How to help a child fall asleep
Parents usually have batteries before the child runs out of the plant. Here are ways to make sure that these little eyes are closed.
Soothe in the afternoon. If you hold the child in your arms and calm down throughout the day, the child becomes calmer and sleeps better at night.
Use constantly recurring wake-up ceremonies. Than
is an older child, the more desirable are permanent ceremonies and rituals. Children who have recurring, within a reasonable time, going to bed, usually sleep better. Because of the modern pace of life, putting a child to bed early and strictly by the clock is not so realistic, and this regime does not take place as often as it was before. Imagine working parents who are more likely to return home no earlier than six or seven in the evening. This is the most interesting time for the child: do not expect him to fall asleep as soon as you have come home. By the time the parents have returned home, the father, mother or both may have a great desire to put the child to bed early, instead of being tormented all evening with a moody child. If one or both parents usually return home late, putting the child
later is more practical and realistic. In this situation, give your child the opportunity to sleep as late as possible in the afternoon, so that the child is well rested, when the most important time for him is evening conversation with fatigued parents.Repeat relaxation techniques. Soothing massage or a warm bath is a good solution for relaxing tense muscles and overloaded brains.
Get in the bag. This technique best suited our children, especially one, who spent most of the day in an overexcited condition and could not calm down in any way.
Lullaby. A retreat to the
sleep at the maternal breast is in the article of the list of natural sleeping pills. Sit comfortably next to your child and breastfeed until he falls asleep. A smooth transition from a warm bath through warm hands to a warm chest and then to a warm bed usually leads to sleep. Children who are on artificial feeding, too, can be lulled in this way.
Lull with your father's help.
As mentioned above, lulling does not necessarily mean breastfeeding. Fathers can also lull, resorting to their own unique male ways. It makes sense to give the child the opportunity to experience both maternal and paternal ways of putting him to sleep.
Make the baby more comfortable.
Your child may be almost ready to fall asleep, but may not want to be put somewhere to sleep alone. After you have shaken the child, vilified in your hands or in a bag or fed the baby, so that he fell asleep in your arms, lay down on your bed with your sleeping baby, press against him and wait until he is fast asleep( oruntil you are fast asleep).
Take it easy. A rocking chair standing by the bed is perhaps the most important piece of furniture for your bedroom. Treasure these moments of motion sickness of the child, because they are only at an early age and soon pass.
Cot on wheels. Suppose you have tried everything. You are ready to go to bed or ready to send your child to bed, but he can not calm down. As a last resort, put the child in the car seat and roll until he falls asleep. Constant motion is the fastest way to cause sleep. This ritual of going to sleep is especially good for fathers and gives tired mothers an opportunity to relax from the child. We used this time on the road also for such a lack of communication with each other, talking in the car while the child bites his nose and falls asleep from the non-stop motion and noise of the motor. When you return home, you see that the child is fast asleep, do not remove it immediately from the car seat, otherwise it will most likely wake up.
Take the child directly into the seat in your bedroom, and let the baby stay in it like in a crib. Or, if the child is in a very deep sleep( check if there is such a sign as limp limbs), you may be able to remove it from the seat and put it in the crib without waking.
Mechanical moms. Technical devices designed to lay children and not allow them to wake up, are becoming an increasingly large industry. Tired parents spend a lot of money to get a good night's sleep. There is nothing wrong with using them as a last resort, when the real mother has batteries, but the constant use of these artificial remedies may be unhealthy. I remember an article in the newspaper that extols the advantages of providing a sturdy dream of a teddy bear, with a cassette player inside that plays songs or recorded breathing sounds. The child can cuddle up to a singing, breathing, synthetic bear. We personally do not want our children to fall asleep under a strange inanimate voice. Why not give the child a real parent?
Look, limp limbs. All these tips for putting the baby to bed will not do you any good and all your work will be wasted if you try to slip away when your child is still in a state of rapid, or superficial, sleep. See if there are any signs of deep sleep, like a motionless face and limp limply limbs, and if so, then you can safely shift your sleeping treasure into his nest and slip away.