  • Colic, or child that hurts

    You hold in your hands your fortnightly happy baby - a sample of an ideally growing child, who does not seem to know a single concern. Suddenly and completely unexpectedly, he strains his legs and hands, arches his back arch, clenches his fists and makes heartbreaking cries. Like a man who is hurt and whose pain has driven him to frenzy, he pulls up his clinging legs to a swollen, taut stomach and continues to scream ceaselessly, like in agony. Even his face screams "ay-ay": a wide-open mouth, an almost perfect circle, frowning brows and tightly closed or wide-open eyes that seem to shout: "It hurts and I'm beast."As the tension of the child increases, your despair grows, and you find yourself cornered, feeling as helpless as a child, unable to determine the cause and take off the pain. The child is inconsolable, and you are both in tears. You both are tormented.

    Completed to the limit, the child stops screaming and wearily leaves for

    to sleep, escaping from system overloads and giving his puzzled parents a short respite. While the child quietly sleeps before the next storm, a friend comes and exclaims: "What a healthy sight your child has! You are so lucky! "You object:" You would see that we were together a couple of hours ago, when we were both powerless. "Your girlfriend leaves, sincerely confident that you are making everything up. Definitely, nothing can happen to such a cherub. Then, like someone turned the lever "the beginning of screaming", violent attacks resume, and this time lasts more than an hour. Begins the second round of the child's struggle with himself. You try to hold the child to yourself and caress - the child is straining and protesting;you are trying to give him a breast - the child arches an arc and pushes you away;you rock it, sing it, make jumps around the room. What calmed the child yesterday, today is useless. And you return to the usual anxiety: "What is wrong with my child? What's wrong with me? "- With apologies leaving a circle of ideal mothers with their ideal children.

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    You're racking your head: "How can a child who behaved so well two hours ago now be so irritated?" He's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Under the law of meanness, your child feels the worst at the end of the day, when you have the least strength to endure seizures. Your child, who has been so sweet since morning, is bored by the evening.

    Help comes the money that heals everything from an endless string of friends who wish you well. The child still pierces with a shrill cry, and you become more and more confident that this is a reflection of your maternal care, although somehow you feel that it is not. The child is hurt;he is completely distraught;you do not know why, and probably the child himself does not.

    By the time all of Aunt Nancy's herbal teas run out, how you make all the changes recommended by the doctor in the diet and will experience all the most unimaginable ways of rocking the baby, as mysteriously as the fight began, at the age of about three or four months it ends, andlife goes on as usual. The child, it seems, did not suffer at all, and you close one of the most difficult chapters of your life with a newborn.

    This is colic!

    Does your child suffer from colic? How to identify

    If you are wondering whether your child is suffering from colic or not, no! The frenzied bouts of long inconsolable crying, similar to the agony, leave no doubt that it is colic. Sometimes, when parents think that they have a child with colic, we send them to

    to some members of the "club of colic" - parents whose children really suffer from colic. Most often they come back happy and with relief say: "No, our child has a colic, apparently not."About 20% of all children in the first months of life have daily attacks of crying of one or another intensity.

    What is colic?

    Although there is absolutely no agreement on what constitutes colic, or in its definition, pediatricians treat a child as having a colic, if sudden and unexplained attacks of desolating crying:

    • last at least three hours a day, happen three days a week and continue asa minimum of three weeks;

    • begin in the first three weeks of a child's life;

    • lasts, as a rule, no more than three months;

    • take place in a healthy in all other respects, a fully developing child.

    Sometimes we call this the "rule of three."

    Why suddenly colic?

    The most discouraging feature of colic is that it is unknown why a child cries and why what worked in one day turns out to be useless for the next. If your child is suffering from colic, it's perfectly normal if you mentally torment yourself: "Why, what am I doing wrong?" And as your child suffers, you suffer. You become a convenient target for all kindly acquaintances who put their own diagnoses: "It must be your milk", "He is spoiled," "You hold him too much in your arms" - or not enough. Let's take a look at the most popular myths about colic.

