  • How to overcome a bad mood?

    Of all the ways to help yourself change the mood, aerobics is considered the most effective."If you could put physical exercises in a bottle and sell them, you would make a fortune," jokes Katharine Lance, author of "Run for Health and Beauty."

    Researchers found that biochemical and other changes that are beneficial through physical exercises are beneficial. However, physical stress during the work on the home gives little effect. The most useful are running, cycling, fast walking, swimming - everything that stimulates the heart, circulation and enrichment of the body with oxygen. A total of 20 minutes - 3-5 times a week.


    "Color for the brain can be as nutritious as vitamins for the body," says New York psychologist Patricia Scherba. Here are some of her tips.

    To reduce irritability and anger, avoid red.

    If you want to cope with depression, do not wear clothes and do not surround yourself with objects whose colors cause sad feelings, for example black and dark blue. Choose warm, bright and vibrant colors.

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    In order to calm down and relieve tension, look at neutral tones. Soft blue tones, for example, are often used in hospitals so that patients do not worry.


    Returning home from work, Anna usually feels tense and irritable. One evening, heard the violent sounds of rock music, which included her daughter, she suddenly found that she began to feel better. The music matched her mood. But later Anna came all the same to the conclusion that Mozart's music is best for relaxation.

    Anna turned her attention to the fact that doctors, who treat music, adhere to the "IsoModic principle", there is a practice of changing the mood with the help of music. First you need to find the music that suits your mood. Then you gradually change the music, and your mood will change with it, achieving the desired effect.


    Scientists have noticed a direct link between eating mood."Foods that contain mainly carbohydrates are a kind of" soothing food "that have a tranquilizer effect," says Bonnie, a psychologist at the University of Chicago Medical School. Judith Wurtman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explains: "This is because

    stimulates the production of serotonin by brain cells. He is a neurotransmitter, responsible for the state of rest and relaxation. One and a half ounces of carbohydrates is enough for calming. Low-calorie foods - air corn, dry pretzel, sprinkled with salt - are as effective as more nutritious foods - fried patties and potatoes.

    Eating proteins maintains mental alertness, contributes to the development of mental energy. The highest protein content is in fish, meat, chicken, veal and lean beef. Three or four ounces of these products can bring the desired effect.

    A large intake of caffeine also causes a change in mood. John F. Greden, a psychiatrist at the University of Michigan Medical Center, discovered during a follow-up study a direct relationship between caffeine intake in large doses and increasing depression, irritability and anxiety in some people.


    The National Psychotherapeutic Institute found that many people are prone to a kind of winter depression, which is called a seasonal emotional illness. The reason is a lack of light. The light given by the standard daylight lamp appears to be almost 10 times less than the light in the shade of a tree on a sunny day. When people suffering from winter depression spend an additional two to three hours in bright artificial light, their mood improves. Psychiatrist-researcher Norman Rosenthal says that those who suffer from a seasonal emotional disorder, it is very useful in winter to spend more time in the air.

    He can improve mood, relieve fatigue. But sleep with dreams has an even greater effect and is one of the oldest forms of psychotherapy. Many researchers now believe that dreams, regardless of whether the person remembers them or not, play an important role of the mood controller, helping us to remove excessive stress."During sleep, dreams take on a constructive problem-solving work," says Rosalind Cartwright, director of the research center dealing with sleep problems. "If the problems are not serious, you can get rid of them in one night and you'll wake up in a good mood".

    Think of a good

    People are often in a depressed state due to the fact that the image of their thoughts is negative. It is important to recognize and learn to change the oppressed way of thinking. Do not bring yourself into a depressed state. According to the psychologist from Philadelphia Judy Eidelson, the reason for the bad mood is most often an unrealistic way of thinking.

    "Think good and you will probably feel happy," says Steinberg from the New York Institute of Rational Emotional Therapy. She adds: "Try to get interested in someone. You will not only please this person, but also get rid of the depressed mood. "