  • Garter of grapes

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    Garter is winter, or "dry", - garter of sleeves, arrows, shoulders of cordons and summer, or "green" - garter of young shoots.

    Dry garter of annual shoots and perennial parts of the bush follows the pruning. The optimal time for it is the beginning of the sap flow. During this period the vine is ductile and easily bends, shoots are less fractured. The garter is performed in a short time and finishes no later than the beginning of the bud opening, since the buds that have moved to growth are very fragile and easily break off.

    If the amount of work is large, to the garter proceed before the specified time, in the rest period of the vine. In this case, work begins with those varieties of grapes, in which the vines are thinner and more flexible. In frosty weather, shoots should not be tied, as the number of breakages increases.

    You need to strive to create smooth curves. The bend of the vine under a steep angle completely disables the conducting system, the nutrition of the above-mentioned eyes stops.

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    The correct garter of the bushes at a young age( when they are formed) facilitates the work in the future.

    Garter in the form of a shank. The created stems must be smooth and stable. Even small bends made in the first year of the bark formation shorten the durability of the bushes, since after the entry of the plants into the fruiting, the weight load on the stem multiplies many times, and if the bend is bent, this load is distributed unevenly, which causes splitting of the boles.

    Kind of vine bushes after carrying out a "dry" garter of the vines and sleeves

    To obtain an even bole left for this purpose, an annual shoot is tied to the cola at equal intervals in 3-4 places. In order to keep the garters firmly, did not slip and at the same time do not damage the plant, this work is performed as follows.

    Initially, a piece of twine, bast, ribbon, thin cloth or other garter material is firmly tied to the cola with two knots, then tie up the shoot so that there is some free space for its thickening. With a rigid garter in this place, the cambial activity is weakened, the shoot gets damaged, and as a result, it is necessary to form the stem first.

    When tying the shoots used as the arms( shanks) of the sham formation, they are initially flexed, then, horizontally along the bottom wire, tie in 3-4 places.

    Shoulders of the formation should also be even, this ensures a more uniform growth of shoots and their fruiting, regardless of the location of the fruit links.

    If after the garter the shoulder was uneven, then in subsequent years on the horns and in the zone of bends the growth of shoots increases, and on horns located on the periphery, growth and fruiting are weakened. With uneven growth, it is often necessary to resort to rejuvenation, which reduces the durability of the plantation.

    Ways of garter green shoots: 1 - rewind, 2 - loop;3 - the "eight".

    After the formation, the fruit arrows are tied to the second wire of the trellis, distributing them evenly in space. Garter to the second wire reduces the weight load on the first wire, which in this case does not sag and preserves the normal stable construction of the bush. Annual shoots in this case are slightly bent.

    Garter when shapeless. On bushes of concealed varieties after the creation of sleeves, it is important to correctly arrange them in space in accordance with the features of the structure design.

    For example, in fruiting shrubs of fan formations, first of all, the sleeves with a slope of 35-45 ° are attached to the lower wire. They should be well tightened to the wire and evenly distributed in the plane of the supports( taking into account the scheme of the adopted formation).

    It is especially important to properly place the fruit arrows, that is, an annual vine. You can not tie them vertically. In this situation, due to the inherent polarity of the grape plant, the uppermost eyes and shoots will first of all expand and grow more intensively. The lower part of the bush will be bare. The upper, remote from the skeleton, but more developed shoots, where the future crop will be laid, will make the bush bulky and inconvenient for shelter. Most often these shoots have to be removed during autumn pruning( a significant part of the crop is lost).Therefore, fruit arrows tie to the first wire horizontally or in a curved position, and partially and to the second obliquely( no more than 40-50 °), bending necessarily their tops downwards.

    A vertical garter of an annual vine is allowed only in those cases when it is necessary to form a tall bug for uncontaminal growth of a bush or powerful sleeves with a ginger crossbred culture.

    To avoid rubbing the sleeves and runners with wire, they fasten the "eight" with the help of a dressing material, that is, there is a dressing between them and the wire. You can not pull the straps of the vines, especially the sleeves, to prevent ringing of the thickenings. Each arrow is better tied separately.

    Short arms are tied for longer ends( more than 7-8 eyes) in the middle - the "figure-eight" and the end is tight.

    The arrows can be tied with special loop knives or rings-holders.

    When using scissors, a special cord is used, and instead of the knot the ends of the cord are fixed by twisting, formed by scissors.

    A green garter of shoots is carried out during the growing season. The first garter is made with the length of young shoots 50-60 cm( before flowering) and when they outgrow the second row of wire. As soon as the shoots reach the next tiers, the trellises hold the second, third, sometimes fourth garter. If the green shoots outgrow the upper wire and hang, it is necessary either to increase the trellis, or tie the shoots horizontally to the upper wire.

    Optimal conditions for the development of shoots and grapes are created when the shoots are tied at an angle of 45 °.However, to distribute them evenly on the trellis, a part of the shoots( especially in the middle part of the bush) is tied vertically.

    A single loop tying up no more than 2-3 shoots. Gartering several green shoots in a crowded place in one place increases the shedding of flowers and the development of fungal diseases, worsens the degree of harvesting for the next year and the ripening of shoots.

    To green shoots loosely attracted to the wire and not damaged in strong winds, the dressing material is tied around the shoots and wire in the form of "eight".You can not tie the shoots for the tops, but rather between the fourth and fifth internodes, counting from the top.

    Fastening of shoots by a factory twine: 1 - a tapestry wire;2 - Garter twine

    Tapestry with movable wires: 1 - the first tier for dry garter vines;2 - mobile stage for the planting of green shoots

    The garter can be replaced by planting shoots between two parallel wires. For this purpose, the wire strings on the trellis are made double, placing the wire on both sides of the support post. The distance between them should be at least 6-7 cm. You can arrange the wire and from different sides of the column alternately at a distance of 25-30 cm from one another. When the shoots grow to the next tier, they are planted between them, trying to distribute them evenly along the trellis.

    When forming with a free dangling gain, the garter is not needed.

    Good results can be achieved by using movable( parallel tensioned) wires, which, as shoots grow, periodically move upwards, fixing them.

    The best material for garter - soaked in water. For the garter use twine, shoots of willow( laznia) and gorse, green bark of hazel, fibers of spinning plants( sida, kenaf), corn wrappers, etc.

    Fragment of shoots on branching knots and fruit arrows