Gentle children
I bet your child in the class has such children, which seemingly are not. Especially in winter. They always miss classes because of some cold, cough or imaginary allergy and sit at home, wrapped in ten blankets. And even if they come to school, they are released from physical education because they dislocated a finger, or they got sick yesterday morning. I had one such classmate who always sat at home because of exacerbations of hay fever. He missed a lot of lessons, and friends used to play without him all summer, so he could hardly fit into the collective when he returned to school in the fall( for a short while).And what was the problem? He had a huge garden at home, and there he was probably only worse than in the school with its asphalt court and cobbled paths.
I can share with you the observation that I spent many years. Do not let children into school for any reason those same people who are constantly being sent home from work because of a headache or a cold. And their children grow up exactly in the same adults who go to bed, once sniffing, and are convinced that they need constant medical care, and to work in such a state is strictly prohibited.
So, I have for these parents( not for you, of course, you do not do this) there is news: if you have a slight cold, your condition will not change whether you are at home or at work. So you can go to work. The same is true of your children. It will not do them any good if you inspire them with the idea that the world should stop as soon as they feel a slight malaise. And the future bosses will also not thank you, once again not giving your child a promotion, because he, of course, works very well. .. only very rarely.
Where are the old good values, such as hardness of character, good spirits and so on? Right parents need strong, strong children, and not small smears( gradually turning into large ones).Want another interesting observation? I had to work with people who had always been there, even if they did not feel well, and with others who constantly tried to take a sick man. And you know what? Just those who tried in any state to come to work, in fact, were sick more often than those who always looked for a reason to get sick.
Of course, if your child is really sick, you should keep him at home. If he feels well enough to stand on his head at home, he can do it in school. At home, he should sit only if he really needs to spend some time on bed rest. Painful, the child is deprived of the opportunity to acquire school knowledge and communicate with school friends, and this does not do him good. And let's not argue, arguing that the sick child is spreading microbes at school. And where, in your opinion, did he take these microbes? If the disease allows the child to attend classes, then the rest of the students from this great harm will not.