The theory of early child development
Several years ago many parents were shocked by a small book called "After Three Is Already Late."Its author is the president of the company "Sonya" Masaru Ibuka. The preface to the English edition was written by Glen Doman.
Here are the main tips and recommendations of Masaru Ibuk on the early development of the child. Masaru Ibuka proposes to change not the content, but the way of teaching the child. All of them are aimed at making the child's brain work as much as possible, which means, to develop.
In his book, Masaru Ibuka discusses an extremely important and fundamental issue: what is more important and determining in the fate of the child - the genes or the environment in which it grows, and upbringing. He writes:
"Since ancient times, it is believed that outstanding talent is first of all heredity, the whim of nature. We are told that Mozart gave his first concert at the age of three, or that John Stuart Mill read the classical literature in Latin at that age, most respond simply: "Of course they are geniuses."
However, a detailed analysis of the early years of life of both Mozart and Milla suggests that their fathers were strictly raised, who wanted to make their children outstanding. I suppose that neither Mozart nor Mill was born of geniuses, their talent developed as much as possible because they were created with favorable conditions from the earliest childhood and gave an excellent education.
And vice versa, if a newborn is brought up in an environment that is alien to his nature, he has no chance to develop completely in the future. The most striking example is the story of the "wolf girls", Amala and Kamal, found in the 1920s in a cave southwest of Calcutta( India) by a missionary and his wife. They did their best to return the human form to the children, brought up by the wolves, but all efforts were in vain. It is considered to be a matter of course that the child born by man is a man, and the wolf's cub is a wolf. However, these girls and in human conditions continued to show wolf habits. It turns out that the education and the environment in which the baby falls immediately after birth, most likely, determines who he will become - a man or a wolf! "
Research of many scientists has proved that the presence of external influences seriously affects the development of the child's intelligence. The room, devoid of any attributes, is not just useless, but very harmful to the baby.
This, in particular, showed the experiments conducted by Professor Bru Masaru Ibuka claims that a huge impact on the newborn is provided by education and the environment.
He divided a group of newborn children into 2 groups, placing some in conditions completely devoid of any stimulants, and others - into a room with bright colorful wallpaper, colored ceiling, colorful blankets, where through the window it was seen how doctors and nurses work. It even played music.
Thus, those and other newborns were brought up under different conditions for several months, after which tests were conducted to determine intellectual development: each child was offered a brilliant subject, and the level of development was determined by the time that he needed to get to this subject. The results showed significant differences: according to the level of intelligence, children who were in an empty, bare room, lagged behind the peers from the room with a stimulating environment for three months.
This 3 month lag at this stage is very significant, since it is believed that the mental development of a child from birth to 3 years in its capabilities is similar to development from 4 to 17 years. And although scientists believe that the aforementioned lag can be overcome very soon, if the child is properly educated, but this will require a lot of effort and pressure on the baby.
Detailed study of many types of stimulation, most influencing the development of intelligence. Many techniques have been tried: a swaying cradle, brushes, bright ruffles, shiny balls, colored wallpaper, etc.
Similar experiments were conducted by many other psychologists. The results clearly showed that the presence or absence of external influence seriously affects the development of the child's abilities.
This is also evidenced by the so-called "white ceiling" effect, which is observed in infants, mother-prisoners who are out of freedom. These children spend most of the day lying crocheted in their cribs and see above themselves only a white ceiling. As a result, they are very much behind in their development and this defect in most cases can not subsequently be eliminated by any effort. The premise deprived of stimulants is harmful to the child!
It is necessary for the child to constantly see what is happening around him. To do this, provide him with an "observation post."
As soon as possible, allow the child to crawl, and then walk - first along the bed, and then around the room, throughout the apartment.
For emotional and general development of the child is favorable close physical contact, tactile communication of the child with parents and, first of all, with the mother. It is very important. Therefore, often take your baby in your arms, do not be afraid to put him in bed.
Never ignore the cry of a child. The crying of a child is his only means of drawing attention to himself. When he cries, it means that he is asking for something. And leaving his request without attention - means to deprive him of it from the very beginning of communication.
Do not make fun of your child, do not expose to the show and do not discuss its shortcomings in the presence of others. This you can greatly offend him, cause a deep psychological trauma and lose his trust in you for life. A kid can begin to feel inferior and grow up unsound. No matter how insignificant the lack of a child, you can never foresee what harm a public announcement or discussion of curiosities and mistakes of your baby can bring.
