
How is acute hemorrhoids manifested? Basic information, its forms and treatment

  • How is acute hemorrhoids manifested? Basic information, its forms and treatment

    Hemorrhoids are a disease caused by pathologies of veins located in the rectum. According to official data, around 15% of the world suffer from this disease, but not every person immediately turns to specialists when symptoms appear. Nevertheless, chronic or acute hemorrhoids are equally common in both women and men.

    And most often the main reasons that the doctor's appointment is postponed is the stereotype that rectum disease is not a suitable topic for talking, even if it is a doctor's consultation. Therefore, the appeal to the proctologist, as a rule, occurs only after the transition of the disease to the late stage, which complicates the subsequent treatment process.


    This form of the disease represents a rather serious danger to human health. As a rule, such a pathology arises against a background of chronic, calm and prolonged course of which sharply gives way to deterioration of well-being.

    One of the most painful symptoms for a patient is acute pain with hemorrhoids. Sometimes the appearance of a painful syndrome seems sudden, since it occurs in a practically healthy person. Such a deceptive impression is due to the fact that the chronic form of the disease was practically asymptomatic, and some of its characteristic signs, so familiar to doctors, the patient himself simply did not notice. In any case, pain with hemorrhoids of an acute type is so strong that the patient simply can not but turn to the doctor.

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    Very often, acute internal hemorrhoids occur in people who are well aware of the presence of their disease, but do not give it the necessary treatment. In order to prevent the transition of the disease into a severe form, it is necessary to take into account the unfavorable conditions conducive to such a transition.

    Treatment and forms of the disease

    Acute hemorrhoids arise as a complication of the chronic course of this disease. In the acute form of hemorrhoids, thrombosis or infringement of hemorrhoids appears, which causes severe pain, an increase in pathological nodes, which causes the patient to have a foreign body sensation in the rectum. In addition to this symptom, the body temperature can rise, there is a burning sensation and itching in the rectal area.

    Total doctors allocate three degrees of acute form of hemorrhoids:

    • - thrombosis without inflammation

    Symptoms of this stage of the disease are such symptoms as moderate pain when touching pathological nodes, itching and burning sensation in the anus. In addition, redness and swelling of the anal opening are possible. All of the above symptoms increase many times during defecation.

    • - thrombosis on the background of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes

    At this stage of the disease there is a strong and sharp pain. Pain syndrome does not pass either in a sitting position or walking. It can also swell the anal opening and tenderness of the rectum during a finger examination.

    • - thrombosis, which is complicated by inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue

    In this pathology, the hemorrhoidal nodes acquire a crimson color and can not simply be reversed, and the inflammatory tumor covers the entire surface of the anus and the tissues close to it.

    It should be noted that with the acute form of the disease, the pain syndrome is felt constantly and the pain is especially strong in defecation. Very often the fear of pain forces the patient to refuse food and resort to some other methods only to visit the toilet less often. Pain can become stronger with heavy physical work or walking. It is noted that in patients with such pathology, mood and character deteriorate, aggression and irritability appear.

    The basic principles of how to treat acute hemorrhoids in a particular case are determined by the proctologist, focusing on the intensity of the symptoms, the degree of illness and the general condition of the patient's body.

    Diet for acute hemorrhoids

    The problem of dietary restrictions in this form of the disease is to reduce the amount of fecal matter as much as possible, which will allow not to strain the intestines and reduce the irritation of the pathological nodes.

    All food with this form of hemorrhoids should enter the body in semi-liquid or liquid form. At the same time, consumed food should have sufficient caloric content in order to prevent a general weakening of the body. Food should be frequent - up to 5-6 times a day in small portions. To somewhat ease the condition it is also recommended to drink up to 1 , 5 liters of water per day. You can also drink a tincture of plants that have a laxative effect.

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