  • Recipes from raspberry

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    Background: was introduced into culture relatively recently( not earlier than the 4th century), probably because the wild raspberry plants have high-quality fruits. Raspberry is a long half-shrub. The accessory roots of a powerful rhizome, growing, form the root offspring, which in the first year grow in height and thickness. In the axils of their leaves flower buds are formed, in the second year lateral twigs are formed, carrying flowers and ovaries. The more powerful the shoots, the higher the yield for the next year. Raspberry gives good yields in one place for 10-12 years. Then the plantation is plowed and planted with fresh fresh planting material.

    Although the first reliable information on the raspberry plantations in Russia dates back only to the 17th century, it entered the Slavs' diet since ancient times, as it grew in abundance wild in almost the entire territory of Russia: in the central and northern regions, in the Urals and inSiberia, the Far East and the Caucasus.

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    The chemical composition of raspberries is very diverse. Its fruits contain about 67% of water, about 9% of sugars, up to 2.5% of organic acids( in particular citric acid), 5-6% of fiber, pectin, tannins and colorants, vitamins C, Bj, B2, PP, folicumacid, carotene, as well as sitosterol, with anti-sclerotic properties, silicic acid, aromatics, up to 225 mg% of potassium salts, up to 22 mg% of magnesium, up to 19 mg% of sodium, up to 40 mg of calcium, up to 37 mg of phosphorus, up to1.6 mg% of iron salts.

    The amount of vitamins in raspberries is not great, but their composition is very diverse, which makes berries a powerful vitamin remedy. In addition, the amount of substances with P-vitamine activity( vasodilator) varies from 85 to 7500 mg%( depending on the type of raspberries, and several hundred thereof).In addition, raspberries contain up to 2 mg% of iodine, which is extremely necessary for people. The combination of folic acid and iron in berries makes it possible to use raspberry and its juice in case of hematopoiesis, and the presence of iodine - with endemic goiter.

    Raspberry juice has antipyretic effect, improves appetite, digestion, it is drunk with scurvy, anemia, stomach pain, it normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes abdominal pain. Juice is drunk when coughing, with avitaminosis C, is used as an antisclerotic due to the presence of fatty acids and P-sitosterol in it. The therapeutic effect of raspberries and its juice for colds is determined by the presence of salicylic acid in the fruits and their juice. Juice of raspberry has one more specific property: it facilitates the consequences of alcoholic intoxication.

    Berries and raspberry juice are contraindicated in patients with gout and nephritis, since raspberry contains a large number of purine bases.

    It should be borne in mind that juice from raspberries is very difficult to extract. To get the juice take completely ripe berries, before pressing, they are showered with cold water and only then remove the sepals. Then, the meat is placed in a pan and allowed to stand for about an hour. Straw juice is drained from the berries, and then hot boiled water is added to the berries( 1 glass per 1 kg of berries).The mixture is heated at 85 ° C for 15 minutes and then pressed.

    Raspberry compote( option 1)

    1 kg of berries, 1 glass of sugar.

    Berries sort out, if a lot of worms, then pour for 10-12 minutes with salt water. All of them will float upward. They should be simply drained with water, and the berries should be washed clean to remove traces of salt.

    Rinse with boiling water and immediately put in cooked jars( berries should occupy the fourth part of the jar).Pour boiling sugar syrup. Immediately roll up, turn on the lid and cool it under the blanket.

    Store at room temperature.

    Note. If in the compote add 1 tablespoon per 1 l of compote juice of irgi or honeysuckle, then the raspberry berries will not lose their color in the compote.

    Raspberry compote( option 2)

    1 kg of raspberry, 300-400 g of sugar, 1 l of water for the preparation of syrup.

    Volume of ready-made stewed fruit 2 liters.

    Fill cans with berries, cover with lids and put on a stand in a saucepan with cold water.

    Water heated to 40 degrees. After a few minutes, when the berries are reduced in volume, the contents of the two cans are shifted into one to "shoulders" and continue heating to 80 degrees. Take out and roll.

    Raspberry compote( option 3)

    Prepare the syrup. Banks filled with berries to the shoulders, pour hot syrup, too, to the shoulders. Place the jars in a pot of water. Cover with lids and heat very slowly to 75-80 degrees. Then proceed as in option 2.

    Similar compotes can be made from berries of black and yellow raspberries. Black raspberries give compotes and other blanks a very beautiful color.

    Raspberry jelly

    For 1 kg of raspberries, 0.8-1 kg of sugar.

    Grind freshly picked berries of raspberries with sugar from the bushes with clean hands. Cover with a napkin and let stand for 3-4 hours. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, spread out on cans, roll up and store in the refrigerator.

    Raspberry, like red currant, is a natural preservative. If there are a lot of raspberry fly larvae in the raspberry berries, then do as you said in the recipe for compote.

    Raspberry liquor

    500 g of raspberry, 500 g of sugar, 1 liter of vodka.

    At the bottom, pour out ripe raspberries and pour it with vodka. Throat the throat with a cotton swab. Put in a cool place for 3-4 weeks.

    Prepare the syrup at the rate of 500 g of sugar per 250 g of water, boil, cool and pour into a bottle with raspberries. Stir, filter and bottle. Cork. The longer this liqueur is, the more delicious it becomes.

