  • Who came to us?

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    Features of the game and its educational value. Children are offered "a new condition for gaming partnership - they are in turn entrusted with active roles that everyone performs as he or she wants." The new role is central to the game, children understand this at once and tend to get excited about getting it.in other games, the role is assigned to an adult who does this so that all participants in the game are satisfied. It offers the role not just to one but to three children at once and asks each child to do it at his own discretion

    Game actions related to the performance ofoli, give great pleasure to her performer: peers' attention and joyful reaction on their part are very pleasing to him. For all other children the game is an amusing sight, giving the chance to show their ingenuity, which means that they too are active participants in the game.waiting for your turn on this or that role does not bother the guys.

    The above features of the game help the educator organize children, bring them closer together, enrich the game and social experience.

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    Description of the game and its techniques. The educator places the children on the stools and informs that different animals will come to visit them today, and which ones - they should guess about this themselves. He summons two or three children( the most courageous and resourceful), leaves with them to the side and quietly, so that it is not audible to the others, agrees which guest this or that child will represent. The teacher helps each of them to find the movements corresponding to his role, as well as onomatopoeia. Sets the order of their output.

    Returning to the rest of the children, the tutor announces: "Here comes the first guest who came to us, show us!" The first guest comes out. If it's a dog, the child imitates her barking( "gav-gav-gav") and waves backwards with her hand like a tail, if the kitten - meows and rests on the carpet on the back, if the cock - proudly raises its head, waves its bent-winged hands and loudly screams"Cockerel!", And if the goat came - puts out horns and jumps.

    Children guess who came to them, and they receive the guest kindly, affectionately. The educator tries to supplement the image of the animal, to activate the imagination of all participants of the game and gives an example of a friendly attitude to the guest: "What a wonderful dog has come to us, what are her ears, what a nose. ..", etc. After playing with the dog, the children sit her downon the high chair. There is a knock at the door, and the next guest appears. After the meeting of the third guest, the educator calls to himself other children and distributes roles between them.

    The game is repeated until each child is visited as a guest.

    In the future, the game can be done differently. The educator gives the children pictures of animals that are familiar to them, animals or birds: a crow, a sparrow, a duck, a goose, a dog, a cat, a pig, a cow, a horse, etc., and some pictures can be repeated. Putting their pictures on the chairs downward, the children take turns to approach the educator and report what is pictured. The adult tells the child the movements that correspond to the image, and helps to enter into his role. In other respects, the game continues as described above.

    Tips for the educator. At the beginning of the game, the role should be given to the bravest and resourceful children, who will later be imitated by the rest of the guys. In each group there are shy, insecure kids. They usually hesitate to act in front of everyone, but feel awkward and afraid. Help your students become more relaxed. For this, you can simultaneously assign the same role to two children-timid and bold. The latter, perhaps, will infect his own example of a shy child.

    If the kid resolutely refuses the guest's role, do not force him to do this. Let him first watch his peers. Perhaps, the cheerful, benevolent atmosphere of the game will help him overcome the shyness that prevents him from being active. And for the development of the child's personality, it is so important!