    Myth "A strained mother is a stressed child"

    Restless behavior and colic are due primarily to the temperament of the child, rather than the ability of parents to treat the child. Studies have removed the blame from mothers. There is no evidence to suggest that a strained mother makes her children tense. However, mothers who are nervous during pregnancy have a slightly higher chance of producing a child who will suffer from colic. Some studies also state that guessing whether your child will have colic or not is a dangerous prophecy that comes true. Mothers who are afraid that their children will suffer from colic, most often receive children suffering from colic. In our experience,

    can say that the mother's mood affects how she treats a child who has colic, and not the cause of colic. A strained child is not easy to calm with tense hands.

    If children were born nervous because of their parents, one would expect that the title "The most nervous child" would have been booked for the first-born. However, restless and colicky children show no respect for the order of appearance. Our fourth child was the most nervous of our children, and he was born after the most calm, unrestrained pregnancy, when the situation in our family was the most stable. It is not a colic and a social disease. We can not write off the colic on the impetuous pace of life. Anthropologists report that in countries where babies are almost constantly worn and immediately react to their crying, children behave more calmly than in countries of a different culture, but all civilizations are awarded children suffering from colic. The Chinese call this behavior "a hundred-day crying."

    The myth of the swelling was blown away by

    "Yes it is full of gases!" - says the mother. Many children in the first months of life suffer from gases. Put your palm on the swollen tummy of a newly fed, happy one-month-old baby, and the

    you'll surely feel a rumbling that goes only when it's time for the next feeding. However, radiographic studies cast doubt on the theory that the cause of colic is the accumulation of gases. The x-ray of the abdominal cavity of most children, both suffering from colic, and not, often reveals an abundance of gases. An X-ray taken by a child, with painful colic, shows the absence of gases during an attack of crying and the accumulation of gases after an attack. Researchers believe that children swallow air during crying and gases are the result, not the cause of colic. Although gases can cause discomfort in some children, this study releases gases from the theory of flatulence as the cause of colic.

    What does this mean for parents who are trying to comfort a child? Interrupting the attack of crying or quickly intervening at the first note that opens the attack, you can reduce the amount of air that the child swallows. With colic, crying promotes swallowing of the air. Observe the child in one of these periods of insanity. Note how the child holds his breath for a long time, which is filled with a cry, sometimes even before the area around the mouth becomes blue, causing the parents to panic the child. Keeping this note, as it seems, is infinite, the child then sharply makes a strong breath( and you too);part of this airHow to get rid of the gases of children suffering from flatulence

    Swallowing air and releasing gases is perfectly normal for a growing child. But excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines can cause a small child suffering. The mother of one of my patient with flatulence describes a bloating so: "When my daughter tries to release gases, she looks like a mother who is pushing herself during difficult births."Try these ways of getting rid of excess air.

    How to let in less air

    • If you are breastfeeding, make sure that your baby's lips tightly compress your chest, going far into the areola.

    • If you are feeding from a bottle, make sure that the baby's lips are on the wide base of the nipple, and not at the tip.

    • Tilt the bottle during feeding at an angle of thirty to forty-five degrees to allow air to rise to the bottom of the bottle;or try using blend packs during the feeding process.

    • Eliminate foods that cause discomfort in your baby if you are breastfeeding.

    • Give the child a smaller volume, more often.

    • Hold the baby vertically( at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees) during feeding and for half an hour after it.

    • Do not allow your child to suck a pacifier or a pacifier of an empty bottle for a long time.

    • Respond immediately to the cries of the child.

    How to release more air

    First and foremost, be sure to allow the child to regurgitate during and after feeding. You can also try the following techniques and tools:

    • abdominal massage;

    • child's bent positions;

    • simethicone in drops( silica gel with dimethylpolysil oceans);

    • glycerin suppositories( suppositories).

    ha gets into the stomach. This unnecessary air causes swelling of the intestine, thereby possibly prolonging the attack of crying.