The child's room should be with colorful colorful wallpaper, colored ceiling, colorful blankets;that favorable conditions were created for the child and music was played. Toys should be pleasant to the touch.
Ignore the child worse than spoil it.
Do not "lisp" with the child, do not try to talk to him in his "children's" language, because in this case he will not have the right language skills, but at the same time, do not demand the irreproachable correctness of the pronunciation of each new word.
The correlation of rigor and permissiveness in different periods of life is extremely important. Even today, many psychologists and educators, especially those who are considered progressive, believe that early education and the education of young children will not bring positive results. Scientists consider it more correct to provide a child to a certain age to himself and allow him to do whatever he wants. Therefore, many parents throughout the world, under the influence of such ideas, consciously follow the principle of "granting freedom."
And the same parents, when their children go to kindergarten or school, abandon this principle and suddenly become strict, trying to raise and teach their children something. For no apparent reason affectionate mothers turn into strict and demanding.
Meanwhile, everything should be harmonious, natural and thought out. It is in the first years of a child's life that he needs to be both strict and affectionate, to teach him to understand the words "can" and "not."And when he begins to develop himself, you need to gradually learn to respect him as a person. More precisely, the parental influence must stop before the kindergarten. Non-intervention in early childhood, and then pressure on the child at a later age can ruin his talent and cause bewilderment and even resistance.
A child who grew up in love will be more balanced and kind, better adapted in society.
Very good incentives for the development of the child creates the presence of grandparents.
Impressions of early childhood determine the further way of thinking and actions of the child, largely determine its character. Therefore, it is risky to leave your child in the care of an unfamiliar person.
All affects the development of the child, for example, improper nutrition produces bad habits for life. The exact order of the day develops a sense of time. With free upbringing, when the child is most uncontrolled for most of the day, he eats as if it were, he grows insecure.
The development of the child is greatly influenced by the relationship between the parents. Even a newborn feels when the parents are at loggerheads: the expression on his face becomes depressed and restless. It is not difficult to understand what will happen to the child, who every day observes noisy scandals and quarrels of parents. He does not understand the meaning of all words, but anger and abuse will necessarily affect his state of health.
The characteristics of the parents have a great influence on the upbringing of the child. So, the child,
The expression of the child's face is a mirror in which the relations in the family are reflected.
brought up by a taciturn sullen person, will always be "not in the spirit", and growing up in a careless family - will be careless. A virus called "nervousness" in a mother is much more contagious and dangerous for a baby than a cold.
Of course, an adult is difficult to correct his shortcomings, even if he knows about them. Therefore, parents, grandparents should try to be extremely circumspect in their behavior in order to minimize the negative impact of their shortcomings on the future of children and grandchildren.
For the normal development of your baby, pay more attention to his communication with other children. It develops communication skills, a sense of competition, the desire to be the first, the thinking ability, will help in the future easier to find their place in the team and in life. Do not be afraid of dung between children. They develop the child's communication skills. Quarrels are the first lessons of life in the team.
Now people began to communicate less with each other. There are few people in families, and this affects the upbringing of children. Therefore, it would be extremely useful that, at least for the sake of their children, mothers would try to gather more often with their children.
M.Ibuka and G.Doman write a lot about physical education in early childhood. But they do not believe that the goal of such activities is the education of the outstanding
. The kid, who is not communicating with other children, grows up closed and difficult in character.
of the athlete. In their opinion, such occupations have a great influence on all the intellectual and moral upbringing of the child. They note the direct relationship between the child's physical and mental development.
A child who has been involved in physical education since his early childhood is developing faster and mentally. Conversely, a child who has been taught reading and math from early childhood grows healthier and stronger physically. At the same time, the earlier a child begins to play sports, the more he achieves success.
Like G. Doman, Masaru Ibuka considers the physical development of the child to be one of the main components of the child's overall development.
Physical exercises stimulate the development of muscles, bones, internal organs and the brain, that is, stimulate its mental development. And the development of intelligence is greatly facilitated by the training of fingers. At the same time, the left hand should be trained in the same way as the right one.
It is established that a child who starts to walk early, grows very clever, as a more intense physical load promotes the development of his intellect.
