  • Grades of late maturity

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    The late maturity period of the

    White is winter-hardy, well tolerates drought. Berries are large( average 1.7 g), sweet. The variety has a complex resistance to fungal diseases. In fruiting, he enters the second year after planting.

    The beauty of Altai is very fast-moving and winter-hardy. The kidney mite is affected poorly, to powdery mildew is resistant. Berries are large with thick skin.

    A bush of medium growth and spreading. The Katyusha is characterized by high yield. The berries are large, olive-black, elongated. The brush is medium, contains 5-7 one-dimensional berries.

    Izmaylovskaya - is relatively resistant to anthraxose, powdery mildew and kidney mites. The berries are rather large, regular rounded, black with a reddish tint, suitable for all types of processing.

    Currant reproduction with arc-shaped layers

    1. On a well-developed strong branch nearest to the ground, make an incision without splitting to the end, in an open incision, to insert a small pebble or a small chip to keep it open.

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    2. Brush the ground to the ground, dig a shallow hole, lower the section of the branch with a slit into it, fasten it with a wooden or wire rod or staple, fill the hole with ground and pour it. During the growing season, to keep the soil in a wet place, this contributes to the formation of roots.

    3. By the autumn, in the cut of the branch, roots are formed. An entrenched seedling usually separates

    from a mother plant in the spring of next year.

    4. Seedlings separated by a pruner have

    The largest amount of nutrients the currant consumes in spring and in the first half of summer. The basic fertilizers are brought in autumn and spring under a digging. The zone of fertilizer application is determined by the projection of the crown of the bush( usually 1.5-2 m).For the same area, fertilizers should also be applied to young plants. For soils of an average fertility level, the following fertilizer doses per 1 m2 are recommended: at the age of up to 3 years - 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers, 13 g. Urea, 50 g. Of simple superphosphate, 12 g of sulfuric acid potassium;at the age of 4 years and more - 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers, 22 g. urea, 50 g. simple superphosphate, 15 g. potassium sulphate.

    Manure, together with phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers, is brought under the autumn digging.

    To increase the yield, in addition to basic fertilizers, fertilizing is used. In the flowering phase and the remaining ovaries give 2 top-dressing with an interval of 12-14 days: 10 grams of urea, double superphosphate and potassium sulfate are diluted in 10 liters of water and added to 1 m2.You can also use an infusion of diluted mullein( 1: 8) or chicken manure( 1:15) - 10 l / m2, or fertilizer with microelements KEMIRA UNIVERSAL - 50 g / 10 l / m2.The third top dressing with double superphosphate and potassium sulfate - 10 g / 10 l / m2 each - is made after harvesting berries. If the periods of ovary formation( end of May - beginning of June), the filling of berries coincided with the period of drought, bushes are necessarily watered. Watering is also necessary after harvesting. In addition, in dry autumn it is necessary to make podzimny watering before the onset of stable frost: water consumption of 3-5 buckets per 1 m2.

    is a fairly developed root system. After separation in spring, it is planted on a separate ridge for growing or directly on a permanent place.

    Currant is a fairly moisture-loving crop, which is associated with its biological characteristics. Lack of moisture causes plants to delay growth, crushing berries. Arid conditions in the post-harvest period can lead to freezing of bushes, especially in severe winters.

    Currant is affected by pests - with currant bud, currant leaf gall midges, cauline gall midges, currant jelly, gooseberry aphid, large currant aphids, common arachnid mites, gooseberry flies.

    From diseases the most common are American powdery mildew, goblet and columnar rust, anthracnose, septoriosis( white spotting) and sweating. Methods for controlling pests and diseases are described in section Pests and diseases of fruit and berry crops.

    In recent years, a number of promising black currant varieties have been created, which have not yet been extended. Among them, Binar, or Pavlovoi Memory ( medium ripening period, berries large, black, skin tight); Detskoselskaya ( berries of delicate sweet-sour taste, average weight 1 - 1.4 g); Scented ( early maturity, the berries are large, round, black, matte, with dense skin).

