  • Protection of the garden from spring frosts

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    Spring frosts ( temporary decrease in temperature below 0 ° C on the surface of the soil and in the air) are:

    radiation, advective,


    The most dangerous spring frosts in the period with an average daily temperature of 5-10 ° C. Radiation frosts are observed in windless nights in the absence of cloudiness, are often repeated and are short-lived. Advective arise from the invasion of cold air masses from the northern regions( more prolonged and harmful) is the most dangerous mixed-frozen ad-vascular radiation, the flowers of most fruit trees are damaged at a temperature of -2.2 ° C, and the tied fruit- at -1,1 ° C. Strongly damaged flowers and fastened fruits crumble, partially deformed fruits develop deformed fruits( small and one-sided)

    Often late spring frosts coincide with the flowering of plants and the beginning of formsFruit production:

    flowers in the bud phase are damaged at a temperature of -3-4 ° C;

    blossoming flowers are damaged at a temperature of -2-3 ° C;

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    fruit fruit is damaged at a temperature of -1-2 ° C.

    Signal to start the protection workgarden frosts is a sharp drop in air temperature to midnight to 2 ° C. Frosts are more likely to occur in low places, where cold air flows from the elevated areas and accumulates there. To properly organize the protection of plants from frosts should be guided by the forecasts of the hydrometeorological center and direct observations. When protecting the garden from frosts, the main task is to smooth out the sudden temperature fluctuations in the . Methods of fighting frosts are divided into 2 Groups:

    preventive, direct.

    To prophylactic methods of struggle include the selection of species and varieties and their rational placement with strict account of the microclimate( in conditions of a rugged terrain).To direct protection methods include:

    construction of various cultivation facilities,

    creation of shelters,

    whitewash of trees,

    application of various chemicals( growth regulators and plant development),




    direct heating by special devices andadaptations.

    For cultivating structures and shelters, various translucent and milky-white polymer films are used. They are used to protect the planting of strawberries, various early flowering berry bushes, as well as fruit trees on dwarfish rootstocks. To reduce the danger of damage to plants by frosts, can be displaced by the flowering phase, , which is achieved by continuous whitewashing of fruit trees with calcareous milk or polymers.

    The most widespread and affordable way to protect the garden are smokescreens, using pre-prepared smoke piles made of organic materials: straws, twigs, brushwood, peat, leaves, etc., giving a large amount of thick smoke, as well as special neutral smokecheckers. Smoke piles and sabers are lit from the leeward side of the garden when the temperature is lowered and fumigation continues for another hour after sunrise. Smoke is effective in weak frosts( up to -2 ° C).For open heating use special heating appliances with oil, coal, tar. To combat short-term frosts, irrigation and sprinkling are used, effective at a temperature of -3-4 ° C.Water, having a large specific and latent heat, generates heat when it freezes( 1l secures 80 kcal).Therefore, when watering the garden before freezing, the temperature difference can reach 2-3 ° C, this is enough to protect the flowers from damage. An even greater effect is achieved when sprinkling over the tree crowns before the flowers freeze. Sprinkling begins when the air temperature decreases in the morning to 2-0 ° C and stop when the ice in the trees melts. During the protective spraying, the ice should remain wet. A break in sprinkling during freezing leads to the death of flowers. Sprinkling can be stopped only when the air temperature rises to 3-4 ° C.