    Cream-liqueur "Raspberry King"

    4 eggs, 0.5 liters of raspberry jam, 250 g of cream, 400 ml of vodka, a packet of vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp.tablespoons of cocoa, 2 tbsp.spoons of sugar. Separate yolks and whip with sugar. Cocoa stir well with cream. Continuing to beat the yolks, gradually pour in them cream, raspberry jam and vodka. At the very end, add vanillin. Strain through a sieve. Pour into beautiful bottles. Cork. Liqueur is prepared shortly before consumption.

    Raspberry mousse

    1 egg, half a cup of sugar, 0.5 cup of raspberry juice.

    Squeeze through the cheesecloth raspberry juice. Separate the protein and beat it, gradually adding sugar and pouring in a little juice of raspberries.

    Mousse is ready when he is a "cap".The yolk can be used to prepare gogol mogol, rasterev it with sugar and cocoa.

    Raspberry juice

    2 glasses of raspberries are wiped through a sieve, the juice is filtered, poured into enameled dishes, covered with a lid and put in a cool place. The remaining squeezes of raspberry pour 1 water, add zest of 1 lemon, 50 grams of fresh mint leaves and boil on low heat for 7-10 minutes, filter and cool. Then take half of the raspberry juice, add 1/2 cup of granulated sugar and rub it with a wooden tolstick, pound the mass into a decoction, pour out the remaining raspberry juice, mix well.

    Whipped cream with raspberries

    0,5 l 35% cream( or sour cream), 2-3 tbsp.spoons of powdered sugar, raspberry jam or fresh berries to taste.

    Cool the cream in the refrigerator and whip them to make the mass increase several times in volume. Add the powdered sugar and beat again. Put in vases and add on top raspberry jam or jelly, you can use fresh berries.

    Note. Instead of raspberries, naturally, you can use garden strawberries( which are called strawberries) or wild strawberries. And you can sprinkle whipped cream with grated chocolate or chopped nuts.

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    tip for those who can not whip cream or sour cream. Pour sour cream or cream into the corner of the bag of clean cloth( at worst, in a clean pillowcase), hang it on the faucet in the sink, substituting a plate under it so that the liquid drains into it.(Then, with this serum and salt in a proportion of 10: 1, you will grease the face, neck, pens and then wash away with warm water - you will get silk skin for nothing.) Put the cream or sour cream into a bowl after 2-5 hours and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Now all of you will instantly crash. The fact is that sour cream and cream are manufactured in an industrial way from a dry powder, and not from a fresh dairy product, and therefore water is added to it. She does not give creams or sour cream, no matter what percentage of fat they have. But the natural sour cream( or cream) from the market will crash without ceremony.


    1 kg of sour cream, 1 packet of gelatin, 1 glass of sugar, 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream.spoons of berry syrup( can be drained from raspberry jam).

    Gelatin soak( take about 40 minutes) in half a glass of cold boiled water. Put it on the fire, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Beat together sour cream with sugar. Stir with the cooled gelatin. Devide into two parts. In one add berry syrup( or simply juice).

    Fill in the molds with layers, alternating white and colored. Put in the refrigerator( at least for half an hour).

    Before serving on the table, the bottom of the molds should be slightly heated, turning the contents over onto the dish.


    Healing part: leaves, flowers, leafy branches.

    Plant characteristics: branchy prickly bush.

    Composition of tea and way of its preparation:

    Tea from leaves, flowers, leafy branches: 1h. Mixture on 1 tbsp.boiling water. Brew as regular tea. A fragrant drink with a delicate gentle smell.

    Healing properties: quenching thirst, regulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Tea refreshing: dried leaves of raspberries and kapreya, linden flowers - 2: 2: 1.1 h. Mixtures per 1 tbsp.boil, persist for 10-12 minutes, strain, add sugar to taste.

    Healing properties: influenza and other colds. Healing part: fruits.

    Tea composition and way of its preparation:

    Sugar tea: 200 g of dried raspberries for 600 ml of boiling water. Infuse 30 minutes, drink at night for 2-3 glasses. Healing properties: cold, flu, tonsillitis.

    Cherry-raspberry fruit drink

    1 cup cherries, 1 cup raspberries, juice from 1 lemon, 2 water. Cherries are washed and removed from them bones, mixed with raspberries, covered with sugar, mixed, covered with a lid and put in a cool place( in the refrigerator) for a day. Then the juice is squeezed out of the berries, and the remaining pulp is poured into water and brought to a boil. The broth is filtered, cooled and combined with the squeezed juice from the lemon, mixed and drunk cold.

    Raspberry lemonade

    To 1/2 cup of ripe raspberries add 2-3 tbsp.spoons of sugar, 1/2 lemon zest, 1/2 lemon juice, all rubbed with a wooden spoon or pestle, poured with chilled boiled water, stirred, allowed to stand for 5-7 minutes, filtered and drunk.

    Ointment for acne


    200 g of fresh raspberry leaves, 50 g of cow's oil.

    Method of preparation.

    Squeeze the juice of raspberry leaves, add butter, mix everything.

    Method of use.

    Lubricate affected areas with ointment.

    Raspberry mask

    Squeeze the juice from 100 g of raspberry, strain it and add 2 tbsp.l.fresh milk. Then take gauze and dip it into the resulting mixture. Put gauze on the face for 15 minutes, then remove and rinse the skin with cool water. This procedure is very refreshing to the skin.

    Infusion of raspberry and ashberry with dermatitis


    2 tbsp.spoons of raspberry fruit, mountain ash, 500 ml of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Grind the fruit, pour boiling water, insist 30 minutes.

    How to use.

    Wipe the inflamed areas.