    Pruning: growth of currant shoots from the root is characterized by unevenness over the years. In the first year, the shoot grows very intensively, giving a big increase. In subsequent years, the rate of growth is significantly weakened and by the 5-6 year of plant development practically cease. The extension of the length of the branch depends on the apical vegetative bud. The fruiting zone is located in the middle part of the shoot, the lower part is the branching zone of the bush, strong lateral shoots grow from it. The branches of the first and second orders of branching are most valuable for fruiting. On the bush should be left 3-4 well-located branches coming from the root, the rest must be cut at the base. The first branches selected in the post-planting pruning are the basis of the bush.

    For currant plants with good branching, shortening of shoots can be insignificant, with medium branching - up to 1/4 of the length of shoot, with weak branching - up to 1/2 of the length of the shoot.

    A good harvest depends on the correct formation and trimming of the bush. Their formation begins in the first spring after planting. Above the surface of the soil leave 2-4 well-developed buds on each shoot. In the next 2-3 years at the base of the bush remove excess, weak basal shoots. Each year, 3-4 convenient sprouts are left. Forming pruning is completed by the 4-5th year. The best time to prune the bushes is early spring, before the buds blossom, but since the buds bloom very early, the pruning is practically done in the fall, immediately after harvesting.

    In the following years a well-formed does not require complex maintenance. Annual pruning is:

    cutting out all the old branches( aged over 5 years) that thicken the bush and are not highly productive;

    After-planting of the currant bush of

    Immediately after planting, it is necessary to shortly cut off all shoots growing from the rhizome and sticking up above the ground to the third or fourth kidney above the soil level. The weakened bushes should be

    Annual pruning of the currant bush of

    . In case of annual pruning, all branches older than 5- -6let should be cut at the base, removing the diseased and ottenous branches, thereby clearing the bush and creating the opportunity for the formation of young strong shoots. Branches to be cut, dark, young and growing shoots - light

    cutting out sick and pest-affected branches entirely or shortening them to healthy wood;

    cleans the bush and removes dry, broken and seeded branches;

    cutting out weak, thin, poorly developed branches at the base: they thicken the bush and do not give FRUIT;

    shortening branches of the first order depending on the degree of branching of the bush;

    shortening branches of the second order, when their length exceeds 50 cm.

    The launched bush of the currant is more difficult to cut, this operation must be carried out in several stages. You should start with the sanitary cleaning of the bush, during which you must remove the sick, dry, thinned, broken, lying on the ground shoots. Then

    cut the shoots even shorter, leaving only one kidney. If the grown shoots are weak in the next year, they will again need to shortly cut the

    to cut out a part of the healthy branches, leaving 4-5 strongest and well-placed branches coming from the root. This will clear the crown and create conditions for the emergence of new young and healthy shoots, from which the formation of a new bush will begin. If the bush is hopelessly thickened and the internal shoots have poorly developed because of a lack of light, it is better to cut all the branches under the root and give the opportunity to grow new from scratch. With a well developed root system, the bush recovery will occur quickly.

    Harvest: berries ripen 45-55 days after the beginning of flowering, that is in the second and third decades of July - the first ten days of August.

    The ripening of berries in a brush depends very much on the temperature conditions at the time of flowering. If it occurs in a short time, then ripen almost simultaneously all the berries in the brush. With extended flowering, when favorable weather alternates with cold and rainy weather, subsequent flowers are pollinated late, which affects the maturation of berries. It should also be noted that berries of the same variety on young bushes, where the brushes are more evenly illuminated, ripen more harmoniously than on old bushes, where the degree of irx shading increases.

    When transporting for a short distance, the berries are removed slightly in the technical ripeness phase. Ripening and full staining of them occurs during transportation, which should not exceed ~ -10 days. The berries used on the spot are removed from the bush full-colored in a removable maturity. The berries are collected with whole hands or one by one, if they are unstable to the leg and brush.

    is usually produced in 2 doses due to non-simultaneous ripening of berries, with the exception of several varieties, the berries of which ripen almost simultaneously and are not prone to shattering( Blueberry, Exhibition, Sleeping, Michurin's Memory, Victory).

    Usage: from berries of black currant cook jam, make jams, jelly, jam,. taki and liqueurs;leaves are a traditional hide in the salting and souring of vegetables, as well as during the washing of apples.