • infectious diseases( tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis);
    • poor blood circulation and tissue supply and as a consequence stagnation;
    • radiation exposure( in the treatment of oncological diseases);
    • use of spicy food, alcohol,
    • diseases of organs adjacent to the rectum - hemorrhoids, prostatitis, vulvovaginitis, paraproctitis, cystitis.
    Since proctitis always brings unpleasant sensations and it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment, then therapy will become more effective.
    Symptoms of the proctitis
    The first symptoms of the proctitis cause discomfort, pain in the rectum, itching, burning, sensation of the foreign body in the anal passage, frequent and unreasonable urge to defecate, and the disease has a tendency to periodically exacerbate.

    This is manifested:

    • sensation in the anal passage of the presence of a foreign body and the desire to empty;
    • more frequent defecation;
    • appearance in the stool of blood clots;
    • release mucus, pus or blood clots during stool.
    In addition, the general condition and well-being deteriorate noticeably. There is irritability, headaches, depression, insomnia. With the timely treatment of proctitis, there is relief, the condition improves, the pain syndrome and feeling of heaviness in the rectum are removed.

    Proctitis is divided into acute and chronic form. When the acute form of the disease occurs, there is a fever, uncaused urge to go to the toilet, burning in the rectum.

    The chronic form is practically asymptomatic. However, with exacerbation( for example, after eating spicy foods or overcooling), burning and itching occur, defecations are accompanied by the release of mucus.

    Acute proctitis in turn is divided into the following types:

    1. 1) Catarrhal( hemorrhagic and purulent, in both cases the mucosa is damaged, and slight bloody discharge and mucus appear);
    2. 2) Polypous form( together with the mucus the polyp particles come out);
    3. 3) Erosive form( erosion appears on the shell);
    4. 4) Ulcerative proctitis( there are numerous ulcers, erosions on the rectum wall, with stool on the stool you can see drops of blood) is a form of ulcerative colitis;
    5. 5) Radiation form of the disease( after irradiation appears proctitis in 5-6 months, characterized by severity in the gut zone and burning, false trips to the toilet).
    Chronic proctitis occurs in different forms, and few people turn to the doctor because of inconvenience and not particularly painful symptoms. A chronic form of the disease with flushing of the membrane and the appearance of puffiness are accompanied.

    Forms of chronic proctitis:

    1. 1) Hypertrophic( folds become thickened, the structure of tissues is loose);
    2. 2) Normotrophic( the structure of rectal tissues is normal without changes);
    3. 3) Atrophic( the mucosa of the rectum is thinned, the surface is smoothed out).
    4. 4) Chronic disease is lethargic without acute pain, but with repeated exacerbations.

    Complications of

    In the case of improper treatment or lack of treatment, there may be a narrowing of the channel, i.e. Reducing the size of the rectum. Violated the functioning of the intestine, against the background of chronic constipation may occur intoxication of the body, there are disorders of the liver and skin problems.

    The chronic form can cause discomfort, discomfort, pain, in the absence of treatment the illness recurs, symptoms appear - itching and burning in the anus.

    Treatment of proctitis

    Based on symptoms, rectal examination and endoscopic examination, the doctor establishes a diagnosis and chooses a proctitis treatment technique. The degree of the disease is diagnosed by means of cytological studies and planting of the flora. A severe degree of illness is treated in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor and with strict adherence to a diet.

    Excludes fatty, fried and spicy foods, alcohol. The daily ration is divided into 5-6 receptions. It is recommended to eat foods such as omelets, vegetable soups, semolina porridge, rice milk porridge, fruit jelly, boiled fish and meat.

    Proctitis treatment is conservatively performed using antibiotics and sulfonamide derivatives. As antibiotics apply ceftriaxone, doxycycline, metronidazole, vancomycin.

    When radiation form is used an alternative treatment method - prednisolone and hydrocortisone. Recommended baths with broth chamomile, sodium permanganate. The morning microclysters are made on the basis of tincture from chamomile and calendula, and evening on the basis of vegetable oil.

    Duration of the procedure is 10-14 days. When a tumor is recommended on the 5th-6th day of treatment, a colonoscopy should be performed to remove decay products and necrotic tissues.

    Proctitis prophylaxis

    If adequate proctitis treatment is performed, then remission occurs, the exacerbations are almost not manifested. For prevention should follow the general recommendations - to lead a healthy lifestyle and hygiene.

    The use of alcohol and the abuse of spicy food lead to disruption of the intestine, gastric disorders and the appearance of constipation. Irregular and insufficient emptying provokes the development of the inflammatory process. Feces hardened masses injure the mucous membrane, causing irritation and flushing.

    To avoid constipation, it is recommended to eat vegetable food daily, because fiber contributes to digestion. Compliance with the regime, the reception of a useful, properly prepared food, containing vitamins and minerals, guarantees regular stool and normal digestion.

    Normal functioning of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, will help to avoid proctologic ailments, including proctitis.

    Prognosis for proctitis

    If you follow all the prescribed rules and recommendations of a doctor, then treatment is effective and recovery is guaranteed. As a rule, on the second day of treatment comes relief, most importantly - do not stop taking antibiotics and follow the doctor's recommendations.

    Effective procedures such as baths and enemas, they accelerate the remission and restoration of tissues. Therefore, it is important to combine the methods of treatment. If the patient follows all the prescriptions of the doctor in a disciplined manner, then the proctitis does not recur and does not disturb throughout the life of the patient.

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