  • Equilibrium program for newborns

    Before you begin to do anything, tell the newborn about your intentions. Do not be scared that he does not understand the meaning of words. The kid will perfectly understand your intonation, calm, confident tone, see your smile. In the process of the action itself, also explain to the child what you are doing. Only in this case, says Doman, the child will look forward to the next session.

    Employees of the Doman Institute observed parents developing their children's vestibular apparatus in many countries. And everywhere parents and children enjoyed it. Fathers threw the kids up, and then they caught. Mothers rocked the children, putting them on their knees. Are you surprised at such simple exercises? And yet they are the ones that perfectly stimulate the vestibular apparatus of the children of the first months of life.

    So, how correctly to perform stimulating exercises?




    Doman recommends performing every day all the exercises at least once.

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    Do exercises slowly and carefully. If for some reason your newborn does not like something( or if you are tired), then most likely you are acting too fast. Slow down the tempo.

    Start with fifteen seconds for each exercise. Gradually and carefully bring this time to forty-five seconds. Always stop before the child wants.

    Exercise 1. Wear a circle around the

    Put your baby's belly in his arms, carefully holding it. Brush the crumbs a little in a circle, and then start to make smooth movements up and down. Shake it up and down, back and forth, and from side to side. Wear this way a child around the house,

    telling him about where he is and what things surround him. Let him look out the window.

    Exercise 2. Wobbling above yourself This exercise is not Doman's innovation. This is what many parents do around the world. Sit on the floor and shake the child above him. Tightly grasp the baby by the side under the arms. Raise yourself above and look into each other's eyes. You can tell him, for example: "Let's fly!" Gently tilt it to the right and left, put it on your chest and lift it up again.

    Exercise 3. Rolling the field Place the baby on a large pillow. Then gently raise the edge of the pillow with your left hand so that the child rolls to the opposite side. Then lift the other end of the pillow - and the child rolls in the opposite direction. From the side, such an exercise resembles the rolling of a pole.

    Exercise 4. Swing in the

    hammock The Kid is still on the cushion. Turn the child 90 ° so that his face is in front of one of your hands, and your legs are opposite to the other. Continue to lift the pillow at different ends, so that your child is rocking from head to toe.

    A variation of such an exercise can be rocking in a "hammock".This will require the help of another adult. Put the baby on the blanket, grasp the ends and shake the crumb back and forth.

    Exercise 5. Clockwise rotation

    Place the baby on the blanket. Take the blanket around the corner and start rotating it clockwise.

    Exercise 6. Counterclockwise rotation

    Repeat all of the above, changing only the direction of rotation.

    Exercise 7. Horizontal spinning in a position with a prick

    Put crumbs on your shoulder. Start dizzy, but do it carefully so that you do not feel dizzy and lose balance. Change the direction of rotation: clockwise, then counterclockwise.

    Exercise 8. Swinging up and down

    Stand on your knees, holding the child in front of you so that the baby is in an almost vertical position. Carefully lift it to eye level, and then tilt it as gently from the vertical to the horizontal position. Try to lower the baby so that for a while his head is below the legs. Raise the child and repeat this exercise.

    Exercise 9. Rolling

    This is an excellent exercise for the development of the vestibular apparatus.

    Place the baby on the back on the floor. Drop in front of him on your knees so that his feet touch your knees. Let him grab the index finger on your left hand with your right hand. You can tell him, for example: "Roll!" - and gradually pull his right hand behind his left hand so that he rolls over first to the left side, and then to the stomach.

    Then let the child grab the index finger of your right hand with your left hand. Der

    live his hand over his head and pull so that he rolls over first to his right side, and then to his back. Be careful, as his left hand can get into an uncomfortable position. Continue in the same way, rolling it first to the left, then to the right.

    Exercise 10. Jumping

    Take the kid to his face, gently press and start moving around the house jumping. He will feel how your body moves up and down.

    When the child already learns to control the position of his head and back, you can accelerate the jump and diversify the position of your "rider".Kroha will be interesting and useful to see the world from a new height.

    Exercise 11.

    airplane Take the baby in his arms so that it lies on the tummy. Keep it under your chest. Spin around with the child in one and the other side, raise and lower it in the same position.