For example, it's easier to learn how to roll on a baby's roller when he does not know how to walk.
We also note that regular sports activities raise in a child such qualities as organization, ability to protect and rationally use their own and others' time.
For the development of the child's motor abilities and his intelligence, it is very useful to participate in simple work around the house, in the garden and in the garden. To draw to it it is often quite difficult and often it is easier for parents to do everything themselves.
Masaru Ibuka attaches great importance to studies in early childhood and music.
In his opinion, such classes pay great attention to all the intellectual and moral upbringing of the child.
On the method of this author - the Japanese teacher and musician Shinichi Suzuki - begin to talk and write more and more, in music schools there are groups and teachers working on this system. The main idea of the author of the system is that all children are born talented. The only difference is that some children developed something from early childhood, but others do not.
The system is designed for very young children between the ages of one and a half to three years. They are taught to play the violin. Of course, your child will not be put for an hour or more before the music stand and will not force "to carry" through the strings. Baby no one will rush, he can
first see how other children play and join classes when they are ready for it when they have a desire to repeat something. And the first lessons can last only 2-3 minutes. The crumbs will not scare the exams and scold the unlearned scales: there is an atmosphere of creativity and respect for the small muse
cant. Usually in such groups children are taught to play the violin, but there are developments for cello, piano, flute.
Suzuki's system is based on the fact that parents actively participate in the learning process. If you do not have hearing and you are not able to reproduce correctly any single note, do not be upset: the hearing can be developed( if not to the absolute, then at least to the average level), and you will learn together with the baby. Teachers by the method of Suzuki say that in the classroom we are not two, but three - a child, a teacher and a mother( father).And all three of them "play with the violin".
In addition to early learning to play the violin, it is interesting in the Suzuki system and the fact that these activities contribute greatly to the overall development of the child.
• In the game on the violin, the child's fingers are stimulated. This contributes to the inclusion of the speech zone, in other words - the development of speech. Almost in every lesson the child is offered "finger games" for some poetic text. These games are very popular with speech therapists. Practice shows, as experts note, that the earlier a child with speech problems began to practice violin, the more effectively and quickly the process of correction of speech proceeds. And for two-year-old children, he can borrow from 1 month to 4 years, for 3-year-olds, it can take up to a year. The older the child, the longer the process and the more effort will be required.
From 18 months to 3 years your child can develop the following musical skills:
• understand the difference between loud and quiet music, fast and slow;
• follow and distinguish the rhythms of music, striking to the beat;
• learn the words of simple songs;
• study together with other children.
• Develops fine motor skills of hands, hands acquire greater mobility, the stiffness of movements disappears, and this subsequently facilitates the learning of writing.
• Coordination of movements is developing. Specialists call the violin a wonderful educational toy for improving coordination. When playing this instrument, each hand performs different movements. All the centers of the brain are actively stimulated.
• Improves the ability to combine auditory, visual perception and motor coordination, which in turn helps the child to be attentive and assiduous.
• Violin gives active development of multi-channel ™.Multichannel is the ability of a child to hear what they say to him, do it and not be distracted by something else. In three years, children are usually single-channel. They can listen to only one person and immediately get distracted, while it is difficult to return "to the old channel."According to the Suzuki system, the teacher encourages the child to multi-channel ™.Together with this, both hemispheres of the brain actively develop.
Many techniques from the Suzuki technique can be used in everyday life with a toddler. For example, knowing about single-channel perception in young children, ask the child to do something slowly, briefly and concretely. Do not demand it simultaneously, for example, touch, look, listen. You only risk chaos in the perception of information and a lack of understanding of what these adults want from him.
Meet the theory of this author, with articles about his system. Even if you are opposed to teaching the child music, perhaps for yourself you will find the
a lot new and interesting on the psychology and development of the child.
If Suzuki's technique is uninteresting to you or if such a group is not near you, you can give the child to a good choir studio. As a rule, in good studios, the program includes individual piano lessons.
A small child is extremely difficult to force something to do under compulsion. Therefore, the best pedagogical method is to provoke interest in the subject of instruction. Therefore, the main task of parents, if they want to teach something to a child, is to provoke interest, this is the best motivation.
Thus, it can be said that the task of parents is to prepare a child for training. To cause this interest, it is important to create the necessary conditions.