  • Quiet days give birth to good nights

    Most sleep problems result from general disorganization. Neonates are unorganized. The sleep and feeding regimen is not included in the original plans of the newborn. The child's physiological systems work chaotically, and this disorganization lasts twenty-four hours a day. Organizing the child by day, you will help him to be more organized at night. Here's how to do it.

    Feed on demand. Frequent feeding on demand during the day to the top fill the baby with food, providing the best night sleep. Children who are in the day on a strict schedule, are much more inclined to sleep during the day, and at night to feed.

    Wear a baby in the bag in the afternoon.

    Put the child in a baby bag and carry the baby for as much as possible during the day. Proximity provides frequent feeding, calmness, and a child, calm in the daytime, rather will be quiet at night. Your style of caring for the child during the day and its impact on the day-to-day behavior of the child go to sleep at night. A child growing up in his arms, in a sensitive environment, assimilates trust and tranquility. A child, less anxious by day, becomes a child, less anxious at night.

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    The effect of a loving, attachment-based, day-old parental care on the features of a night's sleep is especially strong for a child who has come to this world restless. These children are famous for their restless sleep. Keeping a tendency to worry during the day, you get a calmer baby at night. In other words, attachment-based care during the day immediately gives the child to understand: there is no need to worry - whether day or night.

    What does this give parents?

    In addition to the fact that attachment-based care during the day allows your child to begin with less anxiety due to frequent feeding and constant stay on your hands, it also allows you to start with a good night. So often communicating with your child during feeding and wearing, you become sensitive to your child. You begin to understand your child during the day, and this ability passes into your night sensitivity, helping you to intuitively answer such questions as: where should the child sleep? How should I react to his crying? How best to rock him? Virtually every method of "How to make a child to sleep," oddly enough, is silent on the topic "Your child's night needs".Attachment helps you fill this gap.

    Your approach to day care allows this connection to flow into night communication. One day in the first month of the attachment-based care for the child, you naturally find the installation for night care of the child, and for most parents this means sleeping next to your child, not because they have read it in the book, but because

    becauseit seems to them the most correct. Loving care based on affection is, after all, a continuation of life in the womb. As one mother put it: "The mere fact that my child was suddenly born now does not mean that he should be apart from me, in a crib-I simply can not bring myself to put it there."